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B L A I R  A L D E R I D G E

"It's about time I've seen little Reese, I don't even remember the last time I saw the little man." Margret makes her way around the counter and straight to Reese. "He's grown so much already, he's just as beautiful as you dear."

"Don't be silly Margret." I set Reese on the ground, smiling as he walks over to her slowly.

"Blair, have you seen yourself?" She scoffs with a heart on her heart. "You're the definition of a milf, or whatever the younglings call it." She shrugs her hand.

"Mum's I love fucking?" I put a hand on my hip as I laugh silently at the old lady infront of me.

"Yes, that the one!" She smiles before grabbing Reese's hand and walking him to the back of the shop.

When Reese was younger, only a few months old, whenever I came here Margret would insist to take him around the whole store, claiming that this we'll be his only job in the future with how much time I spend here.

I watch through the glass window, that separates the front and back of the store, as the pair walk around the back pointing and looking at everything.

I look down at all the buckets full of all different types of flowers, all vibrant pinks, purples, yellows, reds, blue, every colour on the rainbow and more.

I turn my attention to the front of the store when I hear the small bell go off, indicating someone's walked in. I look back at the window and see the pair of them not realizing that someone's arrived so I take it upon myself to help the customer, a second nature by now.

A older man walks in, I'm guessing a few years older than Margret. He looks around the store before letting his eyes land on me.

He walks over, "Hello, do you have any Camellia's?"

"Yes we do," I look over the many buckets of flowers until my eyes land on the bright pink ones, sitting in the back corner with the Hyacinth's. "How many were you after sir?"

"I'll take five of them and add one Hyacinth's, please." I grab the flowers and make my way to the front register, wrapping them up in the brown paper on the back bench, adding a white ribbon to tie everything together.

"Here you go, have a good day!" I hand him the small bouquet of flowers with a small smile. He quickly pays, says goodbye and walks out of the store.

"I might have to leave the store to you with how good you are at handling everything." I hear Margret say from behind me. I turn around to see her leaning against the door with Reese next to her.

"I wouldn't let you even if you tried Margret." I shake my head with a laugh.

"One day, just you wait." She whispers under her breath. I pick up Reese and start walking towards the front of the shop.

"Goodbye Margret, we'lol see you tomorrow!" I wave goodbye to her.

"No you won't!" She calls back, waving back at us.

"Hey reesey," I bop his nose, he immediately starts laughing. "You're so cute." I do it once more, laughing along with him.

"Mama's got work tonight but I will see you again tomorrow." I turn the car on and drive off towards the house.


Walking into the strip club on a busy Saturday night with an aching body makes me regret my decision to work tonight. It's not that I don't like working every night it's just having to entertain men for hours on end while I would rather be at home with my son and in bed.

I walk out of the changing rooms with a matching red lingerie set on that doesn't cover anything. I have matching 6-inch red heels on, already acknowledging that my feet are going to be dead when I finish work.

The first couple of hours I spend my time walking around the club giving out lap dances, giving drinks out, entertaining the people who aren't watching the stages.

After awhile my boss walks over to me and the drunk guy I was giving a lap dance, he calls me onto one of the many stages in the club.

The second my body makes contact with the cold metal pole the electrifying feeling that I love rushes back into my body.

Slowly walking around the pole swinging my body up and wrapping my legs around it and moving in all sorts of ways while men throw money at me and scream out all sorts things.

Latching off the pole and onto the ground below, sitting on my knees, I pull a guy, that was sitting in the front, by his tie forward and shoving his face into my breasts. All his friends around him hype him up when I push him back into his seat. He tucks a $100 note in my bra just before I can move back.

When I finally move back from the man my eyes found that familiar pair starring at me from the bar in the back of the room, watching over me like a hawk watching over their prey.

I turn around and latch my hands onto the pole and pull myself up, more money getting throw at me as I give them a view of my backside.

Once the a new song turns on and the stage lights dim I collect all the money, putting it in the bag attached to my bottoms. I make my way over to the bar, ordering a water from one of the bartenders and ignoring all the men asking to buy me drinks or for a private dance.

I find an empty seat next to Levi and turn to look at him, "What are you doing here Levi?"

"Never knew you worked at a strip club." He looks around the place before settling his eyes back on me. When he looks my body up and down I don't feel grossed out like I normally do with other men instead I feel a trail of heat wherever his eyes land.

"Don't ignore my question." I state sternly, taking another sip from my glass cup.

"Can't a handsome guy like me go to a strip club every once and awhile?" He smirks and leans back in his seat.

"Who said you were handsome?" I lift an eyebrow curiously, a ghost of a smile on my lips.

"The blush on cheeks and the way your nipples hardened the second you walked over is a big getaway," If I wasn't already blushing I don't know what I would've done.

I stay silent as I stare at his smirking figure. "Cat got your tongue sugar?" His attractive smirk turns into a full-blown smile when the words leave his pink lips.

"Shu-" My words stop when I feel the presence of a certain asshole stop next to me and put his hand around my waist.

"Gonna explain to me while your slacking on the job when I've got hundreds of men waiting for a private dance from you?" My boss tightens his already tight hold on me. "I'm not paying you to chat, I'm paying you to show off the wonderful body of your's sweet-cheeks."

I watch as Levi's gaze turns deadly as he slowly looks over at my boss, give him a once over before downing the last of his drink.

"I'll meet you out front when you get off work." He whispers into my ear, loud enough for me to hear but quiet enough for my boss not to here. I nod my head and watch as he disappears into the never-ending crowd.

"Come to my office now." My boss drags me through the crowd and down the hallway to his office. We pass another stripper on the way, she looks between me and him before a look of sympathy passes through her eyes.


𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐃𝐨 𝐔𝐬 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭Where stories live. Discover now