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My hands reach up to my aching eyes, rubbing away any signs of tiredness. I return my hands down to counter below and shovel the cereal into my mouth.

After spending all of last night going through incoming shipments full of new weapons and warehouses set up across the country, I haven't been able to get a wink of sleep and I'm definitely not a morning person, effectively making it even harder for my body to process.

I drop my empty bowl into the sink just as Kian rounds the corner and walks into the kitchen wearing his famous blank stare. I turn around and open the fridge, grabbing out the juice carton and taking a large gulp from it.

"What are you doing?!" Harvey walks through the kitchens doorway and takes the juice straight from my hands. "Use a glass your filthy animal!"

"Stop shouting it's too early to be doing that." I groan while smashing my head into the closed fridge door. The only thing on my mind right now is sleep but with my life, I most likely won't get that.

"Did you get any sleep last night?" Harvey interrupts my head banging sesh.

"If you looked closer dumbass you'd find that he slept a full zero hours last night, he never does." Kian says sarcastically while looking at Harvey.

"Shut up." He pours a bowl of cereal, using the last in the box.

"I'm not going to school today, I gotta visit my mama." I roll my eyes, nervousness running through my veins.

"We'll go with." Harvey shovels his mouth with the cereal.

"Stop talking with your mouth full you dumbfuck." I hit the back of his head as I walk out of the kitchen and walk up to my room.

My bedroom is filled with a king sized bed with all black silk sheets on the right wall, across from my bed is a small fireplace and a tv on the wall above. My walk-in closet is on the left side of the fireplace while my bathroom door is on the right side.

The white wooden floorboards that run throughout the whole house are in my room, a stark contrast from my all black room.

Black shades cover the windows on the opposite wall from the door. The view is just a forest going on for miles.

I stroll into the bathroom a take a brisk shower before getting changed into a basic black hoodie and black shorts. I run a hand through my brunette hair that just barely touches my ears, and walk out of my room.

I meet Harvey and Kian in the garage waiting by a random car, a black Mercedes-Benz. I take the keys from Kian and we all climb into the car. Kian and me in the front, Harvey in the back.

The drive to the hospital is shorter than normal but still tiring with the amount of traffic in the city around this time of morning.

We walk into the hospital, the boys by my side, in silence. With the countless amount of times we've come here we don't even need to think about where we're going.

As I make it to my mama's room on the top floor of the hospital, I made sure to get my mama the best doctors and the best room, Kian and Harvey take a seat outside the room, giving me and my mama some time alone before they come in.

I close the door softly behind me and look at my mama laying in the hospital bed. Many machines surrounding her bed with connecting wires holding onto her.

"Hey mama." My Spanish accent making its debut.

"Hi my baby, come and sit." Her voice soothes most of my nerves as she pats the bed beside her softly. I grab one of the room's chairs and take a seat next to her bed.

"How are you feeling?" I hold her hand in both of mine.

"Don't come in here with all that sappy shit. I'm fine just feeling more tired as the days go on, nothing for you to worry about." She runs her thumb on my cheek. I lean into her touch, waiting nothing more than to stay with her.

"You're my mama of course I'm never going to stop worrying until you get better. You're stuck in a hospital bed all day, slowly dying every single day." I breath out. She looks away from me when she knows I'm right.

"But we both know I'm not going to get any better, I'm only going to get worse. You need to go live your life, have fun and go meet a girl and give me grand-babies before I leave." She smiles though it doesn't reach her eyes.

"I'm not meeting anyone and you're not getting any grandbabies." I grumble, going back to my sour mood.

"I did not carry your fatass for nine whole months and wipe your dirty la culata for your whole life just for you to say, "You're not getting any grand-babies", cause I know damn well you are. I will haunt you for the rest of my life if I don't get any grandbabies." She gives me a stern look.
(Translation: butt)

"Well I can't give you one when I don't have a partner." I lean back in my chair and look at the floor.

"We'll go find one, they are many pretty ladies just waiting for you to put a ring on it." She smiles.

The door opens before I can say anything else, Harvey walks in with a bored Kian right behind him.

"Sorry, I just couldn't wait to see mama any longer." Harvey runs over to the other side of the bed and gives mama a big hug. Kian does the same after they break apart.

When mama first got diagnosed the three of us would spend days on end in the hospital. Harvey would always talk mama's ears off but she'd never complain and the only time Kian would say more than a few words was when we were with mama.

She's always been a mother to my bestfriends since we were young. We would drive her mad when we were little kids, running around the house making a mess. When we were teenagers we'd always sneak out and get piss face drunk and everytime we would get caught she'd pull us by our ears and make us listen to her hour long lecture about our bad behavior.

It's different now since my papa is gone and mama is slowly dying and not getting any better. But she's alot happier now that we're all older and matured and papa's gone, she doesn't have to worry about protecting us from him.

She lost so much protecting us from him, although he'd only go harder on her when she did.



𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐃𝐨 𝐔𝐬 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭Where stories live. Discover now