□Chapter Twenty-One□

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The guy walked the other way but you could still hear his profanity.

"Thank you, Kaidou," the second girl said with a smile.
The first girl sighed, "yeah. I didn't think you out of all people would do that."
"Don't worry about it," Shun sighed. "Do you two feel comfortable walking alone?"
"I'm fine, but she probably isn't," the first girl informed. "I'll go to my house and you can drop her off at hers?"
"O-only if you want to!" the second almost yelled.
Shun nodded, "then I'll walk you two home."

The three started walking. Shun stayed by the girls because he didn't know where they lived.

"What you did was really cool, Kaidou," the first one nudged the other. "Don't you agree?"
The second one chuckled, "y-yeah. You were really cool."
"It was really nothing. I have a sister so it's not the first time," Shun informed. "A lot of guys are super weird."
"Yeah," the first one nodded. "I'm still glad you were there."
The second nodded, "same here."
Shun smiled softly, "I'm glad you two didn't get hurt or anything."
"I'm really sorry that people listened to Nendou's stories about you," the first one sighed turning her head to the other. "I don't think you ever believed them but I kept you awake from Kaidou."
"I always wanted to talk to you, Kaidou," she mumbled. "Maybe we could exchange numbers?"
Shun nodded, "okay. Don't worry about the Nendou thing; it never effected me. I don't care if someone talks to my back because it means I'm ahead of them. Once they talk to my face then I'll deal with them."

The highschoolers continued to walk and talk. Shun smiled as he saw the way the first girl looked at the second. Once they got to the first girls house her and Shun exchanged numbers. Then Shun walked by the second girl as she went to her house. The two talked about many things involving school.

"We'll if you did join as a sprinter: I'll cheer you on!" She chuckled.
Shun nodded, "I'm glad."
"This is my house," she smiled and pointed to a nice, tan house.

Before she turned they exchanged numbers.

"Bye-bye Kaidou," she waved, running into her house.

Shun waved back before leaving. He put his earbuds back in and continued to play the music from earlier. He walked, taking in all the peacefulness in the little nature around him.

I should start hiking.

Shun smiled at the thought he had. Going along the trails and seeing all the tiny pretty things. His favorite part of nature was the trees, not many people know but it's true. Shun wants to be like one: strong, steady, rooted, and hardly falls over. The trees were his best friend before Kuboyasu came into his life.

After a while of wondering Shun finally made it to his home. His bed called to him from the door. Once the blue haired boy got to his room he plugged in his phone and continued to listen to the music. The soft song played in the background just so Shun could stop thinking.

The sound of his thoughts was the worst thing to ever hear.


"Shun," Sora knocked on the door.
Shun smiled, "come in."

Sora opened the door before entering and closing it again. She wondered to Shun's bed and sat right next to him.

"Do you want a hug?" she asked, avoiding eye contact.
Shun opened his arms and embraced his younger sister, "You okay?"

The younger girl gripped onto the back on Shun's shirt. All she needed was him to never let go.

"If you wanna talk about it, I'll be here," Shun started. "If you don't wanna talk about, I'll still be here."

She nodded. Sora put her head on Shun's sholder. Her cheek pressed on her brother making her vision get blocked more. Though there was already a fuzzy glase over it.

"You work really hard," Shun whispered to her. "I see how much effort you put into everything. You are such a good person, Sora. I'm glad I'm your brother."

She held onto Shun a bit tighter. He felt something land on his sholder right next to where Sora's cheek rested. Sora choked out a soft sob as her older brother rubbed circles on her back.

"You're awesome," Sora mumbled.


Soon after Sora left to her room. Her eyes still had a glossy coat on top. She had a smile on her face, it was a soft, sweet smile. That look on her face has to be only something one person saw. Normally no expression was ever on her face, maybe her family started to rub off on her.

Shun couldn't help but smile back at her. The way she was deprived of love and attention brought pain to Shun nonetheless. You always feel uneasy when you find out about another person's silent suffering.

I'll make sure I hug her more. Maybe we can go on hikes together. She needs to know how much I appreciate her. Please, Shun, let her know.

Shun soon sat on the floor next to his bed. He opened his phone and decided to play the only game he ever plays: Temple Run.

Whenever Shun plays Temple Run he puts his phone on Airplane mode. Frankly, he doesn't care if someone is trying to reach him. He hardly wants to reply to messages anyway.

Shun thought about this quite often. He thought about how no one but Kuboyasu can make him want to open a notification.

Maybe love is nice. It doesn't have to be romantic to be nice, right? Love is when you can do anything with someone, when you just want to do it with them. Romance isn't everything but feelings are real things. I'm confusing myself yet it all makes sense.

"I like being around him, and I feel that we can be happy or sad with each other. That's love, right." Shun thought outloud.

"Shun," his mother yelled from downstairs. "I haven't seen you all day. Come and help me make food, please."
"Coming," Shun informed.

Shun chuckled as his brother yelled right after:


Shun started running down the stairs with a smile.

My Real Self Is With You (Shun Kaidou x Aren Kuboyasu)Where stories live. Discover now