CH 2 page 14.

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Damn this place looked depressing, no you didn't mean your little hole room at Pogtopia, of course you didn't mean that.

You meant this place, which was covered with damp grass, a dead tree up ahead along with poppy's surrounding the place.

with the red tint of poppy's in the somewhat sunset sky a faint reddish glow appear to illuminate itself towards the dark oak dead tree.

You must be thinking, what is that cause of the red glow? Well that would be you of course! Well... Not exactly you.

This version of you, didn't exactly look like you.

It's eyes were slightly twitching as it anxiously looked around before up at you then again anxiously looking around, repeating that cycle as you continued to stare at yourself.

The appearance was almost the same, besides the sever scaring on the face and hands.

The clothing was the exact opposite of what you were wearing.

Quite thin clothing compared to your more comfortable thicker clothing.

The pants/skirt(or dress) was torn apart, more like it was burned off.

Your limbo self had bluish lips, much like you had when you first came here, when you almost died of hyperthermia when you oh so stupidly went out into the snow with very thin clothing.

Ah, so that's why your limbo selfs clothing reminded you of something, it was your very first outfit that you came here with.

And those damn eyes, the same eyes you looked around anxiously with when you left Tommy's place after being kidnapped and feeling eyes on you.

And those jittery hands that would crack each finger out of nervousness.

And who could forget those small gasps of panicked from when you fell out of that small wet hole thinking you wouldn't make it.

Along with most of the features you hated about yourself, glowing red on your face just like blood.

A small dead poppy laid on your limbo selfs lap, without a care in the world.

So is that what limbo you was? Just everything you hated about yourself.

So you hated how much of a coward you truly were? Well, that seems to check out.

Despite you always pretending, acting as if you didn't care about what was happening around you, like you were some type of hero, a strong hero. when in reality you were actually just a coward that couldn't do anything.

A coward that let Tubbo get blow up just because you couldn't move your hands to throw that slimy Ender pearl, all because you were to afraid to die.

Not even a Deez nuts joke could help you cope with this.

Nothing could.

All of those times you felt eyes on you, that time you fought punz till you died just to protect Tommy and Tubbo, those times you got kidnapped.

You were absolutely terrified, shitting bricks even, yet you still didn't show it at all, only making jokes to cope with it.

So you could show how less of a coward you truly were.

Sure you wanted to be a hero for Tommy and Tubbo and a villian for the others.

But you knew, you fucking knew that wouldn't work, all you were was just a side character, a coward side character.

You wanted to cry, and apparently so did your limbo self.

Your limbo self curled up into a ball ass the poppy's somehow got bigger and bigger before finally covering her up and with a blink of an eye, she disappeared, the poppy's went back down to normal size Showing she was no longer in her basketball form.

Probably taking your place in the overworld much like you right now, taking her place in limbo.

The still somehow wet blood tripped from both sides of your temples as you walked over towards where your other self was at.

Plopping down onto the exact some spot she was in.

Curling tightly up into a ball and finally in what felt like a  year.

You let a tear fall, no humour to be said to make yourself feel better.

No way to comfort yourself besides letting all of your emotions out, to finally relief yourself of all the stress and fear you were feeling.

You could finally relax for a minute or two.

Probably to think of a plan.

A plan for what you may ask? Well I did say you were gonna be the villian, you have no choice BUT to be the villian.

I mean, y'know what they say, time flys by faster when your in limbo and as time passes by in limbo, with no one to chat with, you'll slowly start thinking over every little minor detail.

Every little thing that happened, you'll slowly start to realise, being the hero was a terrible choice, even if it was to only two kids, it's so much more funner to be the villian in story's like these.

Probably the next choice you'll make when or if you were to get out of limbo.

Was to be a rip off version of Dream.

Y'know, get into that prison that Mr plankton made and read him a little bedtime story every now and then.

He did seem to really like that Donald duck one, you even did his voice when reading Donald ducks line.

Who wouldn't love a bedtime story?


(just a lil thingy imma put here, this book won't be as updated as I usually have it, even though it's hardly updated now😟it'll still be updated of course, I have grown quite fond of the people that comment on here and take time out of their day to read this shitty fanfic, but the reason that it'll be updated a little bit less is for the fact that I have about maybe three new books coming out that are not involved with the dsmp fandom, these three fandoms are: Alice in borderland, all of us are dead and maybe just maybe Homunculus(the movie on netflix of course) so while they are in the making you'll get this chapter, so asoon as this one(or the next ch) is out hopefully the other three fanfics will be out aswell😃)

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