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For three days the search of khadijah continue but there's no single trace that lead to her disappearance,
Her family keeps searching until there's no place to search,
With his wedding just a week Abubakar feel all interest in marrying Ramlat melt away, sleepless night and overwhelming worrying has been his mood, he keeps Wondering where khadijah is, the previous day he went to her parent to check if there's any new development but nothing comes up, they mention about sadiq but turn out sadiq wasn't even in the country,
Even do her family don't want to think of the worst but it's obvious they are Lossing all hope each passing day, the idea of khadijah been kidnapped is something hajiya halima doesn't want to believe in, if she was kidnapped the portraiture would call for a ransom but there's no call.

"Baba-na."His mum call making him to look at the door and sit upright.

"You haven't gone to work?"she ask and abubakar shake his head.

She's notice how worried her son has been since the news of khadijah disappearance, he barely leave his bedroom and spend less time at work, it's obvious he's worried about her.

"Tomorrow we are taking the lefe to Ramlat house."his mum say and Abubakar glance at his mum for a while and nod.

"Allah ya kaimu Mummy."he say with a weak smile and his mum release a heavy breathe.

"Abubakar is everything okay?
Ever since khadijah disappearance you have been emotionally deranged,
I'm not saying is wrong but?
"Kana sonta neh?"His mum ask and Abu just stare at the elderly lady.

"I'm just worried mum because we were the last people that saw her, I could help but wonder what could we have done differently to prevent this from happening to her."he say and his mum give him a certain look before sighing.

"Baba-na everything that happened has already been predestined by the almighty, even if you do what you can it won't change anything if Allah said such thing will happened,
Just keep praying for the best,
May the Almighty reveal her wherever she is."His mum say and he mutter Ameen.

"I was thinking of going to check on her mum, I spoke with her brother earlier and he said nothing significant have come up so far."Abubakar say and his mum shrug.

"That's good."his mum say and the conversation start to flow, for Abubakar the only thing on his mind is wanting to call off the wedding, how can he even marry when his heart is somewhere else, khadijah is the only thing he seems to be thinking of this past few days.


Pacing in the parlour Hajiya Halima sigh, khadijah disappearance is the only thing that has been on her mind, it's definitely every mother's worst nightmare, khalil say there's probability of she been kidnapped but hajiya halima refused to believe because if she was kidnapped sure enough they will call for ransom but it's been 3days and no significant information.

"Sallamu'alaikum."khalil say entering the parlour, since his sister disappearance he's been stress out, he hasn't sleep well in three days, he doesn't know he's going to reveal the horrible news to his mum, ever since he got the anonymous call yesterday about his sister whereabout, her screaming and yelling voice is the only thing that has been ringing in his ear, as expected khadijah was kidnapped and they are seeking for a huge amount of money, A 100million ransom something Khalil knows regardless how much they gather and sell it won't produce that amount especially with the kidnappers limited of 5days.

waiting for sadiq Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora