□Chapter Thirteen□

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The two walked out of the school and went to find Aren's motorcycle.

As soon as they found the parked bike, Aren throws on his helmet. He tossed the other to Shun who somewhat dreaded this moment. Shun knew the two highschoolers needed to talk about what happened earlier that day.

The feeling of nervousness consumed Shun as he put on the helmet Aren always set aside for him. Both of them hopped onto the death devise and Aren sped off. Aren drove all the way to the small cafe: The Overworld. The place can make one feel peace; the cafe had books, bean bag chairs, and plants. Shun really liked reading about what the flowers they had mean when you give it to someone.

The blue haired boy smiled as he thought about the cafe. The nervousness didn't go away but if it was anywhere else in the world: Shun wouldn't be this calm. If you could call this type of panicking 'calm'.

When Aren parked his motorcycle, it took a minute before Shun realized. He smiled and jumped off the bike. The two walked into the cafe doors and as soon as they do, they could feel the warmth. It even smelled like warmth.

"I've never actually been here before," Aren admitted.
Shun nodded, "I'm glad I could experience your first trip here. It's truly wonderful."
"Let's find a table and then we'll order," Aren gave a soft smile.

Shun's heart speed up a tiny bit as they walked over to the table. Aren pointed to a table and said something, but it landed on deaf ears.

Why does he like me? I know I'm awesome, but I really don't get it. What's so great that I could have a god think about liking me... LET ALONE LOOKING AT ME. I won't mess this up for I am Kaidou Shun, the great.

Shun laughed at his monologue. He knew he was funny even if he didn't mean it.

"Why are you laughing," Aren asked as he sat down.
Shun smirked, "I had a funny thought. Why would you like to know?"
Aren chuckled slightly, "I just don't know how to start this conversation... the one about ya know."
"About the fuzz?" Shun asked
"No," Aren sighed. "We aren't talking about police."

Shun looked at Aren confused but was holding black laughter.

Aren finally spoke again, "Wait- sorry it took a minute."

Shun started laughing harder, he laughed until he couldn't breathe. Right after Shun started laughing Aren did too. To Aren, Shun's laughter is the best, funniest and most adorable sound in the world. A couple of others looked at the two as they laughed. The others shrugged it off with a smile or a couple of soft chuckles.

Smiles were the only thing on everyone's face in this café. It wasn't a place one would simply not show joy. The two sat in a comfortable silence.

"I do mean it," Aren sighed, speaking up. "You make me feel happy."
Shun nodded, "all my life I felt the need to fit in but I guess... nevermind it's a boring story."
"None of your stories are boring," Aren placed his hand on Shun's with a warm smile.
"I tried to hard to fit in," Shun started. "It lead to me standing out more. Nothing I did was for myself so I never learned who I want to be."
Aren nodded, "mhmm."
"I know that I want to be around you," Shun nodded. "It won't matter what others think if you're with me."
Aren smiled more, "I want to see the true Shun. The boy who wants to fit in, the boy who stands out; the kind Shun and the nice Shun."

Aren got interrupted by the waitress coming back with their drink. She brought the two back to a comfortable silent so they could think of what the other said.


The two finsihed their drinks rather slow because they got back to talking. Every little nothing that could leave their mouths did. As the two packed up the looked outside to see Saiki walk into the café by himself.

The three made eye contact by the door as a way of saying "hello". Yet none of them said anything.

I think Saiki is started to like me more. He probably thinks I'm annoying but at least he doesn't hate me.

The boy with purple haired looked to the slighty shorter boy with a smile. It was a sweet, short smile but a smile nonetheless. Shun did his little happy dance were he shook his shoulders and bounced on his feet.

They walked to Aren's parked motorcycles in a nice, comfortable silence. Anytime the two didn't talk, just being there was enough. Even if they walked out without anymore talk about the fuzzy feeling they get around the other; just knowing they both felt it was enough.

The pair of friends made it to the bike and put on their helmets. As they drove smiles fell through their teeth once more even as Aren pulled into Shun's driveway. They gave a wave to the other; as Shun walked into his house a small pain ringed in his chest.

Toki ran up to his with his arms open wide. The little blue haired boy gave his brother a hug, even as the brother picked him up.

"What's for dinner," is all Toki asked.
Shun thought about it for a second, "how about... Curry?"

Toki cheered and clapped a tiny bit. His smile grew and he clapped even more when his older sister walked down the stairs.

"Hey," Sora sighed but still gave a tiny smile. "Those girls at school... they were in your class, right?"
Shun gave a nod, "I'm sorry you had to hear those things."
"Have they been talking like that for a while," his sister asked, her eyes filled with pity.
Shun shook his head, "no, they're just being immature."
"Are you sure?" Sora asked. "I mean if they're talking about you then shouldn't someone know?"
"I told you, it's alright. I'm fine, you're fine and they're fine too," Shun smiled, putting Toki down.

Sora went silent for a second as Shun put on an apron. He was home later then normal so he wanted to start cooking soon.

"WHAT IF I'M NOT FINE WITH IT?!" Sora yelled with clenched fists.
Shun sighed, "you're not hurt over it."
Sora yelled once more, "I AM. I SUPER FUCKING HURT."
"WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE," Was the only this Shun could yell back.

It was the only thing he could yell back because...

...it hurt him too.

Note from Lampblanket:
(This will be the only A/N)
I would like to clarify that in this story Kaidou Shun has ADHD. Some of you probably figured that he has it here but I still wanted to tell you. I have a couple steming moments in this story. I would like to say that not all people with ADHD act the same but this is how I experience it.

My Real Self Is With You (Shun Kaidou x Aren Kuboyasu)Where stories live. Discover now