□Chapter Twenty□

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"Shun," his mother started. "I'll make some tea and we'll talk."

Shun sat at the dinner table and watched his mother at work. The only reason he didn't offer to help is the fact she looked at peace, not just content. Ms. Kaidou liked being around her children and tonight was more than perfect.


Ms. Kaidou brought two mugs filled with tea to the table. She handed Shun a green mug and kept a white mug with the words "my favorite child gave me this mug" (it's a gift from Sora).

"I had fun tonight," she sighed before taking another drink. "Thank you."
Shun smiled, "It wasn't my idea, but i did have fun too."
"I remember watching A Monster in Paris with you almost everyday for a week. It wasn't as bad as your Aristocats addiction," Ms. Kaidou spoke with a soft laugh. "You were such a cute kid."
Shun chuckled too, "I love that movie; Kuboyasu and I watched it yesterday."
Ms. Kaidou took another sip of her tea, "That boy is good to you."
"It's scary, I know," Shun sighed, drinking his tea.
Ms. Kaidou smiled. "I'm still proud of all you do. You work really hard."

The words replied in Shun mind: "I'm still proud of all you do." "You work really hard."

Shun's eyes developed a gloss as tear prickled the eyes. The boy looked away from his mother so she couldn't see the impact of her words.

"thank," was the only thing Shun could mumble out.
Ms. Kaidou frowned, "oh buddy. I'm sorry you don't hear that as much as you should."

"I-" shun started to choke out but words never left his mouth. The only thing that left was a soft sob. He don't know what to say, or how to say it.

Soon Shun felt a warm pair of arms wrap around him. His mother kneeled by Shun and the blue haired boy accepted her embrace. As the hugs his mother whispers sweet words.

"I'm sorry I don't tell you that as much as I should", "you do a lot for everyone", "you're such a good person", "I love you so so much", "you make me proud"

As soon as Shun's eyes dried, which took a while, he apologized.

"You know, instead of saying your sorry you could say thank you. I'm still trying to learn that but you can learn it too," his mother smiled before going back to her tea.
Shun nodded, "it means a lot."
"How's school going?" Ms. Kaidou asked. "Your teachers says people aren't the nicest."
Shun froze a bit, "I just want to learn not deal with peers. I don't need anyone but myself."
"You're not a solitary creature; you're a smart young adult. Not everyone is against you, you know," his mother sighed a bit.
"Someone from my class just make a joke about me but it's nothing serious," Shun answered. "They listened to the person no one likes one time and that time is when he joked about me."

Ms. Kaidou drank her tea as she listened. She sighed but no one could tell what she was thinking. The silence filled Shun's brain with worthless worse cases. Therefore Shun changed the topic to his grades.

Slowly the topic changed away from school all together which gave Shun slight relief. Soon it was already time to for the both of them to get sleep. Shun brought Toki to his room, tucked him in then did the same thing with Sora.


As Shun laid in bed a single drop of water fell out his eyes. The blue haired boy couldn't help but want more to pour it. It felt like they were picking his eyes but nothing fell.

Today was good to him so why did he want to cry? It felt too good so maybe he thought it'll over be over. Maybe it's because his dream will feel better? It could be the fact the healing process hurts more than the injury.

Whatever it was it felt heavy. Shun didn't want to sleep, nor anything else. He just listened to songs so he didn't hear his thoughts. The ceiling looked so captivating. It's like he could connect the dots the way people do stars.


He feel asleep a little passed 4 in the morning but slept until 11. It felt good to actually wake up later than he normally does. Once he woke he debated showering but he didn't feel like it. Instead he went downstairs and thought about food.

As he stared in the cabinets he thought of what he could eat. Eventually he decided: nothing.

Toki jumped around the house like normal. To Shun it felt louder then before. Every little noise echoed in his head. He wondered back into his room and sat on his floor. The blue haired boy wanted to do something but didn't feel like doing anything.

"I'll go on a walk," Shun mumbled, not wanting to be in the house.

He grabbed a sweatshirt and headphones.


Shun walked down the streets. He chose the path with less people, the road looked lonely so maybe they'll get along.

A few people walked passed but nothing that made Shun think twice. Until a group of two girls and a guy. The girls were in his class, so frankly Shun wanted to turn around. A sigh fell through his lips as he paused his music, wanting to listen to way they were saying. Shun wanted to not care but a strange feeling ate at him.

"I'm sorry but we don't know you," one chuckled.
The guy laughed a bit, "we could know each other."
The second girl looked around the area, "we need to go."
"Please," the first one sighed. "Can't we leave."
"If you give me your number, babes," he mumbled.

Shun sighed before walking up the the three.

"That's where you two went," Shun chuckled. "Kuboyasu and I were waiting for you. Oh? Who's this?"
"Is this kid your boyfriend," he asked.
Shun gave a dearth glare, "no but you aren't either. Let's go, Kuboyasu's waiting for us."

Shun started walking away and the girls followed. The guy walked the other way but you could still hear his profanity.

My Real Self Is With You (Shun Kaidou x Aren Kuboyasu)Where stories live. Discover now