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The next morning Nanah didn't go back to bed after subhi prayers, she head straight to the kitchen, they didn't exchange much words with abubakar and there's a way he answered her greetings that makes her insecure or perhaps she's just paranoid and overreacting but nonetheless, she believe a healthy morning breakfast will cure that,
She doesn't want to think much about last night because she do be smiling to herself like an idiot, so she put all that memories secure in the most important part of her brain, wether or not Abu noticed she isn't a virgin she doesn't know because he's focus and she just cannot tell,
People always exaggerate about losing virginity how it hurt but for Nanah she can remember vividly clear and distinguish between the two pains, and the awkward uncomfortable pain between her legs this morning is far more painful than the damaged sadiq have caused to her years ago.

Sauntering down the staircase Abu glance at Nanah he have a smile on his face but it waver away when he noticed how uncomfortable nanah's walking step changes, he shake his head and mutter "ridiculous" to himself.

"Good morning."Nanah greet turning from the dinning table with a smile and Abu nod.

He glance at the dinning table then back to Nanah deliberately,
He's hungry but at thesame time upset, the fact that Nanah is walking as do he found her a virgin just makes him feel upset, he doesn't mind because he believe circumstances happened in life and we all make mistakes that we cannot take back but trying to fool him is something he won't tolerate, he's a medical doctor, he knows the human anatomy for a fact that he hasn't gotten intimate with any lady doesn't mean he don't know a shit, Nanah just ruined his happy morning mood.

"Nanah why are you walking like that?"abubakar ask, he couldn't hold back because this is ridiculous in his opinion.

I....I.."Nanah try to come up with an explanation but couldn't making him to shake his head in disbelief.

"You are not even a virgin so what's the drama all about?
I don't mind you been soo cheap and loss before we got married but don't try to act smart with me,
I'm not an idiot,
Atleast if you think I'm an idiot then respect the fact that I'm a medical doctor and i know shut about the human body,
Don't treat me like an illiterate or take me for a fool."abubakar say irritated and Nanah stare at him speechless.

"Or what were you thinking?
That i won't find out?
Come on Nanah this is the 21st century 80%of the the women of this generation aren't virgin,
I married you because i love you and i wouldn't judge you from your past."he say and Nanah flick her tears away.

She cannot even process what's going on she's just so upset and she feel cheap,stupid and all the whole inhuman words and it's thanks to sadiq,
She will never get tired of cursing him.

She quietly walk away from the dinning table and head upstairs making abubakar to shake his head, he glance at the dinning table and decide to leave, he will rather eat at work, this morning just doesn't turn out to be as expected.


Nanah's POV

"You are overreacting,
All this is just a mere misunderstanding,
Abubakar just thought you are doing what you did to fool him,
So why not just open up to him and tell him sadiq doesn't have same seize as his and that he got stamina,
Rather than mopping around that will even make him happy the more, you know men and there self esteem."jidderh say and i shake my head at her ridiculous advice.

"Let me head home,
It's already very late."I say and jidderh nod.

We bid our goodbyes and i leave, throughout my drive back home i keep thinking of all the mean words abubakar say to me, I wouldn't blame him, sadiq has definitely cheated me,
But regardless whatsoever Abu still doesn't have the right to say what he said to me, I'm human beings with emotions, once at home i head straight upstairs my body ache and i know a long shower will do just fine, the unfamiliar BMW in the garage is a sign that we have a guest, I adjust my veil and open the door with a heavy sigh.

"Good evening ummah."I greet my mother in-law with a smile as i sit on the couch next to Abu who doesn't look really happy.

"Evening Nanah,
How's work?"she ask,
Sure i have a healthy relationship with Abu's mum but we still have our differences and it always revolve about the issue if me refusing to pop up a grandchild for her which is understandable since Abu is her only son.

"Alhamdulilah."I mutter and after a while i stand up.

"Let me Change."I announce awkwardly.

"Dan zauna Nanah."she say and i sit back.

"I was wondering if you and Abu haven't thought about starting a family?"she say and i nod.

"We did ummah."I say and she nod.

"It's fine I just don't want to be too persistent but you both aren't getting any younger,
Neither am I getting any younger to ."she say with a weak smile and i nod.

I excuse myself and head upstairs,
Before i finish changing Abu join me in the bedroom and tell me his mum left before he lay on the bed saying he need an early sleep today, I didn't bother making dinner, I just snack around and after Isha prayer I clean up the bed and Abu head back to bed with am angry face and an empty stomach.


5days past and nothing changed,
Abu's grumpy behavior starts to bother Nanah, he barely even look at her or eat her food.

"Abu I'm talking to you."Nanah say from where she's standing in the bedroom.

"Yes i was not a virgin but i wasn't even trying to fool you,
Why are you even making this a big deal,
Shit happens in life and sometimes we both found ourself in a helpless situation what's wrong with you?"Nanah say and Abu look up at her, he drop the book he's reading with a sigh.

"Nanah i don't have time for this especially this night,
You like creating unnecessary drama and scene where there's none,
It's your problem to deal with if you aren't a virgin but don't try to act smart by walking like a half eaten chicken that just went through a surgical procedure."he say and Nanah look at him baffle.

"You are been an idiot right now,
You are the one trying to create unnecessary scene out of this,
Just because women can tell wether or not you men are virgin does not give you the right to say all sort of things to me,
How many more women did you slept with before me,
What nonsense is all this,
I was wrong but stop judging me."Nanah say angrily and grab the duvet with the pillow from the bed grumbling to herself before storming out of the bedroom making abubakar to sigh.

He facepalm and decide to go meet his wife he's also fed up with him getting angry unnecessarily, he stand up and exit the bedroom but suprise to see Nanah laying by the staircase, he quick saunter to her and kneel.

"Nanah."he call her vigorously and feel her pulse, he quickly lift her up and take her to the bedroom wondering what happened that make her pass out instantly.

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