□Chapter Fifteen□

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Shun huffed as he walked away, away from Aren so everyone couldn't see how flustered he was.

Shun walked into the house as Sora got dragged in. Their mother turned her head to face them; she was in shock due to how angry her son was.

"What happened?" Ms. Kaidou asked. "Shun, you look distressed."
"SORA, WHY DID YOU RUN INTO TRAFFIC," their mother yelled back, horrified.
Sora chuckled, "It's not like I was going to be hit... Shun made sure of it."
"YOU RAN INTO ONCOMING TRAFFIC," Ms. Kaidou yelled once more. "WHY?!"
"If I proved Shun saved my life then no one will talk bad about him," Sora explained, keeping her eyes to the floor, softly rubbing the back of her neck.
Shun sighed, "Which is stupid. Sora, you almost died."
"But you saved me," Sora smiled. "Shun, you are a hero... I don't know why other's don't see it."
"Shun," Ms. Kaidou smiled. "You're a good brother. I'm really glad your my son."
"You should tell him to get married to Kuboyasu though," Sora huffed a little.
Their mother nodded, "from what I can tell: he's a good guy BUT Shun isn't getting married anytime soon. He can date, I guess, but consent (and school) is top priority."
"They would made a good couple," Sora sighed. "They're good for each other."
Shun sighed, "Just because were 'good for each other' doesn't mean romance. Kuboyasu would still be good for me and be a friend."
"But do you want him as a partner?" Sora asked, still smirking.
Shun hissed, "You're changing the topic. Mom ground Sora until she turns 50."
"Sora," their mom sighed. "I know you had a prepose to RUN INTO TRAFFIC but it was stupid. You're grounded until your next birthday."
"THAT'S FOUR MONTHS!" Sora yelled in shock.
Ms. Kaidou smiled a bit, "I think it's fitting, or should it be until Shun get's a girlfriend?"
"He's ga- NO I'LL WAIT FOR MY BIRTHDAY," Sora yelled once more, running up to her room. "I HAVE HOMEWORK, SORRY!"

Shun and his mother chuckled at Sora's action.

His mother spoke once more, "Shun... I umm- I just want you to know, if you waited, you could date. Know there will be rules, but just know consent is the most important thing. If you don't want to do ANYTHING and they make you, talk to someone. If it's not too big: talk to them but if it's really big: tell me, please."
"I will, but I really don't want to date right now," Shun admitted. "I- it's a scary thought... needing or wanting another."
"What do you mean?" his mother asked, genuinely confused.
Shun thought for a moment, "I just- it's- umm... I've been dealing with things by myself, I guess. I cook, which I'm happy to do, for you and I just never thought of having someone with me. Like someone I WANT to spend my days with. I know Aren's my person and I don't know if I want another person. I guess what I'm trying to say is: I know who I want but I'm too scared to have someone with me."

Ms. Kaidou was a little shocked to say the least, or her face froze a bit. She waited a while before speaking again, as if she had to practice what to say.

"I'm sorry you feel you're alone here. I try to be the best mom I can but holy shit it's hard to... I am so so sorry that you have a dad, who knows where, and a working mother. You have so much tasks around this house that I put on you. I didn't think about how it makes you feel, and I didn't think it would make you dislike types of love," Ms. Kaidou said, her voice shaky.

Shun offered a soft smiled but it faded quickly. The amount of words that fell out his lips today was enough for a while.

"Where's Toki?" Shun asked, slightly wanting to change the subject.
His mother laughed, "he's having a playdat with his friend. Didn't he tell you?"
Shun shook his head, "I guess it never came up."
"I do appreciate you... I think Kuboyasu brings out the best part of you," she started. "When you talk about him your eyes start sparkling, ya know."
"My eyes sparkle?" Shun thought out-loud.
The woman nodded, "when you were - oh probably seven - you would tell me 'you'll just have to find the guy that makes your eyes sparkle'."
"oh! When Aristacats was my favorite movie! The American one! With the song, 'everybody wants to be a cat'! I should watch that with Aren sometime," Shun felt bliss overwhelme him.

Shun ran upstairs and pulled out his phone.

Kuboyasu Aren

Aren: what?
Aren: oh? That sounds fun
Aren: what is it?
Shun: it's Aristocats. It's an American movie!
Aren: I've never heard of it
Aren: when do you want to watch it?
Shun: ( ̄ヘ ̄)ᴴᴹᴹ
Shun: tomorrow after school?
Aren: maybe we chould have a sleepover or something
Shun: ooo! So tomorrow though Saturday?
Aren: yeah, we can have it at my place and watch your movie.
Shun: sure! I'll go talk to my mom about it!
Aren: I'll talk to mine too!
Shun: ٩(̀́)ᵇʸᵉ
Aren: talk in a minute

Shun smiled to himself as he ran back down the stairs. His mom was reading a book at the dinner table.

"MOM MOM MOM MOM," Shun chanted a bit.
She squaked back, "what? what? what? what?"
"Can Aren and I have a sleepover?" Shun asked.
"What house?"
"Will someone else be in the house?"
"Will you perform satanic rituals?"
"Probably not"
"You won't be going drugs? Or snorting bathsalts or whatever?"
"Then why are you going?"

Shun was brought aback by his mother's comment. He started laughing so hard he actually feel over.

"You can go," she informed with a smile. "Just don't do anything you won't do with your grandma in the house."

After a while Shun finally pulled out his phone.

Kuboyasu Aren

Aren: it's okay if your ma's okay with it
Shun: she is
Shun: as long as we don't do anything we wouldn't do with a grandma in the house.
Aren: noted...
Aren: my dad will be the only parent home friday
Shun: oh okay!
Aren: my mom wants to meet you sometime :)

Shun's face grew a little bit hotter and more red.

Does that mean that he talks about me?! To his parents...-

Shun: let's make it happen then

My Real Self Is With You (Shun Kaidou x Aren Kuboyasu)Where stories live. Discover now