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"ahem," a loud yet soft voice cleared his throat as he stared down at you from his thro- bed???

"I-" trying to get a word in before you cut yourself off waiting for the person to continue speaking.

"So you are the one my Ex has taken a liking to, huh? You don't look like much" the person let out a scoff as they crossed their arms their head tilted as they glared down at you.

Clearing your throat much like the other did, "what you jealous? Pussy b-" okay probably you shouldn't insult someone that looks more powerful than you.

He waved his hand basically asking for you to go on as his glare hardened.

"Who even is your "Ex" oh no, don't tell me it's the filsh fucker... Oh dear i-" you stared at the God as he stared back his gaze once a glare before it turned like a zombie- dead inside.

"What? No XD, the sorry excuse of a lover I had, decided he no longer wanted me and used that bullshit excuse 'it's not me it's you' and left me to go for you!" They sounded irritated as they lifted their hands to massage their head.

"Dude, he said you were the problem? What the fuck is wrong with him? I bet he was the problem" okay maybe try to get on their good side? Possibly? Take one out of Kelly's book and Tell them they're worth it?

"Of course he is! He's the one that asked me out yet he's never been committed to this relationship!" The God let out a huff.

You opened your mouth in disbelief, not only did you do that to stall time as well but you try to think of what to say, might as well use Kai's tactics, "he doesn't deserve your glory, I can treat you better than that man" okay maybe should've stuck with Kelly's tactics and try to comfort him.

A silent pause has presented the air going a little awkward so you put your head down in embarrassment, should've been yourself and told him to fuck off.

"Really?" Okay maybe should've gone with Kai's tactics all along?

You gave a nod, you could feel the beads of sweat running down your head, did you just get yourself into an accidental relationship? Yeah probably-

"Of course!" You clapped your hands.

Two larger hands clapped against yours- covering your hands and wrists, ' sweet Ohio, holy fuck, I do not want to get slapped by him- unle- '

"So, you love me?" Oh, you could finally see his mask, and you now knew what God this was.

HD, the god of nature and dreams.

"I guess? If you want to take it that way sure?" Should've denied it but hey he might come in use in your nearby future plans.

The D in his mask immediately widened as he let go of your hands and clapped his together.

You gave him the most realistic grin you could give before looking around and pulling a stack of Uno cards out.

"Wanna play Uno-?"

You felt a shake as soon as you placed another plus four down before everything went black, no room with a bed no HD anywhere, and oh dear god...... no Uno cards!

But oh? Is that? The blood god staring down at you as you lay on the floor basically half asleep with dirt covering your entire body and drool escaping from your mouth covering your whole cheek?

Oh, and what's this? Does he have a grin? That can't be good, now can it?

"Oh? Eesh, Nah" you laid back down before shutting your eyes and trying to go back to sleep.

Did it work? No, no it didn't, did you hate the feeling of red Ruby eyes staring through your body? Yes, you did!

How funny would it be if you flipped him off? Not that funny the man is the one that housed you and let you eat his food and you'd repay him with a middle finger?

Sounds like something you would do.

Tommy popped out from behind him before squeezing past the buff yet sorta soft brute piglin.

His arms spread out wide as he came closer to you before kneeling and hugging your almost dead-like figure.

His voice screamed in your ear as he yelled your name pulling you closer to him.

"How is your shoulder? Does it still slightly ache? Do you need anything?" His questions flew over your head as his voice was muffled by your shoulder.

Another voice clear his throat as he also had to squeeze past The piglin brute.

He stood over the both of you as Tommy continued to find comfort in holding you, he moved his fist up to his mouth before giving an ' ahem ' and then said: "y/n I would like for you to meet someone"the same hand he motioned to Technoblade who still hasn't moved from his spot.

"Yeah, I've met the man before, he's actually the one who trained my fighting skills" you sat up(with Tommy basically riding on your back at this point) before standing up as you sprung up giving Wilbur a nod of acknowledgement before your back and straighten your height going taller as you stood just a few feet under Technoblade.

"Well, this is kinda cliche-" your face twisted into a cringe as you felt another pair of arms wrap around you.

His head buried into your neck while his hair fell everywhere mostly on his back.

Feeling a sharp tooth poking at your neck as he nuzzled in it closer.

Now if you looked over at Wilbur you could see the surprised look on his face, he didn't expect you to know his adoptive brother did he?

You glanced at Willy Wonka awkwardly before slightly nodding your head to both of the men hugging you one platonic and the other...

Getting the hint from the slight movement of your head he let a grin form on his facial features before clapping his hands getting the attention of everyone.

"You guys ready to start a revolution?" He turned around letting his coat which had taken a thin layer of dirt over it, fly behind him as he walked outside to start the planning.

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