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The shock on Basira's face is clear, her mouth open in confusion as she try to process the scenario going on, she look back at her husband who is cluelessly looking at her with his hand entwined with nanah's.

"Nanah this is my wife basira."luqman say and Nanah slightly come down from the couch.

"Good afternoon aunty basira."Nanah greet with utmost respect and sit back on the couch as Luqman look confuse at Basira who's still looking at Nanah in bewilderment.

"Khadija."is the only word she could say, luqman look back at khadijah confuse Wondering what's going on.

"Nanah what's going on?"luqman ask and khadijah just look away, her palms getting sweaty and if care is not taken her breathing will seize with how suffocating she's feeling.

"Nanah."luqman call holding Nanah worriedly seeing how she's trying to struggle and stable her breathing.

Basira just fold her hands to her chest watching suprisely between the two as her husband hurriedly remove nanah's inhaler from the handbag and help her with it, acting like a concern sick lover boy, she find it rather pathetic than romantic in her eyes considering luqman age.

"Are you alright?"luqman ask and Nanah nod as he gently place her head on his shoulder.

"You."luqman call one of the maids arranging the dinning table and the girl quickly come.

"Is my wife bedroom clean?"he ask and the maid nod.

"Yes sir,
I reclean it this morning and even changed the bedspread as you instructed."she say and he nod dismissing the maid.

"You should rest and maybe we will talk about whatever it is later."luqman say and Nanah didn't decline because she just want to be away from this place, with abubakar mum standing sending those deadly glare toward her she's certainly not ready for any of this, she want to believe this is a horrible nightmare that hopefully she will wake up soon, but obviously it's not, the rapidly beating of her heart and the presence of luqman comforting hands around her neck is a sign this is real,
She feel so horrible and guilty,
For the past five years she's been with abubakar she haven't met the man he do always refer to as dad and she never for once care to ask, she just keep it in mind that Abu and his dad aren't very close nothing much had it been she knows nothing in this world will make her marry luqman,
Surely Allah SWT is the best planner and as the saying what goes around comes around but this is just too much than she can handle.

"Sorry."luqman say and help Nanah up, grabbing her handbag at once as basira just look in complete shock,
She watch the two her jaw drop and her brain clouded as Luqman walk Nanah up the stairs whispering whatsoever into her ears as they disappear up the stairs.

Nanah's POV

I don't know wether it's passed out or fallen asleep i will call it but, once luqman take me to my bedroom i instantly fall asleep, I wake u with a throbbing headache I look around the tastefully well furnished bedroom in admiration, until the scenario from earlier hit me hard and i sigh with a facepalm.

"Ya Allah."I say with a sigh as i stare at the well painted Tesco wall,
How can this be true?
Did luqman know this and purposely marry me or is he oblivious about this to.
And my mum?
There's no way she didn't know about this because my brother surely did some digging about luqman before giving my hand in marriage, I glance at the golden wall clock showing 2pm and sigh.

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