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(here to say that, you can be whatever height you want in this but I only put 6'0 as a reference for the reader and because height is one of the most imitating things a person can have(in my opinion) that is the main reason why I have put 6'0 down, I do want the reader for this book to be a more confident, manipulative, sadistic, Gen Z humoured girlboss(or manboss if your changing the she/her pronouns to male pronouns or Non-binaryboss if you're changing the feminine pronouns to non-binary pronouns) with a more villainy type of shit while also making herself(himself/their self) look like more of a hero in the others eyes(Tommy, Tubbo, George ECT ECT) so again if you're under 6'0 that is fine if I ever mention that the readers height is 6'0 again please change it to your preferred height😫)

That was a big gasp you let out wasn't it? That big ' UOGH ' typa gasp, was it a crisp gasp? It sounded like one.

If your wondering what in the actual fuck is happening well, you had already spaced out from Jshlatts whole entire speech up until Tubbo's part, pulling out the Ender pearl away from Niki's and somehow Punz, who was still staring at you in shock from the kiss you blew at him, even though you were mocking him, he kinda liked it, masochist much?... He better get in line cause I ain't letting him skip😡, that was a joke don't cancel me on twitter, twitch or the cocomelon channel on YouTube.

Back on track, you held the Ender pearl tighter, the slight squishy-ness of it was almost soothing yet disgusting at the same time, not to mention the liquids of it whenever you squished it would run down between the cracks of your fingers before making its way down your arm with a thick like movement, almost like blood, yet it looked like clear cum.

With another loud ass gulp of air in, someone had finally noticed your nervous self, that someone was? Well the person sitting next to you of course!

Niki! She couldn't see you squishing the Ender pearl since it was not only on the other side but basically behind your thigh.

She looked mildly concerned for you, and as a concerned ' friend ' she wanted to help you! What a lovely woman now isn't she.

She grabbed your hand, the one not occupied by the pearl of course.

Intertwining your fingers together gently before placing a small soft kiss on your knuckles.

She gently placed your hand back on your once but no longer bouncing leg, than put back her own hand in her lap, focusing her attention on Tubbo, who was now just finishing up his speech, saying the code word for Wilbur, who was up on a building with Tommy somewhere, with Wilbur of course panicking about what he's supposed to do.

The older British man had yet to notice you, and if he did? Well, the son of a bitch would probably jump down there crawl to your feet and start kissing the top of your shoe while also somehow hugging your leg.

And finally they were putting Tubbo in a concrete yellow box.

It's always Tubox and never Tuberculosis chamber.


Letting out a deep breath your leg bounced once again as you squished the Ender pearl even more, more juices (🙂) ran down your hand in that blood, clear cum movement.

As you leaned forward, getting  your pearl ready to throw.

Technoblade had finally taken his steps up towards the stadium, making a badass entrance as you would put it.

With another brain fart, and over thinking thoughts you had yet to realise...

Realise what? Oh well that would be, Tubbo.

The poor goat boy was now withering in pain, as he clutched his now highly burnt and bleeding face.

You stared wide in shock.

Your jaw hung open as you let the Ender pearl go, it freely rolling on the grassy cobblestone.

The thing you were anxiously waiting for, the thing you went to the stupid ass fuck festival, was to save Tubbo.

But all thanks to you spacing out, you had missed out a chance to not only save Tubbo and make sure he keeps his second canon life but to also get a cool ass scar.

And now here you were looking at Tubbo cry out in pain as Tommy stared down at Tubbo in shock as he desperately called for Tubbo's name.

Another loud wail was let out from Tubbo as Technoblade shot another firework arrow, and then another and of course one more for good luck.

Now all you could see was crimson scattered across the platform as Jshlatt cackled  with a tense looking Quackity behind him.

Letting a small crisp gasp out as you looked around the place.

Oh poor you though! You must be feeling so awful! Hi my name's Steph I'm your bad thoughts for today, it's nice to meet you! Anyways! You must be feeling like a pile of dog shit right now? You were the only one that knew this would happen, well beside Jshlatt of course, the old man planned this, but yet! It's still your fault! You should've paid more attention to Tubbo! Sure he'll come back, but he won't look the same, he won't act the same, he won't be the same, and guess what! That's all. Your. Fault. Haha!

Still standing in shock as you stared at the now dead, lifeless Tubbo, who was at the moment disappearing and turning into a cloud of dust.

Do you feel like crying right now don't you? You feel like having a mental breakdown don't you y/n? And... Why the fuck do you feel like you wanna make a Ur mum joke? How the fuck is that a feeling? And why do you wanna make a terrible joke when someone just died? Rizz-less motherfuckers I swear.

You were again, far too distracted to notice the clicking of bones and the whiteness/greyness of said bones in your peripheral vision, along with the sound of...

The sound of?

The sound of what?

Well the sound of the whizz of an arrow before hearing a loud noise, before hearing nothing at all, falling to the ground with a wide eyed, wide mouth expression.

You had fallen dead, just like Tuberculosis, but with a different type of weapon, sure it could reload loads, but it wasn't a crossbow.

No, no, no it was a bow. Along with an arrow.

That had gotten reloaded by a skeleton, your worst nightmare, your mortal enemy, the fucking skeleton, you died but a meatless, skinless, eyeless, micheal Jackson looking, no ear having skeleton.

And that arrow it had reloaded? Well it got lodged into your head of course.

Two people dying in one night? How fun is that?

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