CH 2 page 4

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(already writing season 2 as I go along with this and the other book so as soon as this is done hopefully I will have a couple of chapters prepared)

You already felt yourself aging with wrinkles especially when Tommy came into the little hole you had dug out with your now broken pickaxe and claimed he had a nightmare, as childish as it sounded Tommy genuinely sounded terrified to be alone-

And like any other person that had a soft spot for issued kids you let him sleep in your bed next to you, when you had awoken from your sleep all you could feel was Tommy's back pressed up against yours, him being curled up in a ball while almost pushing you off the bed when he had shifted, how bad would it be if you just... Slapped him?

Tempting but, instead of doing what your intrusive thoughts were screaming at you to do you ignored it and decided to get your greased-covered self up and out, by out you meant out of this man cave place, to where might you ask? Well to complete your little deal that the author never wrote about!

You stood up ignoring Tommy who shifted in the bed and groaned.

Your footsteps made clicking sounds each time they hit the cold stoned floor.

Your feet made a sharp turn going straight towards the stairway- which now had railings Made out of hard mud.

Your hands grazed it before taking it off and looking at your hand that now had a thin layer of dirt which you wiped on your pants.

"Where are you going?" Oh? Didn't know he would be up, did you?

Your head whipped around staring at the greased-up man and tilted your head slightly backward.

"Somewhere, why do you want to know Mr soot?"

His eyes narrowed as he stared up at the slightly grinning woman, "Mr soot?"

"Yes," you quickly nodded your head, perfect timing to make a Candice joke...

"Y/n, you didn't even ask me if you could go out" Mr clean knock off crossed his arms mimicking the grin you wore.

"What are you my dog?" You paused for a second.

Wilbur paused for a second, slowly nodding his he-


Bark bark I guess-



Another moment of silence passed by before it went back to serious, oh to make a dirty joke right now.

"Answer my question y/n, where are you going without my permission" his feet slowly advancing towards you before stopping a few steps down, about eight?

"To betray your ass"

Another moment of silence, before a chuckle escaped his lips, mmm what is this flavor? denial? my favorite.

"Be serious and answer my damn question" his voice raised a bit, his eyes clearly showing a looking of irritation.

"NO, YOU ANSWER MY QUESTION" your voice went into a sorta high pitch, (sounding like Micky mouse) while you stepped forward raising your hand and shifting it into a pointed finger.

"Why in the actual fuck is there dirt railings" you flopped your hand towards your side while nodding your head in the direction of the railings.

"... I kept falling so Technoblade put them up.. now answer my question"

"Pushy much? Fine, fine I'm gonna revive your wife, take her out on a date then if she wants to AND ONLY IF SHE WANTS TO we can have the devil's tango" your voice had a serious tone in it when in reality you weren't gonna fuck his wife, but instead try to find a god.

no, not to fuck but to make a deal.



You both stared at each other before you turned around, not wanting Technoblade to see you leave, he probably heard it all from the potato room s-

"You weren't gonna tell Tommy of your departure"

Almost forgot that world was not gonna lie.

You stared at the half-pig half man hybrid who was right behind Wilbur.

You raised your finger to your lips before doing a shushing noise.

Dropping your hand wants again you shrugged before saying: "I'll only be gone for like... Three days? Maybe a bit more?" You shrugged again not having a clue on when you'd be back.

"Wh-" you turned around looked them both up and down before turning forward and walking the rest of the way up.

walking out of that cold, smelly, and ugly cave you traveled through the small yet creaky forest.

This was gonna be fun! You could finally act out your plan, of course, it might be a bit difficult to do but you'll never know until your try.

Honestly, you should start with an easier god, but the easier gods were the hardest to find.

So the most worshipped gods would have to do, those gods being? Well XD is one of them XP is another and of course, the goddess of death and the goddess of life would be the hardest.

You already had HD on your side that's for sure, the reason you already knew he was on your side? Well, he claimed he was your lover of course! So it's a no-brainer that he's on your side.

You took another step, hearing a loud crack from a stick, which was not done by yourself but everyone's favorite power-hungry piss-flavored teletubbie.

"Dreamy creamy" you seemed full of energy.

"Dreamy creamy?" He stopped giving a 'what the fuck, are you stupid" expression.

"Yeah, yeah you agreed to the deal right?" You asked, of course, he had already confirmed it when you asked for said deal but you always gotta double check, just in case he changed his mind.

"Yes," a quick firm nod.

Again, he still couldn't see why most of the people saw in you, you looked like any other plain old person, any other man, Non-binary or woman he's cha-cha-cha'ed with, so what could be so special about you-

"Have you heard about Candice?" A sweet innocent smile played on your face as he walked through the forest away from the SMP, L'Manberg, and pogtopia.

Oh, he saw why now.

Shaking his head he stayed silent slightly afraid to ask before speaking up.

"No, who's candi-"


(Little fun fact, when I typed 'no brainer' it Auto corrected to 'no boner' which says a lot about what I write about and the type of keyboard I have on my device. also, yes I am immature)

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