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B L A I R  A L D E R I D G E

I open up the fridge to see it almost completely empty. I turn back around to Levi, who's holding Reese on his shoulders.

"Where's the food?" I ask in shock.

"Three teenage boys under one roof. Do you really think we'd buy groceries or them even last a day?" He says and takes out his phone. "I'll order you some food, can Reese eat food or does he have milk?"

"He can eat small soft things but not a lot. Most the time he doesn't like eating so I just breastfeed him. Why are you buying me food?" I look back at him.

"Because you're hungry and I have money." He says slowly.

"I have money too, you don't need to buy me stuff if you think I'm poor." I cross my arms over my chest.

He scoffs and looks at me, "I don't think you're poor. It's my money and I want to spend it on you. Now sit down, you look exhausted."

It's my turn to scoff, "I am not ex-" A yawn cuts me off. Proving his point. He gives me a look and I drop my arm and go to pick up Reese.

"Sit down without having to worry about him or go get some sleep in my room. I'll wake you up when the food is here." I contemplate for a minute before giving in.

I stand on my tip-toes and lean up, giving Reese a kiss on the head. "Wake me up if he needs anything." I say before walking back up to Levi's room.

I take off my shoes and immediately collapse onto his bed, his blanket smelling just like him. I bring the blanket up to my chin and snuggle into his pillow, instantly falling asleep on his bed.


I'm woken by the feeling of a tiny hand on my face. I open my eyes and smile at Reese. He smiles and let's out a giggle.

I pull him into my chest and cuddle him. I close my eyes and think about my beautiful boy. I kiss his head and look up at Levi, who's sitting there uncomfortably.

"Good morning." I sit up with Reese on my lap.


I look over at him, "What time is it?"


"How was Reese?" I run my hand through his hair, shocked at how long it is already.

"He was good. We played with the guys then he had a nap on the couch and when he woke up he begged for you so then I brought him up here." Reese's hand scratches my chest lightly.

"And now he's hungry." I laugh.

"I brought your food." Levi grabs a bag and hand it to me. Inside is a burger with chips and he shows me the drink of the nightstand next to me.

I could practically hug him with how hungry I am right now.

"Thank you, I'm starving." I thank Levi just as Reese starts whining. "Can I?" I ask him, indicating between Reese and my chest.

"Of course, I don't mind." He shakes his head and leans back onto his bed head.

I lift up my shirt and pull my bra down and watch Reese latch on. I grab a couple of chips and shove them into my mouth.

"So, do you three boys all live here?"

"Yeah. We moved in together when we were sixteen."

"Not trying to intrude but what did all your parents say?"

He breathes out, "Kian was already living with me, his parents were the biggest assholes know to mankind. My mother got sick and was living in the hospital and I brought up the idea of all moving in together. And a few other reasons."

"How is your mother?" I ask softly.

"She's alright, she's not getting any better but there's nothing we can do. She's been fighting cancer for a long time now. It is what it is." He shrugs carelessly.

"Oh, you were so young and you had to deal with that." I sympathise.

"I've been too young for alot of things but that hasn't stopped the universe from throwing it all at me." He looks off to the distance.

"Do you want a chip?" I turn the subject to something else.

"I bought it for you." He looks at me with a odd look in his eyes.

"Stop looking at me like that." I laugh awkwardly.

"I'm looking at you normally." He smiles but the second it shows it disappears.

"You have a beautiful smile. You should smile more often." I look from him back down to Reese. "I want him to have a sibling close in age, but I don't want to go through the whole 'abusive partner' and spending the whole pregnancy alone ting again. It really sucked the life out of me, but atleast it went to my little boy." I ramble on.

"You've never talked about his father, how come?"

"He did a lot of things to me Levi, things I wouldn't even wish on my worst enemies," I don't have an appetite anymore, this topic always scares me but for once it felt nice to get it off my chest. "Every-time he did something I thought it was normal, normal to treat your partner like that—like I wasn't worth even living—And by some miracle I left him just before I found out I was pregnant."

The falls silent until Levi speaks, "What's his name?" He asks calmly.

"Aiden something, his last was like Smith I think. It all happened a long time ago so I shouldn't let it bother me." I laugh it off.

"Maybe if say that more you might actually convince yourself." He remarks. I fall silent, looking off into the distance with my head stuck in endless thoughts.

A knock on the door echos through the silent room, "Come in." Levi says. The door opens and I turn around to see who it is.

Kian stands there, a blank look on his face. "Levi, you might what to see this." I look back at him just in time to see his eyes register the meaning of what Kian said.

He stands up from the bed and looks over at Kian, "I'll be there in minute." He nods his head and walks off.

Levi turns to me, "I'll bring Harvey up here to sit with you. Now eat the food."

"Levi, where are you going?"

"Business. I might not be back but Harvey's here." He looks at me, having an internal battle with his head.

In a split second he's standing infront of me and the next his lips are on mine, his tongue against mine, fighting for dominance. His hand holds my jaw, his thumb rubbing against my skin.

A line of goosebumps spread down my spine as holds my head higher, deepening the kiss. A small inaudible sigh leaves my lips when he separates.

He stands above me with his hand still lightly resting on my cheek. "Don't look at me with those eyes." He warned, his voice husky and his eyes dimmed.

"What eyes?" I ask cluelessly.

"Those eyes. I'll see you later, Blair." His hand drops and his walks over to the door, giving me a last look before shutting the door.

I blow my breath out and lean against the headboard.

"Wow." I laugh dreamily.



𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐃𝐨 𝐔𝐬 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora