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L E V I  C O O P E R

My bestfriend holding her kid.

I came here for my bestfriend, who can't drive, to get food not hang out with her and her son.

Jealousy runs through my body. I reach over a grab a cigarette and light it up. Inhaling the toxic fumes while watching them walk around the store and laugh to themselves.

I exhale out the open window, scanning the parking lot to make sure no one's watching me. I finish the cigarette just as Harvey walks out. He walks over to her car and puts her son down in his car seat.

They chat and laugh for another minute before they hug and he walks over to my car. He gets in the car, the entire time I'm watching her, as if she feels eyes on her she looks back at me.

We hold contact for a few seconds before she moves her head back to her son.

When I turn the car on Harvey looks at me with a look in his eyes.

"What?" I say annoyed by his presence.

"You like her." He says in a sing-song voice.

"Don't be ridiculous. Why would I like her?" I keep my eyes on the road, my fists clenched around the wheel.

"You were jealous. I can see it in your eyes." He smirks.

"You are really pissing me off Harvey." I say through clenched teeth.

"You're in love! My bestfriends in love!" He practically jumps around in his seat.

"Shut the fuck up." I threaten but he's too busy in his own head. I stop the car on the road, grabbing his attention.

"Why'd you stop?" He looks around confused.

"You're walking home." I unlock the car doors.

"No I'm not. I didn't even do anything!" He protests but I manage to open his door and push him out onto the road. I quickly lock the car after shutting the door. I immediately hit the gas, leaving him in the dust.

B L A I R  A L D E R I D G E

"He did what?!" I say shocked. My jaw falls before I erupt in a heard of laughter. He stands there with an annoyed look on his face and for a second I almost feel bad for laughing in his face.

I tell him to wait a minute. I close the front door and run upstairs to grab Reese and my purse. I open up the front door before locking it behind me.

"Where are you going?" Harvey follows me like a lost dog to my car.

"If you walked all the way here I'm not making you walk even further to your house. I'm going to beat his fat ass." I whisper the last sentence under my breath.

I practically force Harvey into my car before making him give me the directions to his house.

"He's gonna freak when he finds out you dropped me off." He laughs nervously and looks over at me.

"I'm not letting you walk home." I say strongly. "And I need to talk to him anyway."

It's as if Harvey's eyes just peek up from my last statement, "And why do you need to talk to him?" He says in a suggestive tone.

"What are you my father?" I look over at him.

"Can I ask you something Blair?"


"Do you have a mother? Not in a rude way or anything but you never talk about her or live with her." He says in a jumble.

I laugh loosely, "My mother killed herself two years ago Harvey." I smile at him softly.

"Oh, I'm sorry for asking."

"Don't be, I haven't been able to talk to anyone about because I lost all my friends when I moved here and mentioning her to my dad would upset him tremendously. So I'm glad I can talk to you about her."

"What was she like?"

"She was a wonderful mother but she suffered with depression her whole life. There's be days she couldn't get out of bed but then the next she'd be cleaning the whole house. It was a rollercoaster. My dad ended having to quit his job to be her caretaker. But one day it was just so bad and the next morning we wake up and she's laying there, gone." I rant to him about her. Feels weird being able to get this off my chest after years of staying silent. "But it was two years ago, I just hope I don't fall down the same path she did."

"Same path she did?" He says in question.

"Depression. I was the lucky one and got depression and my biggest fear is not being able to be there for Reese and leave him alone like my mother left me." I look back at Reese in his car seat, a small smile on his face. "Enough of this sad talk." I turn the radio on and laugh when Harvey starts singing to the music.

When we arrive at his house I grab Reese and walk right up to his door. I bang my fist against the door. The door opens after a solid minute and Kian stands there lazily like I woke him from his sleep.

"Hey Kian, where's the asshole?" I walk in and pull him into my grasp.

"Upstairs in his room." He mutters tiredly.

"Sorry for waking you up." I apologize before walking up the stairs and over to his door. I knock once, giving him a little privacy, before barging in.

His head shoots up with a hard gaze but it softens as he see's who it is.

"Hey asshole." I make Reese wave to him.

"What are you doing here?" I shut the door and walk closer to him.

"Pretty dick move to kick my bestfriend out of your car." I sit down on his bed and look over at him.

He doesn't register what I said for a minute but when he does he looks annoyed at the mere thought.

"Your bestfriend?" He scoffs.

"Yeah, atleast I can keep a friend." I smile sweetly.

He rolls his eyes, "Is that why you're here, to beat me up?"

"No but I was contemplating it when Harvey turned up at my door and told me." I shrug. "But I also needed to talk to you about the project we're doing. Have you added any more to it?"

He stares at Reese, who's crawling on his bed, for a moment. "Yeah I finished it so you didn't have to do any, cause you're pretty busy with a kid." He says awkwardly.

"Thank you, I owe you something now."

"Well I do have something you can do for me." He teases.

"Shut up." I push his head back into the pillows before grabbing Reese and walking to the door.

"Where are you going?" He stands up and follows me.

"To get food, you have a massive house so I'm going to take good use of it." I smile and walk out the door with Reese next to me and Levi behind us.



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