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They say love makes us crazy things and that is exactly what is happening to khadijah, hajiya halima decide all khadijah need is prayer, her obsession with sadiq is something that only God can cure, Sadiq never show up December and khadijah continue to wait, he called and apologize that something urgent comes up and as always khadijah buy the lame excuse he gave to her,
With her junior sister wedding fast approaching, everyone seems busy to bother about sadiq coming or not, nevertheless hajiya halima already told khadijah elder brother to let her be a time will come that she will understand that sadiq doesn't truly love her, because love isn't always about saying it, one have to prove it to.

"Nanah did you make the transfer for the kitchen utensils?"her mother ask and khadijah nod.

She's upset, literally she's always upset because no one seems to care,
Sadiq told her he's coming today, he's back in town and he assure her he will come today, she didn't bother to tell anyone because it's not as if they care, all her mum seems to be bother about is khairat wedding which khadijah rather find upsetting,
Her mum and brother but believe sadiq will deceive her but for khadijah somehow she have 100%confident they will be disappointed, she will wait for sadiq for as long as she can so she can prove to everyone that her love is worth Waiting for.

"Mummy sadiq is coming today."khadijah say and her mum glance at her.

"Allah ya kawo shi lafiya."her mum say and khadijah didn't say anything.

She had back to her bedroom and decide to get ready, knowing very well sadiq will be coming any time soon since he told her by evening time and it's after 6already.

Khadija spend the next 1hour getting ready, it's been 2years since she last saw sadiq physically, the thought of seeing him alone make a smile appear on her lips, she love sadiq and she know regardless the attitude he always give her he love her, her phone start ringing and sadiq name appear on the screen making her to excitedly swipe the screen.

He let her know he's outside and she quickly stand up, the excitement in her will make her explode if care is not taken, she grab the 4inche heels and put it on before quickly sauntering out of the bedroom.

"Mummy sadiq is outside, I'm coming."sh say excitedly and her mum nod scanning the clothes she's wearing.

"Nanah."hajiya halima call and khadijah stop.
"Can't you atleast wear something decent, this clothe......

"Mummy I'm comfortable,
I will be right back."khadijah say interrupting her mum and quickly saunter out of the parlour as her mum silently pray for the almighty to guide her daughter.

For khadijah she indeed know very well the silky red material is too tight but she can't help, she want to do everything to impress sadiq and let him know she's still as young and beautiful as ever, she own the gate and a black Mercedes-Benz is park a few feet away from the gate making her brow to Furrow as she walk to the car knowing very well that's he sadiq, even from miles away she can tell, the street light illustrating on him, he's standing and pressing his phone making khadijah to smile as she approach him, he look different, he have a slight nat beard and his dark skin glittering, her sadiq is the most handsome man she ever set her eyes on.

As she near the car he must have sense someone presence so he quickly look up, not suprise to see khadijah because he knows very well she will never keeps him waiting, something he hate, for sadiq when he first met khadijah what drawn him to her was her attitude, khadijah is one of those women with a hell of attitude, it takes him alot of hard work before he woo her, he want a woman with attitude, a woman that will make him suffer and beg before he sees her, a woman with a high standard, khadijah have all that until they started dating all that changes , she become too clingy and cheap in his opinion.

"Hey."is all sadiq say as he stare at her, Beauty isn't enough word to describe khadijah, she is beautiful there's no denial about that, it's the only thing that makes him still in contact with her because alot of men will die to be with her and he can brag around.

You forget about me right?"khadijah say staring at sadiq he doesn't look as excited as she is which quench all the excitement in her, sometimes she wonder what goes wrong in there relationship.

"You look beautiful."Abu say scanning the red silky tight clothe khadijah is wearing, he's exhausted with the relationship and if he can he will quit but then he knows very well it won't be up to a week, khadijah will get someone better than him, but if he have something as a trophy to tarnished the slight reputation she have, he wouldn't mind letting go.

"I didn't."sadiq say grabbing he by the hand and khadijah smile, sure her relationship with sadiq isn't the most halal, they hug and even kiss a couple of time but nothing beyond that.

"How about we go somewhere and spend a quality time, we are meeting for the first time in years dije, please don't say no."sadiq say with a childish pout that makes khadija smile,
She thought sadiq will want to see her mum atleast but that doesn't matter, he's in town she believe he will find some time and come, she turn off her phone before climbing the car with sadiq, the two started talking about the most beautiful old ole days, as sadiq drive to the suya spot Khadijah tell him about, for khadijah this is the most beautiful time she have in two years, for sadiq khadijah is the target and prey if he's careful enough by the end of the night he will be the greatest hunter, both with different thought on there mind they head for the suya spot that will both change there love story.

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