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Blair walks into class almost 40 minutes late, red rimmed eyes. Showing us that she's been smoking. Never took her to be a smoker.

"Late again, Blair." Mrs-whatever-her-name-is mutters with a stern look printed on her face.

Blair shrugs lazily, "Yeah, I was busy."

My eyes gaze her outfit and the messy bun sitting on top of her head, multiple strands of hair falling from the bun. She makes her way into the back of the classroom and takes the only empty desk, which happens to be right next to an eager-looking Harvey, who also happens to sit right next to me.

"Busy getting high." Harvey smirks over at Blair.

"If it happens one more time Blair, you will be getting a call home." Our english teacher gives her one last stern look before continuing on with our english assignment.

"Hey, can I have some?" Harvey whispers over to Blair.

"Why? it's mine." Blair looks at him threatening.

"I won't tell on you." He raises his hands and pleads out to her.

"Fine, but only cause I can't have them anyway." Blair shrugs before reaching into her pocket and pulling out 2 blunts and secretly passing them to him without anyone noticing.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." Harvey's smile is now 10x bigger than normal, happier he's got more weed. "I ran out of mine last night and I've been miserable ever since."

"Weirdo." I just barely hear Blair say to herself and she turns to the front of the room.


"Project is due in a month and all of the work must be done outside of class." The english teacher announces in her annoyingly high pitched voice.

"Partners are Isabella and Alexis, Allayah and Marcus, Harvey and Kian, Alexander and Samuel, Blair and Levi." She goes on until she's done with the whole class.

I look over at Blair, just to see her asleep on her desk. Groaning in annoyance I grab my bag and walk over to the desk next to her. Her head bolts up when I drop my bag on the desk, instantly waking her up.

She glares at me, "Why'd you do that?" She grumbles.

"Well if you actually listened to the teacher, sugar, you'd know that we're partners for the next class project." I smirk at her annoyed face.

"Sorry for the mistake class but these will be your permanent partners for the class." The teacher calls out, half the class cheers in excitement while the other half groans in annoyance.

"Well just let me sleep, please." She lays her head back onto the desk and instantly falls asleep. The dark purple circles under her eyes showcasing how tired she is. I ignore the temptation to wake her up and start researching the work we'll need for the assignment.

The bell rings fifteen minutes later and I shake Blair on the shoulder to waker her up, taking her by surprise.

"My house or your house?" I ask as I pack my things up and she slowly stands from her chair.

"I have work at six but I'm stuck at home with Reese all day so maybe another day?" We walk out of class together.

"Or I can just go over after school, I've already got most of the work we just need to put it in a PowerPoint, an hour max." She follows behind me to my locker.

"Sure, but Reese is still gonna be there."

"Okay? And the problem is?" I raise an eyebrow at her.

"He's a baby and they need attention so it's going to take longer long a hour." She explains and leans onto the locker next to mine.

"Sugar, do you really think I'll care about your child being there? No, so I'll be there." I slam my locker shut and walk off, leaving her behind.


"You coming with after school?" Kian looks up at me as he dips his chips in the tomato sauce.

"Where?" I look up from my phone with a raised eyebrow.

"We're taking Roxy on a day out remember." My brain is empty trying to think of anything involving Kian's little sister, Roxy.

"You didn't say anything about a day out." I shake my head in denial.

"You said you weren't going to forget." His voice is strained, a non-verbal way of saying that he's angry.

The only way to tell how Kian feels is his voice. If he's angry or annoyed his voice more strained, just like now, whereas if he's upset it's more high pitched.

"I'm sorry, I'll make sure to make it up to her. I've already got plans this afternoon."

"Well we've been planning this for a month and your idoitic brain couldn't remember one damn thing that would make a seven-year-old happier than a candy store." His fists clench as he stands from the cafeteria table and heads toward the door.

"What the fuck was that?" I hear Harvey's voice call from behind me. He takes a seat on my right, a packet on chips in his hands.

"I forgot about the day out with Roxy, and I already made plans that I can't cancel." I take a chip, briefly staring at the doors my bestfriend walked through.

"That's a shit move, man." He nods his head absentmindedly. "We've been planning that for a month and the one day we're all free you make plans, you know how much Roxy loves you."

I shoot him a blank stare, "Don't come over here to lecture me about my mistake, I'll apologize later." I roll my eyes in annoyance.

"Alright got it." He sends a thumbs up and rolls his own eyes at me. "Better be a fucking good one."

"I've got it, don't need to remind me." I steal another chip and take out my phone.

"Just saying." He shrugs his shoulders.


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