□Chapter One□

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Shun got home, taking off his shoes before dashing into his room. He was irritated at himself. He can't blame the energy he brings into the room, he's been like that his whole life. Sure he likes to joke around and make fun of superheroes but people call him dumb.

He can't take it. Every day feels the same. He wants to go to who he is when he's alone but he can't. It's like he has an artificial self that comes up when someone comes along. The sad part is everyone says he's stupid and weird for it.

A sigh left his lips as he felt the need to cry but no water fell. He turned on music to listen to because the silent room got too loud. His mom is working and his siblings are hanging out with friends.

He bit his lip because he wanted to cry even more. Though he has friends they are insensitive. Nendou and Saiki can't help it. Kusuo (Saiki) has the most judgmental look in his eyes 24/7 and Riki (Nendou) always says that Shun is stupid or dumb.

Soon a message from Hairo made itself known by a ding on his phone.

Hairo: Hey! I'm sending this to everyone. We have a new student coming tomorrow. Make sure you're kind to him!

Shun sighed as he read it. The only empty seat in the class is next to him. A sigh left his lips. Shun decided to start on his homework just to keep himself busy. Two hours later -when he finished- he started reading the copy of Howl's Moving Castle he found a couple of days ago. His mom finally got back.

He found himself falling asleep before his mother had the chance ask him to make dinner.

Mrs. Kaidou opened his door to see her son asleep on the floor so she smiled and turned off the lights (after taking a photo).

When Shun awoke it was already the next morning. He made his way downstairs and saw his mother eating toast for breakfast.

"You excited for school?" She asked.
Shun frowned, "I mean not really. I don't mind the homework but that's it."
"Yesterday I ran into your Phy. Ed. teacher at the store. He said you were a fun person to talk to and you seemed to enjoy yourself a lot," she smiled

Shun's frown turned into a pout. He ate his breakfast with the same pout. Then he showered and put on his uniform.

He didn't feel like putting on his red wrap over his fingers but he did just so no one would worry about him.

Then he left. He walked to school keeping his head slightly down and blurred his eyes so he didn't have to see anyone.

When he got to the school he took off his shoes and put on his other ones. He passed the office but Mr. Matsuzaki stopped him.

"Kaidou, can you bring Mr. Kuboyasu to your classroom? I have to deal with something," Mr. Matsuzaki said.

In all honesty, Mr. Matsuzaki scared Shun so he never said no.

Shun nodded his head and when he saw the other boy his head stopped wanting to explode. He wanted to be that cool.

"My name is Kaidou Shun. What's yours?" Shun smiled with his teeth.
"Kuboyasu Aren." The purple-haired boy replied.

When they arrive at the classroom door Shun stopped. He overheard people in the hall.

"Did the "Jet Black Wings" make a friend?" a random guy from his class laughed.
"Yeah, does he fight the "dark reunion" too?" His girlfriend laughed back.

Shun felt his eyes want to water but he smiled instead, "this is our class. I think you'll like the people here."

Kuboyasu nodded and went to mingle with others.

I guess he didn't want to be my friend... Who am I kidding? No one would if I'm as stupid as they say I am. Hell, I don't even want you to be my friend.

Kaidou was about to leave the classroom when in the counter of his eye he was Saiki pointing at him and Kuboyasu walking toward him.

"Hey," Kuboyasu said awkwardly.
Shun smiled again, "hello. Do you want me to show you where you can sit for now?"
"I would like that," Kuboyasu said almost harshly.

Shun showed him where he could sit, and then they started talking.

"Are you excited to start over at a new school?" Shun asked.
Kuboyasu nodded, "yeah, actually. My last school was something."
"I wish I could change schools," Shun mumbled.
"Why's that?" Kuboyasu frowned. "Don't you have friends here?"
"Sometimes someone just wants a fresh start," Shun laughed.

Nendou came up to him and put his arm around Shun's shoulder.

"Hey, buddy. Talking to your boyfriend?" Nendou joked making Shun chuckle awkwardly.

Nendou should never know I'm gay. Never. Ever.

Shun frowned slightly, "he's the new kid. Kuboyasu this is Nendou. Nendou this is Kubouasu."
"Nice to meet you, new kid, want to get ramen after school with me Kaidou and Saiki," Nendou asked.
"I was never told we wou-" Shun asked
"Whatch ya say, new boy. Come and join us," Nendou laughed.
"I mean as long as Kaidou goes," Kuboyasu smiled a tiny bit.
Shun nodded, "I'll let my mom know that I'm hanging out with friends."

Nendou talked about something dumb but Kaidou was zoning out. The only reason he was zoning out was that he didn't want to listen to people talk. Soon a voice broke through.

"You feeling okay Kaidou?" Kuboyasu asked

Shun came back to whatever world this is and nodded softly.

No one asked how I'm feeling, other than my mom. I never noticed that before now.

Saiki looked rather off and Shun noticed. His face didn't change but it was in his eyes. A surprised but pitiful look in his eyes.

"Hey guess what," a random kid yelled. "The dark reunion's back and it got my leg."

Kaidou looked right at the teacher as he walked in. Shun was praying that Kuboyasu didn't notice anything about it.

Whispered filled his classroom and he sank into his chair.

"What's up with Kaidou?" "Is something wrong?" "He's just being dumb." "Is thee Jet Black Wings embarrassed?" "Scared his boyfriend will find out?" "God he sure is weird."

"Will you all knock it off? He's trying to take attendance." Kuboyasu yelled pointing to the teacher.

Shun smiled to himself.

My Real Self Is With You (Shun Kaidou x Aren Kuboyasu)Where stories live. Discover now