CH 2 page 19

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(nvm y'all, I can't focus on the other one, so we're back to this old one 😖((I can't make up my mind forgive me🙏)) )

A rough day it was, the reason being? Well not only a polar bear that is currently following you but also a slimy, green booger ball too.

'who is the slimy booger ball?' you may ask, well if you couldn't figure it out, it's Charlie.

If you could figure it out, then congratulations! Your smarter than the people that couldn't figure it out!

The slime man had creeped you out from his wide eyes staring at you, as if you were some sort of prized possession that shouldn't be scratched nor harmed, his eyes also held a gleam of adoration and a look that would be given to a god or goddess when worshipping and praying.

"Hello [Name] from another world!!" His enthusiasm wasn't returned as you gave him a weird, nervous glance.

Not only did you not return his enthusiasm but didn't reply to his greetings.

Not even a wave was thrown towards him.

Well.. that's unusual.

Usually you'd waved at him back, give him a kiss then leave! Well, thats what apart of his Breen mushy brain made up!

So, of course! Whatever his brain makes up is 100% the truth.

Were you mad at him? So mad as to not wave, speak nor give him a peck on his cheek? Perhaps he forgot something? Perhaps you were feeling tired and didn't want to express PDA? Yeah, that last one seems so more believable than the first one.

I mean, who would be mad at hi-

"[Name] from another world? Where have you gone!?" His questioned held excitement and a touch of fear, thinking you had been snagged and kidnapped.

He repeated his question, hoping to see you or that polar bear somewhere.

He did a full three sixty without being able to spot you, as worry set in he started to move from his spot, finally he began moving faster in hopes of finding you, still having that same grin on as he continuously chanted your name out in hopes of you responding to him.

Though, that won't happen, seems as though ghost [Name] is much more smarter than alive [Name], wouldn't you agree?

"Can you leave me alone you white powdered Freddy?" You questioned with a small amount of disgust, seemingly not liking the polar bear.

The bear immediately picked up on it but ultimately ignored it, still following you through the place, avoiding stepping on those nasty, nasty vines.

You did like bears, just not bears that scared the shit out of you and could touch you.

You also didn't like the flash of forced memory's that would appear every so often whenever the soft fur would brush against you, showing images of you smiling with some giant being, sometimes the giant thing would be holding you, caressing you with care. Other times it was the giant thing kneeling before you, it's big seemingly drawn on grin widening whenever you would touch it gently on its face, whenever the memory appeared, you would caress its face it would nuzzle in, seemingly trying to get more and more and more of your affection.

Y'know, like a manwhore😡

Bro should just go work at a strip club at this point, like, chill😡 GYAT.

The bear would sometimes nuzzle itself into your ghostly cold thigh, it seemingly grinned a freakishly human grin, scaring the living hell out of you, it was like something straight out of a horror game, not to mention when it just dissapea- DID IT JUST DISAPEAR?? OH HELL NAH.

It really was like you were in a horror game, you were not McFucking lovin' that. . .

(I have favourites when it comes to certain people interacting with this specific book😟

I have no clue what I'm doing anymore😌)


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