□Chapter Seventeen□

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Shun, I like you too. Every single time I look at you it's like I finally see vibrant colors... I hope that makes sense. I want to be more than just your friend yet if you aren't comfortable being in a relationship, I'm okay with that.

Shun smiled as he read it again and again. His face grew a blush, and he couldn't help being distracted from the movie. He kept looking at Aren, even if his childhood movie is playing. Aren seemed so calm, so peaceful.

"You picked this movie, why aren't you watching it?" Aren smirked a bit.
Shun huffed and looked away, "I just surprised you like me. I mean I knew you liked me but holy shit, ya know."

"Yeah," Aren chuckled. "I'm a little surprised too."
Shun turned to the movie, "I... I- trust me I really want to be yours, as long as your mine too."

Aren nodded and put his hand on his best friend's hand. The two sat watching the movie and listening to each other breathe. It was very relaxing for Shun, like the world washed away.

My favorite movie with my favorite person.

Shun gave a soft chuckle as the thought filled his brain. The blue haired boy rested his head on the shoulder of the boy next to him. The movie passes by almost too fast for the two of them. Secretly they wanted to stay right next to each other, just like they were, for the rest of the night. Soon Shun's gut made a noise that made the two boys laugh.

"We co-uld go e-at, my d-ad's pro-bably alrea-dy hom-e," Aren said in between laughs.
Shun held his breath, trying to stop laughing, it worked a tiny bit, "let's go."

Shun got up and stretched his hand to Aren, who used it to stand up. Only Aren never let go of Shun's hand until they made it to the end of the stairs. Aren's father stood in the kitchen with a glass of water. He was reading something on his cellphone but looked up to see the boys. His stare gave Shun chills.

"You're the boy Aren keeps talking about?" He asked sweetly.
Shun nodded, "If I wasn't it would be surprising."
"Aren talks about ho-" his father started, but Aren cut him off.
Aren smiled a bit less sweet then normal, "is there any plan for food?"
Mr. Kuboyasu shook his head, "nothing set in stone. What do you want, Kaidou?"
"I'm good with whatever Aren wants," Shun admitted.

The three fell into an award silents. A couple minutes passed by but it felt like hours.

Should I say something? What if I saw the wrong thing?!

"So, umm, what did Aren say about me?" Shun choked out.
Aren froze a bit,"I talked about how you like to make food! And how good the sweets you make are!"
"He talked about how it wasn't only the treats you make are sweet," Mr. Kuboyasu laughed to himself.
Shun laughed too and punched Aren's arm, "I wonder what that means."
"You have a very welcoming face," Aren sighed. "It's sweet."

The three laughed only a tiny bit before thry finally started to talk about food again. They decided on ordering something simple, a pizza.

"I have a very important question for you," Mr. Kuboyasu imformed, with the most serious look on his face. "Do you think pineapple belongs on pizza?"
Aren sighed, "you don't have to answer, it's a stupid question."
"Yes, he does," Aren's dad spoke once more, stairing daggers into Shun's soul.
"I think," Shun looked down trying to think of what to say that'll please anyone. "It depends on what mood someone's in, plus I'm more of a crust person. As long as the crust is good I'll eat the pizza."
"Aren believe that Hawaiian pizza is good," Mr. Kuboyasu huffed. "I don't understand it thought. You said the samething my wife says."
"I mean I do like spinach on pizza, as long as it's not the tomato sauce with it," Shun chuckled.
Mr. Kuboyasu smirked, "maybe it's not weird AREN."
"You both could just be weird," Aren rolled his eyes.
Shun chuckled, "or we could agree it depends on the person who's eating it. As long as they don't waste the food, it's all good."
"I like your friend," Mr. Kuboyasu sighed softly. "He's way better than the people you use to talk to."

Shun smiled to himself and did a little happy shake. It was a little 'dance' that Shun does without realizing when he's really happy.

Yes! He said I was good! He approves of me!

After the tiny adrenaline wore out Shun looked to Aren. He had a look of shock? Regret? Fear? Embarrassment? All of the above?

"Aren," Shun whispered. "You okay?"
Aren blinked a couple of time, "huh?"
"You okay?" Shun repeated
"Yeah," Aren smiled. "I'm all good."
Shun nodded, "okay... I just needed to make sure."
"We'll be upstairs, let us know if anything happens," Aren informed his father, grabbing Shun's wrist.

Aren went upstairs, slightly dragging Shun behind him. Shun had a heat flood to his face as he followed.

As soon as they got to Aren room Aren chuckled.

"What was the small wiggle you did earlier?" He asked.

Shun looked down and played with his sleeves.

Is he judging it? Are they annoying? It's not like I can help it-

Aren continued, "I think it's cute when you do things like that."
"What do you mean?" Shun frowned. "Everyone else believes it's weird."
"They lied to you," Aren chuckled once more.
Shun smiled and hid it in his hands, "thank you. It means a lot."
"No matter what you do, you look good doing it," Aren nodded, agreeing with himself.

My Real Self Is With You (Shun Kaidou x Aren Kuboyasu)Where stories live. Discover now