□Chapter Four□

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Matsuzaki was surprised at how Shun reacted, Kaidou looked like the guy to go out of his way for credit if he did something.

Shun sat back in his seat and frowned.

I don't want anyone to know- please. I beg you... don't let anyone find out.

His book opened and he filled his mind with words. Following words already written are easier then writing your own story after all.

He read page after page before someone sat by him.

"What ya reading?" a voice he recognized spoke.
Shun looked up with a smile, "Kuboyasu, good morning."
"Good morning, Kaidou," the purple haired school boy answered. "I listened to the news this morning and apparently some kid stopped a robbery. No description was given so I have no clue who it was."

Shun frowned again.

"It said the handbag that was taken had the only photo of the woman's dead daughter. That kid is a total hero without knowing," Kuboyasu smiled well closing his eyes and leaning in his chair. "Honestly, I wish I could help someone like they did."

"You can if your in the wrong place at the wrong time. The whole thing was most likely fake. If it was me that helped her my face would be all over the news," Shun prayed Kuboyasu didn't know it was him.

"That's funny because the woman in the office was crying and saying she wants to thank you for getting her wallet back. Since you here that means your trying to get away from anything related to this morning," the purple haired boy smirked.

Shun frowned, "She really wants to see me... shit. I'm no hero and the only one to play that kind of pretend with me is my brother."

"I think you need to be thanked so here. She wrote you a note and told me to give it to you. And if it makes you feel better... I think you playing hero's with your brother is a good thing," Kuboyasu passed Shun the folded note.

Shun unfolded the paper and read the note. Yet he didn't read it out loud.

"Thank you so much. I can't tell you how much this wallet means to me. My dear daughter passed away a couple hours after she was born. Though she didn't last long she was my pride and joy. That was last year but it's the only photo I have of her. I need to get the photo on my phone but I haven't. Because of you I can do it. Thank you kind boy. You're my hero."

Shun wanted to rip the note up.

I don't deserve to be called a hero in anyway. It's not right. I'm nothing close to a hero. I know the only reason I get called a hero by my brother is because I know it's fake.

The blue haired male laughed a little bit as he felt his eyes start to get watery.

"You okay Kaidou?" the other male whispered. He saw the state that Kaidou eyes were in... disbelief, disappointment and a pain only felt when your unworthy.

Kaidou smiled softly and a lie fell from his lips, "I'm fine. This note is just super sweet."

"Alright..." Kuboyasu sighed.

The teacher walked into the class and started taking attendance. The calling of everyone's name made the blue boy bored and so he looked out the big window. The pedals on the pink trees fell and kept falling.

The days pasted slower and slower. Four days pasted from the wallet story and the girl hasn't seen Kaidou at all. That's until she found out his house number and came to thank him properly.

Sora opened the door due to the soft knocks. Shun and Toki were making food and Mrs. Kaidou was sitting on the table watching them cook.

"Hello Miss. How can we help you?" Sora asked nicely.

The woman cleared her throat, "Does umm... Kaidou Shun live here?"

"Yes. He's my brother; why do you need him?" Sora sighed softly.

"I want to thank him. He's a true hero and I'm begging you to let me thank him," she almost started crying.

"Shun! A woman is here to thank you," Sora slightly yelled.

"Why is a woman here to thank you?" Mrs. Kaidou asked.

Shun sighed and walked to the door, "Toki don't touch the food until I'm back."

The woman at the door started crying, "Thank you! Thank you! The world needs more people like you! You're a real hero!"

"Whoa, what did my son do?" Mrs. Kaidou asked well getting up from the table.

The woman dried her face, "Four days ago he got my wallet back from a thief. It had the only photo of my daughter in it."

"Shun... why didn't you say anything?" Mrs. Kaidou sighed.

"BECAUSE HE'S THE JET BLACK WINGS MOMMY! Hero's can't tell others what they did," Toki yelled a little bit.

Shun sighed, "It doesn't matter. That's why I don't want attention. I didn't do much."

"Hey Kaidou Shun... it means a lot to my family that you saved the life of my daughter..." the woman smiled softly well crying more.

The woman walked away after handing Mrs. Kaidou some money. And Shun walked away before anyone could ask him about it. He finished dinner and ate in silence. Sora didn't talk either.

My Real Self Is With You (Shun Kaidou x Aren Kuboyasu)Where stories live. Discover now