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When his mum introduced Fatima to him it takes only a single stare and Abubakar instantly knows he's smitten, Fatima is a 23years young graduate of law, beautiful isn't enough word to describe how she looks, her caramel glowing skin and aquiline nose position perfectly which give her a perfect cheekbone and when she smile he couldn't help but smile back at her, he didn't think twice to let his mum knows Fatima is ok for him and the wedding date was fixed in a month time, sure he explained to Fatima that he do want her to be nanah's surrogate it's a promised he do make to Nanah so he wouldn't breech it, Fatima agreed and even do the agreement abubakar had with Nanah was for him to find a surrogate wife an divorce her after she put the birth he do know that story no longer exist when he set his eyes on Fatima.

Looking at Nanah as she hurriedly walk around the kitchen to round up the dinner as he read a message from Fatima he sigh, he honestly cannot believe he found himself in this intense situation,
is it even possible to love two people at once, he doubt so but then what the actual fuck is wrong with him,
why can't he stop thinking about Fatima and at thesame time think of Nanah.

"My one should i serve the food now?"Nanah ask with a glance and Abu nod dropping his phone on the kitchen island.

For Nanah she did noticed the slight change in abubakar, at first she thought it's the wedding preparations that's weighing him down but as time goes on she come to know it's something deep and different.
She did met Fatima once, Abubakar took her with him once to see her and as bad as Nanah doesn't want to be worried she do know very well her husband is slowly and gradually falling in love with Fatima,
Why won't he? She said to herself,
Fatima is indeed a round beautiful girl,
Regardless how beautiful Nanah knows she is at the same time she knows there's no comparison between a young 23years girl and the 30 years Beautiful lady she is now,
She do hope she won't loss her husband to the little girl.

"How was work?"she ask placing the steaming plate of boiled plantain and native stew.

How's your own work?"Abubakar ask emphasizing on the work part as Nanah glance at him but didn't comment.

Surely previous within the year her work has became an obstacle in there relationship, at some point abubakar want her to be a full time housewife but nanah decline because she do already promised herself to never be a full time housewife, a working class housewife isn't bad, she do agreed to take both responsibility of been a wife and a housewife, as Persistent and hard as abubakar tried he ended up giving up, not without an agreement that Nanah will get to do all her chores and every responsiblity of a housewife without bringing a maid to there house, which Nanah agreed to it,
It wasn't easy but she always try to do as much as she can to please Abu and make him understand it's ok not to be a full time Housewife.

"Your mum called me earlier."Nanah say with a pause and abubakar glance at her before turning his gaze back to the plate of food.
"Tomorrow they are taking Fatima's lefe and she will like me to come....."Nanah say and abubakar nod.

"And you can't come because you have work."he say and Nanah sigh releasing a deep breathe.

"I did have work but tomorrow it's the meeting with the hospital board and you know how important that is........

"Nanah is fine please I'm not in the mood for this conversation,
Beside wether or not you go with them the lefe will be there and the marriage will hold so it's not big deal."Abubakar say and as bad as he doesn't want it to come out harsh it did come out harsh and alot rude than he expected.

I can't even believe you are saying this,
What happened to the she is just going to be my "surrogate wife"and i will divorce her after the wedding?
Ever since your mum introduce you to this girl you just started acting weird,
Beside I'm really glad i didn't put the the idea of just a "surrogate wife" thing in my mind because I know you men,
You all are thesame,
She's young, beautiful and whatever so I don't expect you not to fall in love with her Abu,
you are not "Jesus" you are human with emotions and whatever a man to,
Don't disrespect me because you are going to take a second wife."Nanah say seriously looking at Abu and he look up at her.

"And don't talk to me with that tune because I'm your husband."Abu say and Nanah shake her head.

I will go to the lefe whatsoever."Nanah say tiredly, the last thing she want is to start having problems with Abu because big Fatima even before she comes inside the house.

"Whatever."Abu say and push the plate with a hiss before standing up.

Nanah sigh with a facepalm as she stare at Abubakar back until he exit the kitchen, she nibble on her finger trying to suppress the sob that's threatening to escape her mouth but it fail, she breakdown instantly and cry to her satisfaction before clearing the table and arrange the kitchen before heading upstairs to prepare for the night.

Abubakar POV

Our marriage isn't always perfect, the past three years we did have very serious quarrel and it's all nanah's fault, she take her work so serious that it upset me to the bone,
I don't see anything wrong in becoming a housewife especially with the promised i made for her to start a business but nanah decline saying she enjoy working in the hospital premises, I don't want to even speak of our sexual life because that one is a nonexistent one because Nanah is always saying she's tired or she have work tomorrow, it's upsetting at times,

I watch as she walk around the bedroom in the white lingerie, gently arranging and placing her clothes for tomorrow in order before she join me on the bed, she lay on the other side of the bed and i stand up with a sigh.
I head to the bathroom and do my business before joining her on the bed, she's already fast asleep,
Her eyes slightly puffy probably because she cried and her lips partly open, I gently touch her face with a sigh and kiss her on the forehead, it is supposed to be a goodnight kiss but then i find myself kissing her once again but this time on the lips as i gently brush her forehead making her eyes to flutter open.

"Please Abu I'm tired,
Not today."she say the exact sentence i have been hearing for the past 3years.

"Come on Nanah when last did we even have sex?
You are always tired or complaining,. giving excuses."I say and she stare at me almost in disbelief.

"Really Abu,
I did all the chores in this house,
I wash, sweep, clean and cook three square meal, I still have work.
Let's not mention the part that you don't eat leftover's don't..

"How's that my business?
Nanah you choose to work,
I told you,
You can start a business,
An online business ladies do that this days alot,.but you said no,
You enjoy wearing the white coat roaming around in the hospital premises collecting samples from every patient and doing shit that doesn't even make sense."I say and she just shake her head probably not in the mood to talk, she sit upright and grab the duvet before stand up and exit the bedroom making me to sigh with a facepalm.

..❤️❤️An Autan-mama books collection❤️❤️

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