chapter 1 Page 16

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How in the fuck can the Dream SMP book be so trauma-inducing in real life, well let me tell you how.

The fucking mobs, you got shot in the arm by a skeleton and now? You are panicking from the blood loss.

Your thoughts didn't consist of 'im gonna fucking die someone help please!' no, no it consisted of you complaining about not getting any bitches not maidens, even though in this book it's completely a lie, you already had three.

Small pricks of tears did slide down your face in pain each time you moved your arm, how can people have kinks for these(#notkinkshaming).

Your head was turning left and right trying to keep an eye out for any mobs, if you are correct there should be about seven hostile mobs in the book- et real life so that would be, cave spider, zombie, normal spider, creeper, drowned, skeleton those fuckers that are the wintery skeletons and another mob?

Well at the moment you didn't pay attention to that last mob instead you kept your gaze ahead trying to keep a look out for L'Manberg.

If you didn't find it soon you might pass out from blood loss...

Oops, too late I guess.

Your body lost consciousness falling face first your eyes going hazy before shutting down.

Damn what a little bitc-

Once you had fallen a little hoot escaped an owl's beak, the little fucker that had gotten you into this mess.

Its wide eyes stared down at you before ruffling its feathers and flying off.

But... That wasn't the only eyes watching you now was it?

I wonder what could be keeping its eyes on you?

Could be a he? Maybe she? They? Or maybe... A god?

No, no that's impossible gods don't take interest in lesser beings like yourself.

That would be nearly impossible, right?


Maybe it is a god? Or two? three possibly, who knows surely not you, haha.

A demi-god would be more likely to take interest in humans yes, yes it could be a demi-god.

Your breath is shortened by each drop of blood that ran out of your body, your skin going colder and paler by the minute.

Oh how unfortunate, game over already? You haven't even received your first request, oh how sad indeed.

No more entertainment for anyone else I guess.

That just makes me frown.




How lucky are you?

You caught the attention of..... Of? Of?

Of -------, oh it's not typing out, how sad.

A small golden totem dropped onto your back were a bit of skin was touching before it floated up into the air a hole going into the shoulder of it, while your injured shoulder healed up.

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