□Chapter Six□

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They talk about everything that comes to mind. Well, they talked until the teacher came in and told them to take out their textbooks.

A week passed since the girl stopped by the house. Sora hasn't talked to Shun the whole time.

Shun and Kuboyasu got even more close. They hang out more than every time Saiki and Nendo ask Shun to join them. Shun didn't know what to think. Everything was confusing. He started having weird feeling to a purple-hair guy he knew. It has only been about two weeks and he already have different feelings to him. He would always tell himself that the feeling was friendship or admiration.

Other than those small things nothing changed. He still got good grades but struggled with a few subjects like Phy. Ed.

Kaidou sat on his bedroom door. He was listening to music with one earbud in.

"Shun," His mother said, knocking on his bedroom door. "Want to help me with groceries. I need to go to the store."
Shun stood up from the floor, "Alright!"

He walked out the door and went downstairs, saying goodbye to his siblings. His mother and him put on their shoes and left.

Ms. Kaidou drive the grey van and Shun sat in the passenger seat. The two of them talked as drove by two girl's holding hands. His mother's face changed, and she sighed.

"I don't get queer people; they're just weird. It's inappropriate," His mother scoffed.
Shun nodded
She sighed again, "don't get me wrong. I'll support whoever but I just don't understand them."
"I get what you mean," Shun mumbled as he bit his inner lip.

They drove in silence for a while; the air felt dry. They pulled into the parking lot of the store.

They wondered the isles, grabbing what stood out. Shun put his hands in his pants pocket and tapped his hands against his thighs. He started walking with the front of his feet.

His mother got used to this behavior, but every once in a while, someone's tried eyes looked over with confusion. He sunk his head into his shoulders, looking slightly to the ground. He sighed and started walking with his foot flat.

Thank God that I don't know anyone here.

The feeling of embarrassment often overwhelmed him to the point he would run off to a bathroom and hide. Shun was used to having strong emotions yet he didn't see others run off to hide from the class.

Another sigh left a Kaidou's lips, not the boy this time, but a mother.

"They don't have noodles Toki likes," Ms. Kaidou frowned slightly.
Shun smiled, "We should try something new then. Maybe a European dish this time... I heard that Strudel is good."
His mother smiled back, "Alright. Your mission is to find the best Strudel recipe online. Go!"

Shun took out his phone and started searching for Strudel, "It's a dish from Austria. Made with a crisp dough and has many types of filling but apple is the most popular. We'll need... "

As soon as he listed the things, they need Ms. Kaidou started a timer to see how long it would take Shun to find everything. This game started as a joke when he was 12 and they still play. Shun would find a recipe that's popular in a different country and see how long it would take to find everything. His best time is 5 minutes and 18 seconds.

Shun took the cart and wondered the isles to find what the recipe calls for; his mother followed behind him with a big smile. They searched the isles finding almost everything, but they ran into someone before the finished: Chiyo Yumehara and her sister.

"Sorry for hitting you with the cart," Shun mumbled, slightly losing his will to speak.
She smiled, "It's fine I wasn't looking where I was going."
"Shun, you're being timed," His mother laughed.
"Right, I have to go. Bye-bye," Shun waved before speed walking the rest of the isle.

Once they got all items his mother stopped the timer and looked at her phone: "4 minutes and 56 seconds."
"Yes! I beat my best time," Shun cheered as they went to check out.

He saw Chiyo checking out; he felt the need to apologize again. In the end he decided not to approach her. His and his mother left the store in a happy mood.

"Next time we play, we should do Beaver Tails. It's a desert from Canada," Shun smiled as he got into the car.

My Real Self Is With You (Shun Kaidou x Aren Kuboyasu)Where stories live. Discover now