Chapter 41 : Kill Me

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I held the pointy weapon in my hand with delicacy, careful not prick my own finger. "So... what do I do with this arrow that you handed me?" I inquired out of curiosity.

"Simple," Eugene began, swiping his fingers up and down his own arrow he was holding, "it's a game of archery but without a bow. You aim... then shoot."

"...shoot where?" I dumbly questioned again.

Eugene nonchalantly responded, the same arrogant smirk on his face, "...At me."

My brows narrowed in perplexity, "Huh? I-"

"But don't worry, I'll explain the rules first, so you're not lost."

Again with that stupid smirk?

"We'll both be standing back to back with our arrows in hand, when I say 'go', from the centre, we'll take ten step's outwards." he explained, in a relaxed manner as I was stressing to the core.

"Each step will last one second. At the last step, the first person to turn and throw the arrow...WINS!" he laughed hysterically at the end of his explanation.

I remained standing, stunned.

Was he serious?

"I'm sure you know the aim of the game and well... how to win so I won't further elaborate."

"E-Eugene I don't want to play this!"

"You know the consequences of not playing very well and I'm sure you don't want to face them." he tilted his head in Tuckers direction and I got the hint of exactly what he meant.

"If in anyway I see that your not contributing as you should be, the same consequences will be served regardless of you playing. You understand me my dear wife" he warned in all seriousness.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!" I cried out as my emotions were finally let loose.

"Why am I doing this you ask?" he let out a breathy laugh, "You put me in misery! Made me kill my own father! Caused my commander knight to lie to me about your death! Worst of all, you fell in love with my brother!...and you ask me why I'm doing this?! I want revenge! I'm doing this because I hate you Adelaide! So be shut it and be grateful your getting a fair chance to make it out alive."

Another burst of tears flew down from my eyes as I let the harsh scolding sink in.

I hate you Adelaide. He meant it... he really meant it... I cried harder at the thought.

"If your done with the little monologue inside your head, shall we start." the grin on his face returned as I walked helplessly to the centre of the grounds.

"Adelaide!" a shout surfaced the breeze, calling for me. I shifted my head, looking around for the owner of that familiar voice and heavy footsteps approaching me and Eugene.


My eyes finally settled on her and Horrace racing to us with worried faces until they were stopped by another set of guards.

"Concentrate on the game!" Eugene reminded me as I continued to get into position. Knowing the outcome, it was obvious they couldn't do anything to help.

Me and Eugene were now standing back to back. I held back another wave of tears that attempted to swallow me and tried to keep composed.

I waited for the green word that seemed very much red in this situation, the silence pinching me harshly.


I shuddered at the very word signalling the start of the game. Two sides of me fighting in my head, I hated this man...

as I should, but did I actually hate him?

"One..." He started counting as we both took a step forward.

I forced moments of hatred, that my husband had for me, into mind:

"You put me in misery. Made me kill my own father. Caused my commander knight to lie to me about your death. Worst of all, you fell in love with my brother! I want revenge! I'm doing this because I hate you Adelaide!"


My feet dragged me to take another step, remembering moments from the very first times...

"I hate people who waste my time."


"I was wondering if you could.. you know... cancel this wedding.."

"Now... how would your parents feel if I told them what your telling me right now?"


"If you weren't such a brat, I wouldn't have to do this."

I proceed my tramp, unwillingly.


"Answer my question at once!"

I could see the terrified looks on my sisters and brother in laws faces as all they could do was stand and watch expectantly.




"What makes you think you have a right to ask me that?"


"What did you say?!"
"A-argh, H-Hugo that hurts!" I cried out; his fist grasping a handful of my hair.
"Say it again; louder!"


"Adelaide! I don't love you."

"Ten." he spoke, ever so nonchalantly.

Despite the anguish he had bought to me, I wasn't able to do it. I wasn't able to turn and strike my shot.

I showed everyone my true colours at this state. I was impotent against Eugene. He could kill me at this very moment.

I would let him kill me.

I stood weakly surrendering at my tenth step, unable to move. That was until a painful neigh was bought to my ears.


I swiftly turned on my feet to face the utmost displeasing view. Eugene had his sword angled right at the nape of my horse as Tucker neighed in his chains, vulnerably.

"Now what did I say~" Eugene sing-songed calmly, not considering his violent act. "I'm guessing since you didn't play my game properly, you want your friend dead Adelaide."

"NO! Let him go! please!" I pleaded through cries. "Then kill me!" He demanded out of the blue. "I c-can't..." my quivering lips let out.

He held his sword closer to Tuckers nape insinuating the worst, holding it there for a second too long as if he knew what was to come. As if he wanted it.

However I wasn't able to properly decipher the meaning behind his actions at that moment.

Only making out that my dear horse was about to die and that gave me enough push to finally throw the arrow in my hand, aiming right at Eugene.

It's slipped through my fingers instinctively. Ripping through the winds and zooming past everyone's faces in slow.

The arrow head dug through his shoulder, half the length disappearing further into his body. I could sense his features suppressing a smarting expression.

My sobs became evidently louder when he collapsed onto the blood-stained concrete. I did this to him...

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