□Chapter Twenty-Two□

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Shun started running down the stairs with a smile.

<- A couple days passed by. They all shared the same routeen: wake up, make breakfast, walk Toki to school, get a ride from Kuboyusa, go to class, hang out with Kuboyusa, and the two girls from earlier. After school they would all go home, and Shun would make dinner. ->

Shun and Aren walked into the classroom to see the their two female friends waiting. Chiyo glared at them just a tiny bit, which caused them to send a glare back. The three had a stare down in the middle of the classroom.

Shun and Aren went to their seats and a decision started. The four just talked until the teacher walked in.

"I can't believe Shun got a girlfriend," a classmate whispered.
Another whispered back, "I mean they wouldn't have gotten close to them a month ago... It must have been a bribe."

Shun bit his lips and went quiet. He knew if he spoke the words would taste bad in his mouth. He knew they words should sit uncomfortably in his mind and never touch daylight.

I thought people forgot about me... I guess they could never forget. I'm too different. Why the hell does my brain act this way? Why can't I be normal?! I've been trying my whole life to be normal. No. I'm not good enough at blending in. I have to smile because my face betrays me. I probably laugh to loud. I probably breathe to loud also! God, I'm a freak. I can't even have a normal head monologue!

Shun let a sigh fall out of his lips.

"He's right here," Kuboyasu stated.
Kaidou blinked a few times, "huh?"
"Next time speak up," the teacher sighed.

"God he can't even pay attention," the classmate whispered.
A soft laugh followed, "probably thinking about how he had to buy a girlfriend."

Shun bit his inner lip and his eyes started to get glossy. His leg moved up and down as he hit his hand on his thigh. He repeatedly hit his leg, and everything around him disappeared.

"What are you thinking about?" Aren whispered to him.
Shun thought of what to say but the words didn't like to come out, "I- umm- I-it jus-just, umm, happens. Sorry."

"What's he doing?" A classmate whispered.

Shun looked up to see what the teacher is doing. They stood at the front letting people write the problem on the board. Shun slowly walked up to him.

"C-can I, umm," Shun stopped talking for a moment, his hand moved trying to help the words. "Ma-May I, uhh, go in-into the, uhh, umm, hall?"

At this point he could hardly make out shapes. Everything was a colored blur.

"Go ahead," the teacher spoke. "You okay?"
Shun nodded, "i-it, uhh, happens sometimes."

Shun made his way to the door. He managed to open it and walk outside. He walked up and down the hallway with a bounce in his step. He walked as his hands tapped his legs again.

Why the hell does this happen?! Why the hell am I crying about it?! I know I can speak but this shit happens!

Shun took a couple deep breaths before approaching his classroom again. He took a set by the door but started tearing up again.

Can't do it. Can't do it. No. Nope.

A little bit before the bell rang Shun's eyes stopped watering. His feet and hands were moving uncontrollably still. Shun couldn't think about school with his body betraying him so.

I could message mom to get me out. Yeah, I really don't want to be here.

Shun reached for his phone. Soon he realized he had empty pockets and he put his phone in his school bag.

Why couldn't I be normal today?! Should I get my phone? Yeah. I'll go into the classroom grab it and get out.

Shun approached the classroom door once more. His body chose against it and started tearing up again.

Nope. Can't do it. Can't. Can't.

The bell rang and the teacher walked out.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "I've never seen you act this way."
Shun nodded, "I, umm, uhh, yeah."

His hand moved to try and help the words fall out. The mission was unsuccessful.

"Should I call your mother?" He sighed.
Shun gave a soft nod, "I, uhh, ha-hate w-w-when, umm, thi-this happens."
"Okay," he smiled. "I'll let her know."

The teacher walked away leaving Shun alone once more. He cussed himself out mentally for not being able to speak the words he wanted.


The teacher returned and let the blue haired boy know his mother is on her way. The teacher went inside the classroom and started teaching again.

A little bit of time passed and Kuboyasu walked out of the doors.

"Do you want your stuff?" He asked, handing over the bag.
Shun nodded, "th-thank you."
"You're leaving, right? I'll give you the notes after school," Aren informed.

Shun smiled with a nod, he didn't talk.

Aren gave a smile, "I would love to wait with you but I have notes to take. See you after school."
Shun nodded, his hands moved too much to wave.

The blue haired boy often thought of why he pretends to be normal when he clearly isn't. His brain isn't the way people normally think. Just because he might of needed extra help, or he moves unconsciously, makes him freakish. Who thinks of him as a freak? Mainly himself. So why does he pretend?: he does it for himself. Everyone who pretends to be something else does it for themselves. If someone pretends to be happy it's because they probably want to he happy. That's the conclusion of Shun thoughts.

My Real Self Is With You (Shun Kaidou x Aren Kuboyasu)Where stories live. Discover now