□Chapter Seven□

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Shun smiled as he got into the car.

The two unloaded and brought all the groceries inside, in one trip, due to Shun. Toki immediately ran into Shun's lower torso even if he had filled plastic bags in his arms. Sora huffed a puffed out her chest a little bit.

"I could've help, you know," she mumbled.
Ms. Kaidou smiled to her daughter, "Shun insisted that we could get everything. He's helpful all the time!"

Sora bit her lip and sent a small glare to her older brother.

"Sora's helpful too, mom," Shun chuckled.

I hate that feeling... having your sibling be better than you in something.

His mother nodded, "she also gets the best grades in her class. I'm very proud of both my childred."
"See," Shun smiled, earning a head turning away.
"No need to be rude," Ms. Kaidou frowned a bit.
"I'm not being rude. Shun's the one who-" Sora blamed.

Shun bit his inner lip as he made a fist with his hands. He wasn't mad but he wanted to feel something physical.

"Sora! What's with you? You know we don't play that 'name game' in this house," their mother hissed.
"I'm not blaming him," Sora sighed as she stomped up the stairs.
Ms. Kaidou yelled to her daughter, "you better not sla-"

Even if a warning was just given Sora still slammed her bedroom door. Ms. Kaidou was ready to run up those stairs to yell at the young girl.

"Mom, we're alright, give her some time," Shun sighed before smiling. "Toki! Wanna learn about strudel? We're going to make it next!"
"What's stadel?" Toki asking scrunching his nose.
"I'll tell you," Shun started.

The two boys talked about strudel as their mother read a book. Even with the detraction of a conversation about strudel Shun couldn't help but feel... icky. He didn't feel sick but maybe somewhat inhuman.

"Can we make it right now?" Toki smiled with a laugh. "It sounds yummy!"
"If it's okay with mom," Shun nodded.
"Mommy can we make the stadel from Australia?" Toki begged.
Shun sighed with a soft smile, "Austria. Strudel is popular in Austria."
"Yeah! Stadel is from that place," Toki nodded.

Ms. Kaidou chuckled at her boys behavior.

Shun's phone buzzed in his pocket, he got a text. He quickly whipped his phone out, hoping it was Kuboysau, but it was Chiyo.

Chiyo: Hey! What was going on at the store? It seemed you were in a rush.

With a sigh of slight disappointment he responded.

Shun: it's something my family does. We research a food from a different country and time how long it takes to find all the ingredients.

She responded within seconds, with surprised Shun.

Chiyo: ooo! That sounds fun! What are you going to make? :)
Shun: Strudel, it's a popular pastry.
Chiyo: is your mom good at making food?
Shun: I make the food. I'm the cook of the family.

Shun wanted to put his phone away but he decided against it.

Chiyo: REALLY?!
Chiyo: your lunches always look super good!
Shun: I make all my lunches
Chiyo: who taught you? They must be awesome.

Shun bit his inner lip, as he put his phone is pocket. It was his father who taught him to cook. He moved to America a little bit less than a year after Toki was born, Shun was 8. He never came back. His phone dinged again but he didn't bother taking it out.

"Come on, let's make strudel," Shun smiled.
Toki nodded, "can we give some to your friend? The one with the bike?"
"Kuboysau?" Shun asked. "How do you know about him?"
Toki smiled, "he gaves you a ridde to school after hyou dropped me off! He looks super cool!"
"Kuboysau? Was he the new kid in your class?" Ms. Kaidou added.
Shun nodded, "yes, he's the kid who moved over a week ago. And yes, we can give some to him."
"Your other friends are scary," Toki admitted frowning.
Shun nodded, "they're probably a part of the dark reunion! Don't worry Toki, they won't get our strudel!"
"Yeah! Only Kuboysau!" Toki smiled again before running to the kitchen.

Shun ran into the kitchen after Toki. Shun slipped and feel on his ass, they both started laughing as Shun got up. The older boy pulled up the recipe. He read out everything they needed; the younger boy would run and grab everything Shun said.

They started following the recipe, Shun would measure and Toki would put it in the bowl. They always had fun baking and cleaning up together.

After about 25 minutes of making the strudel, they were about to put it in the oven and let it bake.

"Stand back Toki, the Jet Black Wings will deal with this heat monster," Shun joked.
Toki nodded, "you got this Jet Black Wings!"

Shun put the strudel into the oven, and quickly closed it.

"In 35 minutes the heat monster will be defected. I gave it a poison," Shun smiled.
Toki nodded excitedly, "can we watch Cyborg Cider-Man 2 until it's done?"
"Sure," Shun chuckled messing up Toki's hair.

After Shun turned on the TV in the living room he texted Kuboysau.

Shun: hey! I made studel, do you want some?
Kuboysau: strudel? The European desert?

Shun smiled at the fact Kuboysau knew what it was. He wanted to do a little happy dance but Cyborg Cider-Man would judge him.

Shun: yeah! It's in the oven!
Kuboysau: Should I come over for it or?
Shun: yeah! My brother wants to meet you
Shun: he says you look cool :)
Kuboysau: is that why I always meet you at the elementary school?
Shun: yuppie
Kuboysau: ahh, send me the address and I'll be over.
Shun: yeah! Here: *123 welhut drive*

Shun smiled as his brother was cheering on Mr. Cider-Man.

"I could do that," Shun chuckled.
Toki nodded, "yeah! Cyborg Cider-Man stole your power!"
"Kuboysau will come over for the studel," Shun informed.
"Okay!" Toki nodded going back to the TV.

So Shun watched the TV hero as he waited. He waited for the strudel to get done but more importantly: Kuboysau to arrive.

My Real Self Is With You (Shun Kaidou x Aren Kuboyasu)Where stories live. Discover now