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Time they say is priceless, and noa matter how slow a slug is it will surely reach it destination if he continues walking, previously within the year there are quarrels, there are argument and even chaotic misunderstanding but at the end the two couples always find a way to resolve there difference, everything in there life seems perfect moving from the small 2storey building to a much bigger one, earning and a more profitable living the only thing missing in there life is a child, even do abubakar suggest abduction Nanah decline she had try conceiving but it failed ball three times.

Coming out of his parents house abubakar could see the anger on his wife face, sure enough the beautiful relationship between his mum and wife crumble all because of his mum quest for grandchild, he open the door for his wife who climb in and he close it with a tiring exhausting sigh as he look up at the evening sky as do it will miraculously come to his aide and save him from all his worries.


"What Abu?
I told you, yes I know I'm incompetent of carrying a child to birth but let your mum stop calling me impotent,
And do me a favor and marry so that i can breathe some fresh air not this one always coming with dusty insults all the time."Nanah snap and Abu nod not saying a word as he put on his seatbelt.

"Your seatbelt please ma'am."he say and Nanah shake her head but strap the seatbelt into the hook as she turn her gaze to the window.

She hate that Abu doesn't want to listen to her, she honestly do not have a problem with him marrying a second wife, if she can't produce children for him atleast she shouldn't be selfish to deprive him from having children, the drive home is a quiet one, she mull over and over everything going on in her life and she figure out there's only a single solution to there problem and she know just how to convince him.


Abubakar POV

I still cannot believe it's been a whole 5years since I got married to this woman, it's as if the older she become the beautiful she gets, I love my wife there's no doubt about that even do we have our own differences, we still quarrel and even go a month without speaking with each other but that does not mean we don't love each other.

"Abu."Nanah call climbing the bed and i look up at her, whenever i hear that name i know it's a serious conversation so i drop my phone on the bed giving her my full attention.

"Abu we need to find a solution to this,
Your mum is right,
You know very well i can't give you children, let's be realistic here we cannot live by ourself forever, we've been married for 5years
I'm 32now you are in your middle 40s and we don't have a kid,
Not even one and you think that is ok?
It's not my love and as bad as i don't want to share you with any woman i just have to,
I will consider an adoption but you need to have your own child that you can call your blood since you are privileged to have one."she say with a sigh and I just stare at her.

"Ok."I say and she give me a confuse look.

"Ok?"she say confuse and i shrug.

"What else do you want me to say.
When will the wedding hold on......
I think i might have a solution to this."I say and she just stare at me with a tiring look on her face that makes me chuckle.

"How about we find someone that will produce our kids for us and once her job is done she leave."I suggest and Nanah just stare at me almost pathetically.

"You mean like a "surrogate wife"?she ask and i nod.

I marry her and we plant your egg inside of her you know the normal IVF process if she give birth to our babies i divorce her."I say and Nanah shake her head.

"That's ridiculous Abu,
I know how all this surrogate things turn out to be, beside i don't think it's Islamically approved."she say and i roll my eyes at nanah's primitive way of thinking.

"It's 21st century Nanah,
People do this shit,
Beside you will have the privilege to choose who you want your baby to grow in, she will stay with us and once she give birth she leave,
It's easy,
Nanah i don't want to have a second wife, it's something i have never seen myself doing,
You are enough for me come on,
Let's not talk about this any more."I say reaching to grab her by the hand but she sigh.

"Abu I'm been serious,
I am also tired of staying all by myself, khairat only visit here on holidays,
We need to start our own family."she say and i sigh.

What do you want us to do now,
Nanah this surrogate wife thing alot of people are doing it this days,
It's fair and healthy."I say and she shake her head.

"Abu it's better if you just marry a second wife, I don't want to give high hope on a surrogate wife that I will expect her to leave in 9-10 months only for her to become my forever rival,
Let's not start what we can't finish,
Emotions are always something that got into the way."she say and i sigh.

"Nanah i promise you this will work,.beside you will choose whoever you want,.or do you have someone in mind already?"I ask and she just stare at me.

"I cannot even believe I'm agreeing to this."she say and i chuckle .

"I don't Abu but.......
There's this lady in my place of work,she seems like a good person and well we vibe once in a while,
I don't know you just find someone."she say and i roll my eyes.

"How about we talk about this later?"I say as she climb the bed and lay down with her head on my laps.

We continue to talk mostly me trying to convince her on the surrogate wife issue as we talk about babies names.


3days after the two come to the agreement on the surrogate wife issue Nanah still haven't find someone,
It's a Sunday evening and the two are taking a walk around the estate, Abu is still hesitant to tell Nanah that his mum did find a wife for him because they already come to the agreement to find a surrogate wife.

"Nanah."he call with a sigh and she glance at him.

"My mum brought this girl an......

"She want you to marry her?"she completes the sentence with a shrug.

"I know it Abu,
I'm also not very pleased with this surrogate wife thing ,
What if she run with the baby or whatever."Nanah say and Abu sigh.

"Second wife is a bad idea to."he say and Nanah shrug.

"I don't care Abu atleast we will both be happy,
Just say yes and do your best then...
Well obviously no lady like to hear that news but at some point we just have to deal with it,
So it's fine."Nanah say and abu just grab her by the hand as they continue walking not wanting to prolong the conversation.

The couple continue there evening walk, Abu trying to come up with a solution to avoid the second wife rivalry thing and Nanah thinking of how she do cope sharing her husband with another lady.

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