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When Abubakar come back to an empty house in the evening he come to the conclusion that Nanah is at it again, he didn't bother to call because he know very well she wouldn't pick, Tomorrow is his wedding and the last thing he want is for Nanah to upset him, he had a long day so he pray and decide to go straight to bed, he know nanah will be at he parents and just like she walk back few years ago without him going after her so will she because he did nothing wrong that would make him start apologizing, he instantly fall asleep and didn't wake up until the 5am alarm clock rings, he decide to pray at home and prepare early for the nikah which is programmed by 10am, he hate when Nanah isn't around, the stress of going inside the kitchen and have to wander around the distorted bedroom is something he badly hate,

He make a light breakfast for himself and eat before heading to the bathroom, by the time he's done getting ready it's 9am and his phone won't stop ringing mostly are his friends asking him if he's done so they can arrive at the venue early,
At exactly 9:20am Abu and 3 of his friends leave to house to the wedding venue.

Nanah's POV

Sitted in the hospital room i stare blankly at the wall, somehow I didn't sustained much injury just a slight wound on my head fr the shattered windshield and few cracked ribs, I didn't call Abu because it's pointless, I believe if he really do care he will atleast call my mum to ask about me but he did not, I glance at the wall clock and release a heavy breathe,
It's past 10am Abu is probably there excited to be a groom and I'm helplessly sitting here with a throbbing headache.

"Nanah won't you eat something?"my mum ask and i shake my head.
"Toh let me call your husband you say no,
Maybe he thought you are at home with me that's why he didn't bother calling."my mum say and i ignore her.

Abu just doesn't care the only thing on his mind is his new young bride, I'm as irrelevant as a used tissue paper especially knowing I'm not capable of producing any kid for him.

"Nanah."my mum call grabbing my hand.
Every marriage you see,
Every married lady you see have something she's dealing with emotionally,
Marriage can be traumatizing and tiring, staying under same roof and been with same person for the rest of your life you sure don't expect it to be very smooth,
Surely there will be quarrels, misunderstanding and sometimes you will even feel like you deserve better,
I don't know what is going on in your marriage Nanah but i want you to know i will always support you regardless whatever decision you make,
It's ok to give up especially if that one thing you want so badly become toxic but don't forget that, everything is worth fighting for, if you love something soo much then you don't have to give up without a fight,
Think about the good times and memories the sacrifices you both make, 5years is equivalent to 1825 days, is it worth letting go or is it worth fighting for?
Only you can answer that,
This is the discharge papers, you will sign here."my mum say handing ke the paper and i collect it with a sigh staring at it.

"My mum's word really touch me,
I love Abu,
Soo much but at thesame time how far and how strong can i keep enduring this,
I sigh and collect the pen from my mum and scribble down the signature and hand it back to her,
She exit the hospital room and i know the choice is mine,
It's either i go back to that house to fight for my marriage or i walk away to start afresh.

When Fatima first met Abu she never thought this day will come, she was never a fan of polygamy but sometimes circumstances happened in life that choices changes, she love Abu and even do he show her enough care she knows very well he love his wife, when he told her the main reason of him marrying a second wife is because he want someone that can be a surrogate to his wife Fatima feel that's insane, even do she agreed to abubakar request she's not very sure if she can do that, if Nanah can't have babies then why will she be the one to suffer to carry a child that won't be hers, she can see how people body changes after birth,
Sure she will be glad to have babies with Abubakar but not as a surrogate,
She doesn't hate Nanah but she isn't going to make this kind of huge sacrifice, As she was leaving her parents house that evening she takes every word of advice to heart and is ready to take responsibility that comes after marriage,
Sitted in the bedroom which it's said to be hers Fatima patiently wait for her groom, time ticks and it's until around 11am abubakar show up,
There are rumors that Nanah isn't in the house but Fatima doesn't want to believe that beside none of that matters to her she's married to Abubakar and that's all that matters.

For Abubakar he have never been this nervous, he's so happy at thesame time upset, he cannot believe Nanah will just leave like that, he will try not to over think and enjoy the night with his new bride, yes he knows the plan was for Fatima to be his surrogate wife but he fall in love and love happens so Nanah will just have to be patience with him, even do he doesn't have in mind for anything to come between him and Fatima so soon but it did happened, there's just something intriguing that keeps him drawn to her.

Abubakar POV

Usually I'm a morning person alot if time i don't go back to sleep after subhi prayer but today it was different, I was even dozing off while praying and i instantly fall back to sleep after I'm done praying,
My night with Fatima is a wonderful one, Fatima is beautiful inside and outside and i pray this marriage would last for as long as we are both breathing,
I wake up to the ringing of my phone and I quickly sit up before grabbing it glancing at Fatima who's still asleep next to me.

"No it's fine,
Until he come."I say and end the call with a sigh.

I glance at the wall clock showing 9:16am and sigh,i come down from the bed and leave the bedroom as a yawn escape me,

The familiar scent around the house makes my brow to Furrow in confusion, Nanah always make sure she scent nice and the house scent wonderful, she do always brag about all the stuffs she ordered all the way from Maiduguri from a lady who sells them, sure enough there products are good because i can remember the first time i used one of nanah's body humrah, I keep getting this creepy looks from ladies at the hospital, one of them have to impatiently ask me where i get whatever I'm scenting of from and i have to call Nanah to ask her she told me it's from the "kgujba incense palace" in Maiduguri, I push all the thoughts about nanah's obsession with nice scent and walk down the stairs sure enough she's humming along the music playing in the parlour as she arrange the dinning table, there's a gauze around her head which makes my brow to furrow in confusion.

"Nanah."I call walking to her and she looks up.

"Good morning Abu."she greet and i smile shaking my head.

"You are back?
What happened to your head?"I ask and she glance up at me but didn't comment.

"Your breakfast is set."she say and i glance at the dinning table, I open one of the warmer and raise my brow with a sigh.

"A healthy morning breakfast indeed,
I would have love something light."I say because in all honesty, I need to drink something hot like a coffee or tea.

"Good thing we are two now,
If you are not eating what i prepare go upstairs and call her to make it for you."she say and i nod.

I quietly leave the kitchen the last thing i want is to quarrel with Nanah, that woman and her temper sometimes upset me.

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