□Chapter Ten□

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Drawing by a lovely reader @cheese1smilk
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Shun looked away and bit his tongue.

Shun opened his mouth to speak but he couldn't get out even a whisper. He could feel Aren looking at him, he felt like everyone could have been looking at him.

"Shun, I like your strudel," Aren started. "I think you're a great baker."
Shun smiled softly, "then let's bake together sometime."
"I would like that," Aren admitted, showing off his soft smile.

What if he's just saying that? I mean he's too sweet and perfect for me. I'm a fool and stup-

The physical education teacher walked through the door, starting the class. "I'm sorry you're teacher is sick. I'll be taking over for now, starting with attendance."

He started calling everybody's name.


Right after class ended, before it was officially lunch Mr. Matsuzaki stopped Kaidou.

"Kaidou," he started. "I want you to join the school's tract team."
Shun froze and shook his head, "I don't think that's a good idea. You've never seen me run before."
"Then let's go to the field. Before you eat you can run a 100 meter and I'll tell you what I think," Mr. Matsuzaki said, giving the teacher smile.
Shun nodded softly, "I can do that, yeah. As long as Ar- Kuboyasu tages along."
Mr. Matsuzaki nodded, "grab him and your lunches; I'll meet you at the field."

Shun nodded and walked away to find Aren. One his eyes landed on the purple haired boy all the nerves ran away. Shun walked up to his friends with a soft smile.

"Aren, will you watch me run? Mr. Matsuzaki wants to see how fast I am," Shun chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.
Aren smiled back, "lead the way."

The two left to go outside to the track. Aren held Shun's lunch and walked over to Mr. Matsuzaki. Shun went to the mark, looking to the 100 meter mark infront of him.

He looked over to Aren and his nerves fully ran away.

"Go!" Mr. Matsuzaki yelled, pushing a button on his stopwatch.

Shun dashed and run until he made the mark. This moment could changed everything. His mind was clear as he ran. Once he pasted the mark he heard Aren give a whistle.

Shun slowly ran over with a smile.

"Why didn't you run for class? There were so many rely races," Mr. Matsuzaki sighed.
Shun chuckled slowly breathing, "They wanted faster people to run."
"You're the fastest runner I've seen," Aren smiled. "I mean you are a hero after all."
"Oh shush," Shun laughed, slightly punching Aren's shoulder. "It's only for my brother."
"I think you should do track," Mr. Matsuzaki smiled. "You had a 7 second 100 meter time."

Shun smiled, he always wanted to be good at things. Maybe running was his thing.

"I'll think about it," Shun said, his smile getting wider.

After that Aren and Shun sat down and started eating their lunches.

"If you ask I can start making your lunches too," Shun smiled.
Aren looked at Shun, "I would like that."
Shun nodded, "I'll start by bringing you lunches on Thursdays!"

Aren nodded and started eating again. Shun followed Aren's behavior but his mind raced with ideas for lunches.


Shun smiled as he walked down the halls with Aren. Shun decided that he wouldn't let Nendou decide when he's not having a good day.

The two talked about every little nothing as they got out of school.

"Want a ride home?" Aren asked, already tossing the helmet to Shun.
Shun nodded chuckling a little bit, "you know me so well."

The two got on and Shun wrapped his arms around the purple haired boy's stomach. The fuzzy feeling he felt throughout the day came back... more extremely. Shun wasn't complaining, it did feel nice.

Aren started to give and wind hit the two's faces. Again reliving a moment that he wishes could never end.

They got to Shun's house and he disappointedly went into the house. Shun ran up to his room and went to google.

What is the fuzzy feeling I get with my best friend?

Shun looked and looked but the only thing he could find in the articles was things about love.

I can't be in love with Aren?! I knew I didn't like woman my whole life but I never had a crush on a man before! I mean maybe a book charater but never a human! Oh my god! What if I'm in love with Aren! I don't want to be in love with my best friend! Why do I have to be in love with Aren? Maybe it's a feeling of friendship! I never felt that way with Saiki. Maybe because I don't have the best relationship with Saiki? Why couldn't I have a crush on Chiyo or Mero or Teruhashi! They are all beautiful girls! Why couldn't it be them?

Shun's mind raced as he paced his bedroom. His brain betrayed him when he spoke a little bit out loud.

"What if I'm actually in love with Aren!"

Shun sighed when he heard a gasp from the door. Sora stood, the door open and her jaw was open too.

"You're in love with Aren?" Sora asked.
Shun shook his head, "no! I like Teruhadhi!"
"Face it!" Sora whispered yelled. "You're in love with your best friend, who's a male."
"No," Shun frowned. "I'm not!"
"I'm telling mom that you're not perfect!" Sora yelled getting angry. "You aren't a hero! You aren't even normal! You're just a stup-"
"SORA!" Ms. Kaidou hissed, stomping up the stairs. "You're brother isn't a freak! He's a normal person!"

Their mother froze as Shun slammed his door. He quickly locked it and ran to his closet, tears falling onto his knees.

He stayed curled up in the closet before he heard his mother unlock the door.

"Can I come in?" She asked softly.

Shun stayed silent, so she walked in and went over to the closet. The door was shut so she sat down, without opening it.

"I know you're in there," she sighed. "Shun. I- umm. I'm surprised. I'm here for you."

Shun listened even if he was still crying.

"I- umm. Want you to know that I support you. I don't know much about queers but you can teach me," she spoke softly. "I love you and you'll always be my son. Let's talk when you're ready."

Shun knocked on his door twice to let his mother know that he listened. He stayed that way for a little bit until the tears stopped. He picked up his phone and went to a person he knew well: Kuboyasu Aren.

My Real Self Is With You (Shun Kaidou x Aren Kuboyasu)Where stories live. Discover now