□Chapter Eighteen□

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"No matter what you do, you look good doing it," Aren nodded, agreeing with himself.

Shun laughed at the actions of the other boy. Aren held his breath as Shun kept laughing, not wanting to take away this moment.

"Thank you," Shun spoke with a smile. "If it's you that say it... i'll believe it."
Aren nodded, "i only speak the truth."
"And i like to make fabrications," Shun elbowed Aren's side a bit.
"You like using big words," Aren pointed out.
Shun nodded, "It makes me feel like I'm better than other people."
"You are better than other people," Aren conformed.
Shun gasped, "you're feeding my ego!"
"You deserve a big ego," Aren smirked. "Because you are better than so many people."
"I know I am," Shun smiled. "Thanks for finally noticing."
"I knew since the second conversation," Aren smirked.

Aren's comment made Shun freeze. His brain stopped working just slightly, causing him to forget to respond.

Why the hell did Aren say that?! I know that he said he liked me but is it actually true? He could be missing with you so stop falling.

Aren chuckled, "sorry was that a little strong? How about we watch a TV Show?"
"Sure," Shun nodded. "What show do you like?"
Aren thought for a moment, "I think you'll like Fullmetal Alchemist."
"I've been meaning to watch it actually," Shun smiled.

Aren nodded before turning his TV bad on and heading to Netflix. He found Fullmetal Alchemist and started at Episode One.

Shun watched with his full attention on the show. When the two boys found themselves intertwining their fingers Shun's attention was also back on Aren.


After the second episode ended Mr. Kuboyasu called the two down to eat. The three sat down and ate the thin crust sausage pizza. Aren and Mr. Kuboyasu ended up finishing the pizza before Shun finished his second slice, but Shun didn't mind.


Shun found his eyes growing heavy as him and Aren watch more TV. As the episode ended Shun doesn't remember hearing the outro.

The next thing Shun does remember was walking up next to Aren. Aren was sleeping on the same bed as the awake boy. Shun blushed as he grabbed his phone to check the time: 2:48 (am).

The blue haired boy stepped out of the bed so he could piss.

I guess I fell asleep. I want to cuddle next to Aren when I go back to sleep. That's weird... should i ask him first? I just kinda want his arms to wrap around me, like a hug.

Shun went back to the bed Aren slept on and laid down. He didn't fall asleep, he just watched Aren and yelled at himself.

Aren won't mind! BUT IT WEIRD! Aren probably won't hate it. what if he's lying about liking me and he'll be discussed. SCREW IT! I want a hug...

Shun slowly inched closer to the sleeping body and wrapped his arms around the other. His face was near Aren's chest making his face heat up a bit.

Shun feel asleep as soon as the other boy hugged back. Even as he sleept Aren gave the best hugs.


Shun woke up with his head on Aren's back. Now Aren is on his back but he's awake and reading a book.

"What ya reading?" shun asked rubbing his eyes.
Aren smiled, "it's about a swordman named Zorro. I think it's an English book."
"Isn't isn't it by Johnson McCulley?" Shun asked as a reply.
Aren nodded, "you're a smart boy. "
Shun froze a bit as he grew into a blushing mess, "IT'S TOO EARLY FOR YOU TO TALK LIKE THAT!"

Aren laughed as he put a bookmark in his book. Shun huffed and turned his back to Aren. The next thing Shun knew was the purple haired boy wrapped his arms around Shun.

"Did you sleep well?" Aren asked. "I didn't know how clingy you can be?"
"Remind me to never sleep in the same bed as you," Shun sighed. "I slept well though, better than most nights."
"Am I a nice pillow? You know you I wouldn't mind being your pillow," Aren admited.
Shun huffed,"are you often this flirty?"
Aren shrugged, "only for you."

Shun smilled softly and finally hugged Aren back.

"Don't make me regret," Shun mumbled to himself.
"Regret what?" aren asked.
Shun bit his lip for a second,"I don't do romance so don't let me regret it."

Please, god, please don't make me regret it.

"I'll never try to give you a reason to regret it," Aren smiled. "We could fight and I'll still do my best to make you happy after."
Shun held out his pinky, "pinky promise that whatever this ends up being we won't regret it."
"Pinky promise," Aren repeated as they interwove pinkies.

Shun took another breath before the pickies left the other. Shun looked to Aren, slightly nervous.

"Aren," Shun started.
Shun continued in a whisper, "can I kiss you?
Aren nodded and put his hand on Shun check, "anyday."

Shun lend closer to Aren and they locked lips. It was soft, and messy but it felt right.

Why does this feel so nice? I didn't think love was real-

Is what I feel romance?

I like I like it.

I like Kuboyusa Aren. Romantically.

My Real Self Is With You (Shun Kaidou x Aren Kuboyasu)Where stories live. Discover now