□Chapter Twelve□

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...you make me feel fuzzy too."

Shun turned bright red. He slammed the bathroom stall once again. The blue haired Highschool boy dropped into a ball; he stood on his toes but his knees were covering his eyes.

"Please... say something," Aren slightly begged, desperate.
Shun opened his mouth slightly and whispered, "you heard that?"
Aren sighed, "I did."
"Can't we talk about this after school?" Shun asked. "I- I can't think of what to say right now."
"Sure. When we go to the café let's talk about it," Aren gave another sigh. "I'll go back to the classroom."

Shun stayed silent as he heard Aren's footsteps slowly leave the bathroom. He waited another minute before he unlocked the stall and went to wash his hands.

He slowly walked the halls back to his classroom thinking of what Aren told him.

"I guess... it's because... you make me feel fuzzy too."

Shun was only slightly red by the time he made it back to the classroom. Aren sat at his desk and smiled at Shun as he walked to his desk.

"The hero's out of hiding," Aren joked as soon as Shun sat down.
Shun nodded, "only because some weirdo wanted to talk to me."
"Oh?" Aren asked. "Who was this weirdo?"
"I don't know," Shun started. "They have purple hair and a sweet voice."
"He thinks my voice is sweet?" Aren asked, clearly thinking out loud.
Shun smiled, "he does."
"I said that out loud?" Aren asked hiding his face in his desk.

Shun chuckled as the teacher walked in and started calling people names. The boy haired boy was zoning out until his name was called so he lifted his hand.


Shun grabbed his lunch and went to sit outside.  He sat under a tree and watched the other trees dance in the wind.

He likes me? What if he's just saying that? I don't want it to be a lie. Kuboyasu Aren if you're just saying you like me I'll die!

Shun thought about Aren, praying that what he told Shun was true. Someone broke his thoughts when they started to talk to him: Teruhadhi.

"Kaidou, why are you sitting alone?" She asked, in her sweetest voice.
Shun shrugged, unaffected by the glowing girl, "I'm thinking. Why aren't you with your friends?"
Teruhadhi sighed a tiny bit, "I wanted to check up on you. You're normally with Kuboyasu; did something happen between you two?"
Shun's face got brighter by a bit, "nothing bad. I just wanted to think."

Teruhadhi gave a smirk like she could read Shun like a book.

"Why are you talking to me?" Shun started. "You'll ruin your reputation.
She shook her head, "oh? talking to you will only make people like me more. They all think you're a no good, person who plays pretend. It makes people think I'm different then the people who make fun of you."
"Thank for cheering me up," Shun said, sarcasm falling out of lips.
Teruhadhi looked panicked, "I didn't mean to say that out loud."
"Don't worry, everyone's thinking it," Shun mumbled as he took another bite of his food.

The girl chuckled before awkwardly walking away. Soon after Aren approached the sitting boy. Aren sat down with a smile.

Shun looked at Aren and how the wind blew perfectly at his face, tugging on his short hair. The sight was one of god. He glew like Teruhadhi in this moment.

"Aren," Shud started, earning a hum from the other boy. "I- I think I like you and it's scary."

Shun hid his face in his knees so Aren couldn't see the blush across his face.

Aren chuckled, you could practically hear the smile on his face, "I get it... I fear people finding out about this, then harming you. It would be because of me if they do."
"No!" Shun blurted. "It wouldn't be because of you. I'm the 'not natural' one and you're the one people like. I don't want to ruin your reputation. I don't have a chance to redeem myself and you do."
Aren froze for a bit as he listened but he spoke, "Shun, I don't care what the others think about me. As long as I like you and you like me: I'll have everything. Someone could give me the whole world but if I didn't have you it wouldn't be enough."

Shun smiled and didn't speak. The two just finished their lunch with their shoulders touching. It was enough. All the needed was to be around each other.


The two walked and talked in the hallway. Even if a couple of girls in their class was whispering about them. Shun chose not to listen but as soon as "his sister" left one of their lips: his ears perked up.

"His sister must hate being related to him!"
"Kaidou has a sister?"
"She must be ashamed..."
"I overheard someone saying the name Kadiou, so I looked and I saw a girl who looked like our classes Kaidou!"
"Gross! She looks like him?"
"Eww! We already have one."
"I know right?"
"I wonder if she knows she's related to a queer! Kadiou has to be queer!"

Shun bit his inner lip; Aren must have heard them too. The purple haired boy hand his hands in fists and looked like he was ready to fight all of them.

Shun grabbed on to Aren's arm and whispered, "it's not your fight."
"How am I supposed to sit ba-" Aren started to whisper yell back.
Shun looked up to Aren with a pissed expression, "because I got this."

Shun walked up to the group of girls who were talking.

"Lay off," Shun hissed. "Frankly, I don't give two shits if you talk about me but keep her name out of your mouth."
"Why should I? It's true, she should be ashamed of her last name," one of the girls spoke.
"Maybe your mother regrets got giving you up when she had the chance," Shun hissed. "Again: shut the hell up. Don't talk about my sister."
The girl spoke again, "maybe if you weren't a queer you would have friends."
"maybe if you had better grades your dad could be proud of you," Shun smirked softly.

The girl lifted her hand, about to slap the boy. She closed her eyes as she was about to swing so Shun just walked away.

I said what I wanted.

Shun smiled and had a bounce in his step as he went to meet up with Aren once more. Aren gave Shun a smile which sent more fuzziness to his brain and gut.

The two walked out of the school and went to find Aren's motorcycle.

My Real Self Is With You (Shun Kaidou x Aren Kuboyasu)Where stories live. Discover now