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B L A I R  A L D E R I D G E

A knock echos through the room breaking me from my thoughts. "Come in." I say, breaking my gaze from Resse, who's playing with toys a lady gave him an hour ago, to the door.

It opens and Kian walks in, "Dinner's ready." He says and waits at the door for me and Reese.

I let Reese walk to the door before picking him up. Kian looks over out of the corner of his eyes, "Can I hold him please?" He asks gently.

"Sure." We stop in the middle of a hallway, I hand Reese to him. Reese reaches up to grab his short black hair but otherwise looks at Kian, not once taking his eyes off him.

"He likes you." I smile at the two. Kian snaps his head to look at me.

"What?" He says shocked. "How do you know that?"

"Kian, look he's smiling at you and holding your hair. He obviously likes you." He looks down at Reese. His eyes focused on Reese's.

"You two are gonna be bestfriends." I say just as we walk around a corner and stop at the entrance of the dining room.

My jaw almost drops at the size of it. The long oak table takes up most of the room, a table runner in the middle. The ceilings are tall, but not as tall as the foyer, another shining chandelier sits in the middle of the ceiling. The walls covered in a gold pattern wallpaper, matching with the gold accents throughout the house.

I take my eyes of the decor and look at table. My eyes subconsciously drawn to where two seats, across from one another, are already taken.

Levi's eyes meet mine before darting across to Kian and Reese. His eyes darken before I start walking over to him. A fancy-looking highchair one seat away from him.

I take that as a sign that I'm seating next to him. Kian stands next to me awkwardly before I teach him how to use the highchair.

He stands back at looks at his work, "Good Job." I cheer him on before pushing the highchair closer to the table.

I finally take a seat in the chair between Levi and Reese while Kian seats next to Harvey, who's avoiding Levi's eyes.

I look at the table that is full of food, not realizing it earlier. It's got dishes from different cuisine's. All the smells in one room, smell like pure heaven.

Before I can grab a plate Levi leans over, "I didn't know what you liked so I got the cooks to cook anything and everything."

"Cooks? As in plural?" I say slightly shocked.

"Eight in total. Each specialized in different cuisine's." He speaks so casually.

"How rich are you?" I mutter jokingly.

"Seven digits." He whispers before moving away.

My eyes widen as I grab a plate for Reese and fill it with a small amount of spiral pasta and sauce on the plate.

I start feeding Reese really small bits until he's eaten half the pasta and starts to get fussy. Not wanting anymore.

I eat a handful of bites before losing my appetite completely, afters today's line up of events. All that blood everywhere just puts a queasy feeling in stomach from just thinking about it.

𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐃𝐨 𝐔𝐬 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭Where stories live. Discover now