chapter 1 page 4

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After a few months of staying there with both Philza and Technoblade, you finally decided you wanted to see if you could find your two friends the only problem

Techno had gotten attached. out of character you know but still, he got attached to the dad jokes

Phil got closer to you but you did throw a potato at his head so he was kinda mad about it

"Why can't I go? Give me a good reason" crossing my arms while looking at Technoblade "you might get hurt" Techno replied with an unimpressed expression his pig ears twitching in annoyance

"Train me" looking at him with a blank stare "what?" A confused took over his face he dropped his hands to his side

Letting out a wheeze "you heard me, train me so I can be prepared for any threats, once I'm trained I'll leave"

He stared at you slowly processed what you said and nodded ' I can keep her with me a little longer... ' "we'll begin tomorrow" he said looking up

Like any other cliche fanfiction with Technoblade, the voices wouldn't speak and when they did they would. hype him up?, Or just say something stupid either that or a mix of both

You gave a nod and went outside to get some wood, it was boring staying inside all day, you needed that rush of adrenaline pumping through your veins

The need for adventure was prominent too, it was weird back in the old world you hated adventuring, hated going outside, interacting and other stuff like socialising, you weren't a grumpy hag, you weren't cheerful either, you'd make jokes out of serious stuff even though you would panic inside. you wanted people to laugh at that. hating whenever someone would fight, fighting was not a big thing you liked in your book, hell you even used to cry when it came to serious fights with yelling involved

Back on track with what you were doing, your original clothes weren't suited for cold weather like this so you had to borrow a shirt, jacket and pants which you didn't like the pants part (at least you weren't going around with your butt out) along with the shoes you originally came with

After a few more hours of clearing out trees, the sun was finally setting, and trudging through the snow. shoe prints being molded into the snow with every step you took a loud crunch noise was made.

When reaching the door the sun had already bid its goodbye for the shift and the moon taking his shift for the night, scraping off the snow on Philza mat, taking a closer step to his door and opening it walking into his side of the house

Taking off the jacket you were wearing (with a little amount of struggle) you finally had it off smoothing down the black button-up going straight to the chest grabbing some meat and putting it in the furnace with some potatoes too (if your a vegan or a vegetarian choose whatever you would like to eat ) ruffling your hair around (or if you have a hijab just ignore this bit) hands slowly cracking each finger waiting for the food to be cooked

After a few minutes you decided to take a look at them, then decided to leave them in a little longer, walking outside the house again and going over to the chest you had outside, opening them with one hand and the other clicking your thumb and middle finger together making a snap sound echoing through the icy land to open your inventory (Philza had to teach you how to do this) and throwing all the wood into your chest letting the lid fall close while standing up brushing the snow off your knees and speed walking to the kitchen taking out a knife stabbing the meat and putting it on a plate then stabbing each potato one by one and putting it on the plate

Take your time eating after finishing off-putting the plate in the cauldron that was used as a sink and filling it with water from the two buckets you had prepared previously

You knew Phil was out mining like usual so you didn't make him anything instead heading to a small room that had a bed in it, you were glad you even got a room instead of the couch out near the entrance

Small bedrooms like these were cozy so with that you took off the shoes left them under the bed and got under the covers staring up at the ceiling slowly growing tired

Now with the blade that was a different story, he was thinking so many things. Well not him but the voices were they're was ones such as

'she could probably break the cusre
'*curse sorry'
'Fred not now'
'yeah sorry'
'is this a romance'
'ask her if she likes cheese'
'Can someone tell me how to make popcorn?'
' yeah depending on which type of popcorn'
'bagged popcorn'
'B L O O D'
'1 to 2 minutes and if it isn't done put it back in for like 20 or 30 seconds'
'BL O O D'
'Why is Trez aloud to say stuff like this?'
'Fred just stop'
'thank you'

Was all of it this was getting out of hand, he wanted the voices to shut. The. Fuck. Up. but they wouldn't.

He wanted it to be silent like it was when he was with you. You were the only one to calm them. You were the only one to silence them. You made it all better. You made it all peaceful. You were the one to make him happy. You gave him a calming mindset with no voices complaining, Damanding for him to kill for him to shed blood to murder innocent people for him to do what he didn't want to do, you made it better for him

You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. you. you. you. you. you. you. you. you. you. you. you. you. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. you. you. you. you. you. you. you. you. you. you. you. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. you. you. you. you. you. you. you. you. you. you. you. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. you. you. you. you. you. you. you. you. you. you. you. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU YOU. YOU. YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU

He had to see his beloved. He had to get rid of these voices he has to he has to he has to he has to he's has to, no that will ruin your privacy. He's allowed to be greedy though, you'll hate him won't you? 'she won't hate you' "yeah she won't" ' she's in love with you '" of course she is, she's still around me after all" 'one peek won't hurt will it?' " of course it wouldn't"

And there stood the blade who had to listen in on that one voice. That one voice that did not care for privacy at all, staring you down with a loving gaze looking at the small bedroom that could hardly fit the bed in or even him as the stood in the middle of the hallway the door wide open as his crouched figure stroked your head

The voices were no longer there finally gone peace no shouting no chanting or asking questions just the blissful silences of no

"Is this what it's like having a drug your addicted to with no going back?" Creasing her cheek gliding his thumb over and over again on that same spot near her lips a soft smile adored his scarred facial features, his tusk slight moving from the new expression

After an hour of just watching, he decided to leave, closing the door softly and walking to his side of the his

"It truly is a drug" he let out a sigh the voices started to tell again


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