Chapter 26 : Woo

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Authors POV
As the prince's eyes lay on his wife under the cross-cross patio roof, his mind only met confusion. She was in an unusually deep slumber; smiling in her sleep.

This whole situation to him however, seemed odd. She confessed she had fallen in love with him even through the horrible way he treated her.

She was always so jumpy, energetic and weirdly joyous despite the circumstances she was in. Something fishy was definitely going on... the prince stood their observing the sleeping state of his wife.

Adelaides POV
Everything felt like candy... and fruits... and grass... and maybe this weird substance I've been tasting for the past few days.

"Hugo~ haven't you been absolutely obsessed with your wife lately..." King Phoebe's voice echoed through my sleep. I was awake now; though a unnatural exhaustion kept my eyelids shut. "I decided to help you out as I figured you were having trouble to woo her~"

I carefully listened to the conversation occurring between the king and my husband, whom he was talking to, as I proceeded my 'sleep' acting.

"Huh? What did you do to her?!" Hugo's voice sounded alarmed.

What were they even talking about I thought. "Oh I~ didn't need to lift a finger. I have people for that."

"Father! Explain!"

"I just had a little flavour added to her daily meals - you wouldn't want your wife accidentally finding out that your a murderer!" I resisted the urge to run away from the predators conversing in front of me as a part of me wanted to hear more.

"Father?! You did what to her?!"

"Look son, this is for your own good. You know very well the reason behind this marriage was only to gain power. We needed the Dwarvanians on our side all along. When the right time comes... we will kill her anyways."

My eyes shot open at the very statement. I should've ran; I should've known better than that confirm what the king had just said.

"You'll do w-what to me?!" I squeaked out in horror.

"I..uh.. princess Adelaide~" the King quickly changed his tone to an innocent one, "weren't you tired."

"Y-you're going t-to kill me?" I sniffed, the rim of my eyes starting to accumulate tears.

"No princess Adelaide, you must have heard wron-" the king tried to cover up.

"H-HUGO!!!" I screamed with all the energy I could muster up at that moment. "D-don't kill me... I love you!"

A moment of silence followed after my last comment. Hugo stood there blankly, switching his gaze from his father to me. The king looked weirdly relaxed for a situation like this; a sly glint was present in his eyes.

"Hugo... I'm s-sorry I read your diary." I finally sobbed through my stream of tears, "I don't care if you killed your brother... I- he deserved to die!"

I had no idea whether the phrases coming out my mouth made sense or not; I just needed any excuse to assure to Hugo I would always be on his side.

I didn't want him to hate me, whoever he was. I couldn't care less about what they were discussing nor did I care that King Phoebe was still here as continued to messily ramble whatever nonsense came into my mind.

"I won't tell anyone that you killed your brother. In fact... I hate him too. You had every right to do what you did and-"

"Adelaide!" I was cut off by Hugo he had been looking at the king permissively, shortly before, "I don't love you." he defeatedly let out. I felt a pang strike at my heart at those very words. His face was serious; he meant what he had said.

"Wait Adelaide! I'm not who you think I am! I'm Eu-" Hugo called after me as I ran, his words becoming a faint whisper in the distance.

I had no care for what he had to say; it didn't matter anymore.

Nothing did.

My legs accelerating on there own, in a running motion beneath me, I strived to outrun this tormenting reality.

Now finding myself back in the castle, plunging only my essential belongings into a backpack (along with Hugo's diary) and diving down the stairs.

"Clara c-can you p-pack me as much food as you can." My trembling voice, which was barely audible, uttered. She compliantly nodded, knowing I wasn't in a place to answer any questions about the condition I was in.

Soon after, I shoved whatever food that had been packed for me, inside my backpack before rushing out the castle. As I made a made my way out, I felt the ground shake beneath me.

The sound of a long, loud war horn pierced through my ears.

War had started...

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