□Chapter Eleven□

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He picked up his phone and went to a person he knew well: Kuboyasu Aren.

Shun: can we call?
Aren: sure. What about?
Shun: I'll tell you when we call.

Shun's phone started ringing. Aren was calling him so he answered.

"Hey-hey," Aren said, you hear the slightly concerned in his voice.
Shun sniffled once more before giving a weak, "hey Aren."
"What's wrong?" Aren asked, you could hear more concern.
Shun waited a bit before speaking a little bit more strongly, "my mom found out I was...queer."
"You're queer?" Aren asked. "What did your mom do?"
"It's how she found out," Shun correct. "Sora told her in the worst way possible."
"I'm sorry that your sister threw you under the bus. Coming out is supposed to be for you and someone broke that," Aren explained, concern growing to slight anger.
"I'm okay," Shun admitted. "I was just in shock."
Aren sighed, "you sure?"
"Mhmm," Shun nodded.
"How about this," Aren started. "Tomorrow after school, I'll buy something at a café."
"Sure," Shun smiled. "I can't say no to you."
"That's right!" Aren chuckled.

The two talked for a little bit longer before Shun was fully ready to come out of the closet, physically. They ended the call and Shun slowly walked down the closet.

"Good morning Shun," his mother joked.
Toki looked confused, "momma it's 19:30 (7:30pm)?"
She smiled to Toki, "I'm joking around with your brother."

She turned to Shun, "come, sit at the table. Toki can you go to your room?"

Toki nodded and ran off after saying goodbye. Shun sat at the table across from his mother. He still couldn't look her in the eyes though.

"Shun," his mother started, putting her hand on his. "I'm proud of you. I'll always support you - unless you do drugs - because you're my child. I have questions and I ask when you're ready."
Shun nodded weakly, "what questions?"
"What's a trans man and what's a trans woman?" She asked. "I'm confused with that."

Shun explained the difference from all he knew about them and his mother listened the whole time. She after asked about pronouns and listened as Shun explained it.

"Last question," his mother started. "You like men the way I do? And a girl could like another girl the way you like men?"

Shun nodded and explained to his mouth forced him to shut up. His mother listened and nodded. She didn't over speak Shun once which made him feel better.

"I understand. Thank you," she smiled.
Shun nodded, "it's no problem."
"How about we order something for dinner tonight? You've had a long day," his mother smiled, grabbing her phone and keys. "You can stay here and watch the house."

As soon as mom's left Sora spoke up, she was sitting on the stairs, "I'm sorry."
"It ended up okay," Shun chuckled.

Shun went to the stair Sora was sitting at and sat down. He put his hand on hers; he learned that it can be comforting.

"Are you mad at me?" Sora asked.
Shun nodded, "extremely. Why the hell did you do that?"
"You're perfect!" Sora started, slowly getting quieter. "I- you are a hero, a good brother, you have great friends and so much more. I wish I can be seen the way you are by mom."
Shun sighed, "Sora, no one's perfect. Maybe people think that Teruhashi is perfect but I'm no where close. If anything I would be jealous of you, you get way better grades at school. I tried my best to get smart but it took a long time."
"So it's just how you look at things?" Sora mumbled.
Shun smiled softly, "there is no alternative for simply showing up. All you can do is be a good you."

Sora smiled and ran up the stairs. She ran to her room, without slamming the door. Toki soon came out of his room.

"Can I come out now?" Toki asked, his head showing and the rest of his body isn't.
Shun nodded with a chuckle, "Mhmm. All the monsters are gone."
"I MISSED A FIGHT?" Toki yelled, disappointed.
A laugh came from the Highschool boy, "Sorry Toki. It was super strong and I didn't want anyway to get hurt."

Toki ran out the the room in hopes of playing to Shun.


Shun walked with his bother to his school. Toki's best friend begged Shun for a piggyback ride too. That's how Shun ended up with two kids on his back, the three of them laughing.

In the coner of his eye, Shun saw two girls from his school whispering to each other. It made him stop laughing for a second.

They don't get to make my day bad... or this moment.

Shun kept laughing with the two young boys until they made it to the elementary school. That's when Aren caught up with Shun.

"You seem happy," Aren chuckled.
Shun nodded, "power of a hero I guess."

The two laughed more as Shun got onto the motorcycle. He wrapped his arms around Aren waist as soon as he finished putting on the helmet.

"I love when you give me a ride," Shun slightly whispered to Aren. "It makes me happy."
"You make me happy," Aren mumbled softly so Shun just picked it up.
Shun face got a bit hotter, "what was that?"
"You make me happy," Aren mumbled slightly louder.
Shun chuckled then mumbled, "you make me feel fuzzy."

After Shun realized what he just said he turned bright red. Shun prayed that Aren did hear it, and he thinks Aren didn't hear it.

After that Aren started up the motorcycle and zoomed off. Shun hugged Aren tight, the speed at startled him. Once Shun got used to the speed he just didn't want to let go. The fuzzy feeling he got felt nice.

Once they got to school Shun frowned as he let go of Aren. They walked inside and laughed all the way to the classroom. Chiyo stood outside the classroom, walking up to the two as soon as she saw them.

"Can I talk to you Kaidou?" She asked with a smile.
Shun nodded give her an, "of course."

Aren sighed and walked into the classroom with a wave goodbye.

"Do you need to ask me something?" Shun asked.
Chiyo shook her head, "I want you to listen. People say things to Kuboyasu when you're not around."

People talk about me to Aren?

Shun bit his tongue as he listened into the classroom.

"Why do you hang out with him?" A girl asked.
Aren sighed, "Why do you keep asking me? I already told you."
"He's gross!" She hissed. "He was giving two elementary schoolers piggyback rides!"
"One of which is his brother!" Aren hissed back. "Shun is a good brother."
"Why do you call him his first name?" She asked, anger filling her lungs.
Aren hissed again, "He's my friend. It doesn't matter if he's better than you or not I'll still care about him."
"I don't see why! No one but you and Nendou talk to him," She sighed.

No one tries to talk to me. They all run away because of Nendou's jokes.

"I'm going to the bathroom," Shun informed Chiyo.

"Nendou isn't the most reliable source," Aren sighed. "I'm going to check up on Shun."

Shun didn't watch as Aren got closer to the door. He didn't want to hear anything. The blue haired boy just walked to the closet, empty bathroom. He heard Aren follow after him.

Once Shun got to the bathroom he ran into a stall and slammed it.

"Shun?" Aren asked, knocking on the only closed stall.
Shun sighed, "how long have people been talking about me to you?"
Aren didn't answer for a bit, "when I first got here."

Shun bit his lip as tears threaten to pour out of his eyes.

Shun mumbled, hoping Aren didn't hear it, "I'm weak."
"Shun," Aren started.

The blue haired teen opened the bathroom stall and looked at Aren as he continued talking.

"You're the best person I know. I wouldn't give you up for anyone else at this school. I guess...

...it's because...

...you make me feel fuzzy too."

My Real Self Is With You (Shun Kaidou x Aren Kuboyasu)Where stories live. Discover now