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L E V I  C O O P E R

"Have you ever fallen in love?" I ask Blair the first question that comes to mind.

"Wow," A shocked expression takes place on her face. "I thought we would ease into the deep questions. Apparently not."

"Okay then what questions were you thinking?" I sneak a glimpse down at Reese on my lap, crayon colours all over my brand new white shirt. Anything to see a bright smile on both of their faces.

"Questions like 'Have you ever gone skinny-dipping' or 'What is something you've never told your parents'. Simple questions not drive straight into it." Her laugh fills the air in the diner. The soft laugh fills my ears and makes me want to listen to it on replay.

"That's too boring." I roll my eyes.

"Okay fine," She hesitates and her eyes darken while she thinks. "Yes. I have been in love before."

"Are you still in love?"

"That's not how the rules work buddy. One question at a time." She shakes her finger in my face. "If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?"

"Either my eyes or my personality." The look in her eyes looks as if she wants to say more but holds herself back. "What was one of your favorite childhood memories?"

"One time when I was ten my father and I would prank my mother whenever she was out gardening. We'd come up with the stupidest things yet everytime I saw my mother smile it would make me feel like I accomplished something so I never stopped until—" A cheery voice booms from my right.

Standing at the end of the diners table is my ex, Nicole, who also happens to be the cheer captain at school.

"Funny seeing you here Levi." She places her manicured hand on my shoulder. I shrug it off but accidentally give her a better view at Reese sitting in my lap.

"What do you want Nicole?"

"You're hanging out with the slut?" Nicole scoffs disgustedly, looking in Blair's direction.

Blair beats me to saying something, "You say that as if you don't have sex with every living person with a dick and give them all your STI's." The insult shocks Nicole.

Nicole's face covers with anger. "Atleast I don't have a kid while in high school." She points her finger over to Reese.

"You don't know anything about my fucking life and you never will. So maybe shut your fucking mouth and worry about that sex tape of your's that's going around. It would be such a shame if that got leaked to the wrong person." Blair's words send a smile onto my face, which I cover up by looking down at Reese. "Please leave, I don't want to catch any STI's from you." I bite my lip to stop the laugh from coming out.

Nicole's face fills with anger but one last glare from me she huffs and storms off.

"Fucking bitch." I hear Blair whisper under her breath. "Now my food's got STI dust in it."

The laugh that leaves my throat has such an affect that Reese starts laughing. The two of us break into a laughs together. Almost like a father and son.

"Can we go to the grocery store really quick?I need to grab a couple things." Blair asks once we have both calmed down.

"Sure, let's go." I hold Reese in my arms as Blair walks next to me. I wait for her to put her seatbelt on before walking around to the drivers side. When I hop in I look over at Blair and frown in confusion as I see her leaning back with her eyes clenched shut and her arms wrapped around her stomach.

"Blair what's wrong?" I asks as I keep Reese in my lap.

"Cramps." She mumbled.

"What do you need?" I freeze on the spot, not knowing what to do. I've never been in this situation before. Needing help I shoot my mother a text asking what I should do. She almost instantly replies back.

I leave the car park and take a cutoff to get to Blair's house while driving as fast as I can with a child in my lap, which is practically turtle pace. I park my car outside of Blair's house and quickly get out of my car before walking over to her side and picking her up with Reese in my other hand. I get Blair's keys from her hand and open up the door before walking us all in.

Sitting Reese in his play mat in the living room and taking Blair upstairs, looking for her bedroom. Once I find the one that I presume belongs to her I lay her down. I run back downstairs and grab a glass of water, pain killers and heat pad.

Once I sit back down on her bed I give her the pain killers and water. "Can I?" I look at her shirt which she gives me a small nod. I lift her shirt and place the heat pad on her lower stomach. She lets out a visible sigh but still tense.

"Thanks but I still need to go to grocery store, I need to get my car." She tries sitting up but falls back down when I press a hand to her stomach.

"No you're staying here."

"Levi, I can't just stop whatever I'm doing because of some little thing." She argues back.

"No I'm serious, you're staying right here and I will go to the shop and get whatever you need. Just let me look after you." The way I spoke must've blown every bit of hope out of her because she fully deflated into her bed and mumbled out a 'fine'.

"Text me what you need, I'll bring Reese up here."


B L A I R  A L D E R I D G E

After he leaves I text him my list and lay Reese down for nap on my bed.

Almost half and hour later I let Levi back in before laying down on the couch. "Please tell you got them?"

"Well I didn't know what tampons you needed so I brought one of ever box I could find." He drops nearly thirty boxes of tampons of the floor, leaving my jaw on the ground. "I also didn't know what size vagina you have so I got them all, because it'd be a bit weird asking you that."

"Vagina size?" I giggle as his stupidness.

"Yeah?" He scratches the back of his neck nervously.

"That's not a thing. We don't necessarily have that, but you choose the tampons on your flow."

"Flow? What the fuck is that?"

"How much blood leaks every period. For heavier periods you use these ones," I point towards the heavy tampons. "these ones if you have a medium flow and these ones for lighter flows." I point towards the other boxes.

"Then what ones do you need?"

"Heavy because I bleed alot more, also why it's extremely painful." I stack the boxes up. "You're returning these, I'm not going to use them or donate them to a woman's shelters."

"Yes ma'am."

"I'm going for a shower." I quickly stand up and go upstairs for a shower.


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