CH 2 page 23

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(I want to make this extremely clear that this is based on the C! And not the CC!(like i've state in the first part(?) To this book) Because with the drama with dream? Eesh, oosh, aash its fucking terrible, I don't know if it's real or not but I'm gonna continue to think it is because like? Bros grooming and the fact that he jerked his Jim slim off to technoblade(I'm not too sure about this one, I heard it ages ago but the again still not to sure) anyways 😋 I'm going fully based off of memory with the plot so bare with me Pookies😖🙏)

"GET BACK HERE YOU MAN WHORE" you yelled as you chased after the one and only... Sapnap, did you think I was gonna say Shlatt? No.



As soon as he had seen you he started making these awful little pick up lines, saying he was 'practicing' his flirting on you.

Did you take to kindly to the god awful flirts? No, it was unkindly, something that you were gonna throw hands with.


That only made you chase the man faster.

The commotion was bound to catch someone's attention, bound to make someone watch, that someone being a certain fox that had seeked out your attention after hearing about you from Niki- especially with how overjoyed you were to see her- maybe you'd be even more overjoyed to see him? I mean, you always took sug good care of him, making sure he felt comfortable around you- god just the thought of you made a small prep go into his step as he grinned, sharp canines poking out from his normal crooked teeth.

And the fact that he heard you yelling? Got him even more excited to see you once he heard your voice.

Look at him skip away😁

Though that toothy grin soon turn into a snarl as he saw Sapnap, being as sappy as ever- did that man have no decency? Fundy had heard that he was engaged, soon to be married, so why in the actual fuck was he here? Flirting with you? You?.. you.

That snarl soon turn into a puppy love look as his tailed swished around, ears perked up as he watched you swing you fist at Sapnap.

Sapnap? Fucking Sapnap had your attention? Why wasn't it him, why couldn't it be him? This was so unfair! Here Fundy was, deprived of your attention, and then you have the most disgusting man at your feet! Where he belonged!

"YOU FUCK." Sapnap only smiled up at you, enjoying the attention he was getting, he knew he had stopped you from going some place important, he knew all to well, he just wanted to talk really, maybe throw a small pickup line out to you, thinking you'd throw your own back at him like you use to.

Clearly something had changed in you, he could see it by your posture going tense and your eyes filling with hatred as he flirted, that didn't mean he didn't like the fact you told him to fuck off- it didn't mean he didn't like the fat that you punched him or chased him just to beat him up.

He loved the feeling of it, your attention solely on him, no one else, it was addicting.

After finding out how you died, he thought the news was a joke, but it wasnt- it had him holed up in his room for days only coming out when he was forced to- meaning he met his fiancé had dragged him out of his room so he wouldn't rot, he pictured your face on his soon to be husbands face, it brightened his mood thinking you were with him, his only source of comfort.

He hated the fact that your head snapped towards the fox that slowly inched by, you definitely weren't the same with how you glared at it instead of coo'ing like usual, you were the same kind bafoon you were, you were now a bitch- I guess much hasn't really changed has it?

"Stupid fucking-" you humbled as you stepped away from Sapnap to leave much to his displeasure- though when you stepped back you fell on your booty cheeks- yeah nothing really changed, huh?

(Oh noo- oh noo! I'm leaving this book for another year! Oh noooo!! Anyways guys😋 hope you enjoy your crumb I just wanted to check on this account(I wanted to find that old creepypasta book but couldn't so I'm running back away to make more CH on my new account😼) thought I might as well feed some of you mfs that still read this😣 Weirdo, if you see this, no you didn't, of course this isn't edited because I got multiple other CHS to edit and this is definitely not a priority so sorry for not making. As much jokes in this book Pookies😣)

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