Chapter 22 : You Right

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The thick blanket of mist was dim, but unfocused my vision nevertheless.

I knew still that, I was holding on to the one I loved. "Hugo... no one cared like you did... you cared... you still care... don't you?"

His features were a blur -it was him -I could swear it was him. I heard his voice... "I didn't mean to kill your family Adelaide~"

My name rolled off of his tongue ever so perfectly, not realising what he had just said.

"If they cared like I did... then they wouldn't have..."

"Then they wouldn't have- what?"

He remained silent. "Hugo... do you love me?"

"If your family cared then they wouldn't have..."

"Then they wouldn't have- what Hugo?!"

"Arranged your marriage to a murderer!"

A shiny blade struck out through they heavy fog, jabbing into my shoulder-


I sprung up into a sitting position, clenching the clothed area of my shoulder and my vision becoming clearer all of a sudden.

I released a deep sigh of relief, gathering my composure, after registering that I was immersed in a world of vivid dreams. It seemed so possible; that Hugo didn't love me... that he would kill me...

I finally had decided to admit it to myself; I had grew a liking for Hugo. Not sure since when and exactly why; but the feeling felt mutual at some points.

Today would be the day that I would confront him about everything: everything written in his diary. The thought raced upon me: would he hate me for knowing so much behind his back.


I would agree the actions he took were rightful like a obedient wife. I would hate his brother with him. I would make this marriage last.

Eyes scanning the room in dismay, I came back to the less horrifying reality. The war would begin either late tonight or early tomorrow morning.

Glancing at the clock and apprehending it was only seven in the morning, last nights event came flooding back in my memory.

After taking carriages to both my parents and my sisters kingdoms to persuade them to let their soldiers contribute in this war, I came back in quest to find Hugo.

Tell him I'd done exactly what he asked. That night My body dozed off on its own after waiting hours for Hugo to return since I had failed to find him myself.

Propelling down the stairs and out into the garden, I knew exactly where he would be now. Assessing the training of the soldiers.

There they all were; in rows, standing upright like figurines in the large crop-less field of the castle gardens. All supersets into groups of few hundreds; each group led by coach polishing their skills on either archery, sword fighting or horse riding.

I gawked, stunned at the coordination and organisation of the scene taking place before my eyes. Everything was so synchronised: from the soldiers marching to the horse's galloping.

A tap on my shoulder cut me off from my string of thoughts.

"Hugo~!" I gushed, turning around.

"Do you think you should be here?" His words were scolding.

"Uh— yes?" I gave my desired answer.

"Uh— no?" He said right after, mocking my tone, jokingly. "Let's go."

My wrist was was tugged away into a large patio at the end of the training fields.

"What's this?" I inquired, looking around at my furnished exterior surroundings.

"A safer place." He simply stated.

"No, I meant why did you bring me here."

"Safer for you, Della."

I involuntary reddened at the sobriquet. "I had something to tell you.."

He distractedly hummed in response which was enough made me change the topic immediately "I wanted to go horse riding~"

I couldn't get myself to say it. He was looking away, observing the training. A notion came in mind to catch his attention.

"..can I not fight in the wa-"


A short moment of silence followed. "Can I at-least ride a horse?"

"I'm afraid all the horses are occupied Del."

I stood scowling for a moment before Tucker came into mind.


Hugo looked at me puzzled at the random allude to my horse. "He's my horse; I could go fetch him from my kingdom stables!" I announced my idea in exhilaration.

Hugo raised a brow; "only if you allow me to..." I added with a sudden feeling of guilt. He revealed a small, forced smile before patting my head in approval and departing.

My hands trailed up to my head, touching on the small section Hugo had came in contact with; I was unnaturally ecstatic at this small gesture.

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