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Nanah's POV

"Wlh Nanah you should move on,
If you find a reasonable person "kiyi aurenki" you have tried your best and the almighty have seen your heart,
You should also take this as a lesson."jidderh say as we walk around the mall.

I spend only 5days in Dubai and left,
Abubakar denied me of seeing him since our conversation, that evening i cried in my hotel room, i feel like I'm responsible for everything wrong going on in my life, abubakar doesn't even deserve any of this, I want to wait for as long as i can but then at thesame time I'm scared i will wait in vain, I didn't tell my mum about what happened back in Dubai, even abubakar mum she just tell me to exercise some sabr and that he's going through alot that's why, abubakar had his last surgery before i left, I bought him a goodluck bracelet and a card i gave his mum to give it to him, I also fast and pray for 12days for the almighty to make him better and the surgery should be a successful one,
He doesn't pick my calls but that didn't stop me from calling, I call after every two days, his mum also call me once in a while and assure me he's fine, I did have a healthy relationship with his mum tho.

"Jidderh where will i start from?
Wlh honestly i have loss all interest in relationship."khadijah say and jidderh nod.

"But you will have to make the rightful decision,
If you keep waiting for this boy and h comes back and say he doesn't want to be with you?
Beside you said he already told you he doesn't feel same way anymore then why are you wasting your time."jidderh say as she grab some of the few baby clothes and add it to the cart.

"Wlh i.....I bump into someone and look up.

"Nanah."sadiq call looking at me,
i hiss and brush past him.

"Nanah can we talk please?
Just 5minutes that's all."he say and i give him a pathetic look.

"Go."jidderh whisper in my ear and i give her a look of disbelief.

"Nanah this is the forgiveness we are talking about, you can't keep somethings in you forever."she say and i snort but walk to where he's standing.

I fold my hands to my chest and give him a distain look as he smile weakly at me, if it was before i will find this smile attractive and all but now it just upset me.

"If you don't have anything to say i will leave."I say and he sigh.

"Nanah I'm sorry........he say with a pause.
"My wife died last month during delivery with the baby."he say and i just stare blankly at him because i don't know how that is connected to me.

"I just realised that what i did to you was wrong,
You loved me Nanah and the typed of love you've shown me not even my late wife shows that to me, there are days i wonder why i did what i did to you, I'm sorry even do i know a single apology won't change what I've did or make the pain I've caused you go away but, forgive me please."he say and i just stare at him.

"Sadiq I'm not angry with you anymore,
You are least of the things that bother me and what you did to me it's never your fault like you said previously, it was my fault because had i not been so naive and stupid you wouldn't have taken advantage of me the way you did,
Forgiveness sadiq?
I have forgiven you because had it been i didn't i would have take my vengeance,
I hope you find happiness again and sorry about your wife and baby's death."I say and walk away not interested in making any more conversation.

"What did he say?"jidderh ask as soon as i walk back to her.

"What else?
Just nonsense talk,
Blah,blah, blah about what happened between us, he lost his wife and baby during delivery."I say and jidderh didn't say anything as we continue the baby shopping.

"Second chances are worth it tho,
If you can give him a second chance sha."jidderh say and i shake my head.

"Abeg JD anything that has to do with sadiq i have erased him out if my life, had it been his wife didn't die will he remember any Nanah,
abeg no,
I will rather wait forever than give him a second chance."I say and jidderh glance at me.

"Nanah kenan,
You are such a drama queen,
Isn't it same second chance you want Abubakar to give to you?
What's wrong if you give sadiq a second chance,
Atleast he understand his mistake,
You are not even sure about the status of your relationship with this Abu guy."jidderh say and i didn't comment since i know she's right.

We continue the shopping making small conversation mostly about my complicated relationship and jidderh marital problems.


Abubakar POV

It's been 3months since my last surgery, everything is gradually falling to place, the doctors said I'm healing well now and by the grace of God if after 5-6momths everything goes as expected then i will he all heal, so I literally have another 3momths to keep hoping for the best,
My relationship with my mum is like a wobbling tyre, we are Always quarrelling mostly because of that Nanah girl that i have already closed her chapter in my life,
Rahma is the one i think I'm beginning to fall in love but she made it clear to me that even if i want something with her i have to wait to be alright because it's against the hospital principle which i don't mind since I'm not rushing to start any relationship now,
My main focus is to be better now.

"Why won't you answer her call baba-nah wulakanci babu kyau,
Regardless what this girl did, she apologized,
She said she was sorry and everyone deserve a second chance
"Duk Dan Adam ajizi neh"
We all make mistakes but if we own up to it and try to make a difference i think it's enough."my mum say as she drop the phone by the bed.

I have already told Nanah to move on,
I don't love her,
We are not even destined for each other that's why all this happened,
Please let me face my treatment I don't want to add up to my problems,
Atleast she's perfectly fine and living,
It's nearly a year i have been laying on this bed all because of her,
I'm not blaming her for my accident I just don't want anything that will remind me of how i got into this ."I say and my mum sigh.

"Abubakar the almighty put you in this situation don't blame anyone for the missfortunate going on in your life."my mum say and i shake my head.

"I know the almighty put me in this situation ummah and i know he did that for a reason, what I'm saying is would she show all this affection had it been I'm still healthy,
I feel as do she's doing this out of empathy, let's not mistake the two please, if she feel as do she's indebted of me because of the ransom then please tell her i did it with an open heart and because i want to,
Mummy let's not bring up this conversation up please."I say and she shake her head.

"This Rahma you are eyeing,
You don't even know anything about her."she say and i chuckle.

"Ummah please don't drag Rahma into this, she's just doing her h
Job, she already make it clear to me."I say and my mum keep quiet.

She continue ranting about Nanah and whatsoever until i fall asleep leaving her on her own.

waiting for sadiq Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora