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B L A I R  A L D E R I D G E

His eyes stay on my body, making me more self conscious as the seconds go on. I walk over to the couch and take a seat. I let Reese crawl around by himself while I open my now charged phone and start ordering clothes for him.

Just as I'm about to place an order Levi stops me once again, "Use my card." His voice sends shivers down my back.

"Why would I?" I look up at him.

"I'll do something that you won't like." He slowly walks over to me, not once taking his eyes off me.

"Like what?"

He smirks down at me, his eyes glistening with lust. My throat closes up at the mere thought of us being together, it will never happen. But my body has a mind of its own as I unconsciously move closer towards him and my breathing hardens.

"A lot of things, sweetheart." His thumb runs across my bottom lip, barely skimming past.

My mind immediately runs to all the possibilities that he could be talking about. My cheeks turn a deep red colour as my mind works. I suck in a deep breath when his eyes dilate as he looks over my body.

His other hand runs down my body, resting on my hip while his right hand plays with my lip. He stays like that for a second, like he was having an internal argument.

"What are you doing, Levi?" I ask breathless.

"Something." He mutters before leaning down, inches away from my lips, so close I can feel his warm breath hitting my lips.

In the blink of a second his lips are on mine, a hand behind my neck while I run my own into his hair and pull him closer. Our tongues battle before his plunges further into my mouth.

His body heat keeps me warm in the cold room. He moves my legs wider with his knee before standing in-between them and pushing my body further into the couch.

His mouth leaves mine before making a trail down my neck with more kisses, hard enough to leave marks. I stay there, a hand in his hair, enjoying his torture on my body.

He pulls back after he reaches the hem of his jumper. He looks down at me with hooded eyes, "You're so fucking beautiful Blair." He smiles before it turns into a smirk as he holds my face infront of me.

I look down at my phone and the page that stayed open and see the paying details are linked to a different card number and it's changed to express shipping. I look up at him, a blank expression on my face, "You kissed me just to change my card?"

"That and I wanted to see how you tasted." He shrugs, thoroughly enjoying my annoyance.

"I fucking hate you." I shake my head but the smile on my face says otherwise. I look down at my phone, ready to change the details back but before I can a hand reaches out and grabs my phone.

Levi hits the purchase button and hands me my phone back. I sit there silently, my mouth agape with shock.

My core flares up at the sight of the devilish grin on his face. I cross my legs together and look down at my son to get out of the haze that annoying brunette put me in.

He's a murderer Blair.

He can kill you.

But he hasn't.

I try to divert my mind from those thoughts onto better things, like how my migraine has calmed down into a dull ache.

No matter I hard I try to distract my brain it always goes back to the guy infront of me.

Reese gives me a reason to run away from Levi when he starts waddling into bathroom. I run after him, not in the mood to clean up any of his messes that he loves making, grabbing him before lifting him in the air.

"You're too cute." I gush before tickling him, giggles leaving him, sending a wave of happiness over me.

After he calms down and I place him back on the floor, he starts running towards the door and hitting it.

"No Resse, you can't go out there." I grab him again and taking him over to the electric fireplace infront of couches.

I turn it on to entertain him which ends up working. Looking into the reflection of the glass I can see Levi slowly walk closer towards us, before stopping right behind my back.

"He's allowed to roam around the house you know. Every kid needs to explore, he can't stay cooped up in here all day." Levi says through the thick silence.

"I know that." I run my hand through his hair. Surprised with how far it's grown in over a year.

"Then let him be free. Chase him down the halls. Let him make a mess, I have people to clean. Let him be a kid."

"Don't tell me how to parent my kid. If you were in my position you'd understand." I say the words with a harsher tone than expected.

I don't need help. I'm capable of doing it all by myself.

"Then tell me what I don't understand. Why you have such a need to hold onto your child whenever someone is near. Why you don't allow yourself to have fun and reckless and even make mistakes. Why you won't bare to talk more than a sentence whenever I'm around. Tell me why Blair, because you don't make any sense." He huffs out with a strain to his voice. He runs a hand through his hair before fisting it at his side.

"Because I hate it here, Levi. I'm forced to live here, where I feel uncomfortable even in my own room. I hold onto my son because I'm scared to death something will happen to him if I don't. I don't want help because I'm capable of doing it all on my own, I've done it before and I'll do it again. I had to grow up earlier than expected Levi, you should understand that, and I understand that everything has consequences. I hate speaking around you because whenever I do you have this look on your face, like nothing else in the world matters, and not to mention what you've done." I close my eyes and whisper the last part.

"You've stabbed, shot, tortured—killed—people because you were born into this life. You're involved with things I vowed to never be around. I hate it here Levi, and forcing me into this home with these people knowing I would hate it. I've brought my son around you all, and I can't leave without getting killed Levi. My son, the only person I have left, who I promised to protect with my life, is in danger because of me," A sob gets caught in my throat.

"And lastly I don't know whether I hate you or I love you." A single year falls from my eye.

The room is left in a thick silence after my rant. The only noise is the quiet hum of the fireplace and each sniffle I take.

Levi takes a deep inhale, "I didn't know you thought that way, Blair." His voice is soft when it leaves his mouth, doing much to ease my distress.

"Of course you wouldn't." I look down at my lap, tears blurring my vision.

"I know I can't fix all of that but I'll try. I swear to the god himself I'll try. You want something, you say it. You need to scream at me, scream at me. Reese needs anything, you tell me. I might never be good enough for you but never keep things from me. I'll try Blair, I promise." At the mention of his name Reese perks up and turns around in my lap, resting his head on my shoulder before reaching out to Levi. Levi kneels down and rests his chin on the top of my head, his fingers interlocked with Reese's.

I don't know how long it is that we stay there but we sit there until Reese grows tired and falls asleep and my stomach growls with hunger.


𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐃𝐨 𝐔𝐬 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭Where stories live. Discover now