CH 2 page 16

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"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME, PLEASE" you had left Philza house without anyone knowing somehow, both Philza and Techno was no where to be seen for a couple of hours so you, as an independent woman decided you wanted to have some fun out in the snow, that fun being justing look around outside in the snow, but unlucky for you a certain entity did not want to go another day without looking at you.

"PLEASE SPARE MY SCRUMPTIOUS ASS" a few dramatic tears slid down your face as a baby polar bear kept running after you.

You floated faster away from the cute little polar bear, while the said polar bear ran faster for you on both of its small little paws.

The polar bear looked really weird one would say.

The reason I say that is well, it had a black X on its paw and looked excited to see you, as if it knew you from somewhere.

It let out a tiny roar in response to you yelling at it to leave it alone.

You let out another terrified shriek.

"NO, FUCK NO PLEASE, I DONT WANNA DI-" stopping in your tracks you turned towards the still running polar bear.

If you'd look close enough you could've possibly seen the gears turning in your head, the cobwebs and dust being blown away by the mini y/n factory workers as they started the brain up.

Letting out a small 'oh' you had finally realised.

Your dumbass couldn't die again, the polar bear stopping Infront of you, sitting it's white fluffy bottom down on the now thin layer of snow.

Looking towards the direction you were running in you say the snow had started to cut off leading into an area that was now currently giving you De-ja vu.

Looking back at the polar bear, who was still staring up at you with wide almost sparkling eyes, as if it was admiring you, observing you, worshiping you.

You shivered slightly from the intense stare the polar bear was giving using your transparent hands to shoot the bear away from you, your brows furrowed as the bear stayed where it was, occasionally moving whenever you turned your back to continue forward.

Deciding on finally giving up, you moved forward, trying your best to ignore the soft patters of the small white bear following you.

As soon as you went through the bushes, the leaves and sticks you had taken notice of builds, some with red vines wrapped around it, vines that looked as if they had a pulse.

You continued forward, cracking your knuckles nervously each time you saw a vine move towards you like it was trying to sell raisin girl scout cookies to you.

Each time it did move towards your ghostly figure(no idea on how it would effect your body) the small bear would growl at it viciously.

Continuing down the oak path, the vines had increased rapidly.

And then finally a voice perked up.


Right sorry fourth wall, my bad, my bad.

"Oh what's this?"a voice, a high pitched sweet voice might I add asked questioningly.

I'd be confused too if I saw a ghost with a rabid infested polar bear behind it.

Now the moment you've all been waiting for, or well some of you been waiting for, the second interacting between Badboyhalo and y/n.

"AAAAAAAAAAA" you screamed out at the tall(er) demon, the halo above its hoodie, netherite helmet and horns floating innocently.

You stopped your screaming for a split second, holding your finger up as if to say 'hold on, I need to take a breath for my none usable lungs' before letting out another scream, tears brimming at your eyes anything that could potentially be dangerous.

Badboyhalo had stood there, the vines around his body pulsating slowly in a rhythm.

The fallen angel Infront of you looked down at you in concern, his eyebrows raised in a questioning manner as he went to ask you a simple question.

"Are you feeling alright"

"AAAAA" small red tears pricked at your eyes, the tears weren't made of water surprisingly but instead a sandy sort of substance, like Redstone.

The sand fell from your eyes, touching one of the red vines, in response to being touch by the red sand the vine had started pulsating violently.

Now this was some classic y/n shit right her lady's, gentlemen and mx's, the reason I say that is because once dear old grandpa Bad here saw the pulsating red vines beneath your floating self he had looked up at you with his mouth forming into a wide grin.

He spoke once more as the grin grew wider and wider to the point where he started to look like the Grinch on steroids.

"You.. The egg likes you!"

"I don't know sir, Im not a big fan of omelettes, but thanks for the offer?"

Bad had stopped his growing grin for a split second before the grin transformed into a smile as he let out a laugh.

Shaking his head he once again started to speak "No, no silly, haha! It wants something from you!" He said cheerfully as he clasped both of his hands onto yours(somehow) holding it tightly as he grinned once more, his sharp canines showing to you in all of its glory as his eyes went wide open while staring at you intensly.

"I'm not a hooker though?" You stared at him questioningly.

Moving your other hand, (the one not in his grasp) under your face, letting the red dust form on your hand in a small mound.

You stared awkwardly at the ink black claws holding onto your hand tightly as you tried to tug it away from the fallen angel, yet alas luck was not in your side as Bad kept his grip on it.

You continued to stare at the claws, gripping your other hand in a ball, some of the red powder leaked out falling onto the vine once more as it started pulsating violently once again.

You opened your free hand once again, the red powder was now in a shape, what shape you may ask? Well, it was shaped as a muffin.

Your final plan to get him to let go before you ask the polar bear to bit his toes off, since the polar bear seemed to listen to you beside the part when you would tell it to get the fuck away from you, it had listen to any other command you had ask of it, but again the plan was, to give him a red muffin that was made from your Redstone like, quote on quote tears.

Holding it out to him with a nervous smile.

He, in return to the glowing muffin, looking down at it with slight amazement before looking up to thank you and preach about how great the egg was.

But as soon as he had let go of your hand you had gotten the fuck out of there, the polar bear follow close behind of course.


(This note is to a certain person: you have gotten your muffin scene now please don't hide under my bed and grab my ankles each time I get off of said bed😟 btw if you couldn't tell I'm completely out of CH ideas😋)

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