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first I'm impotent now I'm healthy I can't touch my wife,
What's going on Nanah,
We've been wanting this to happened for months or year should i say,
Today is our wedding anniversary."abubakar say frustratedly staring at khadijah who's laying by the left side of the bed facing her back to him.

"You are awake Nanah stop pretending to be asleep,
If there's anything you want to tell me,
Tell me, I'm your husband."abubakar say slightly touching her by the arm but she wiggle away.

"I just want to sleep."she grumble and Abubakar shake his head.

"Nanah this isn't fair,
If i did something to you just tell me but don't.........
Fine insha Allah this is the last time i will talk about this."abubakar say with a huff and turn off the bed lamp before laying on the other side of the bed.

For Abubakar all this doesn't make any sense to him,
All his life he's been looking forward to the day he will spend the night making love to the woman he love,
He's never for once hold a lady hand in the name of romance let alone getting intimate, so all this is new to him, the hormonal change and how his body tingles whenever he's near his wife, the excitement and euphoria, he just want to be a man and possibly a father, or did Nanah find him irritating or what, he just fail to understand what the actual fuck is her problem.

Nanah's POV

"Wlh jidderh I'm just scared,
What if Abu find out?
I'm good as dead."I say with a sigh and jidderh laugh breastfeeding her daughter.

"Nanah men nowadays pay less Attention to all that,
How many of them are virgins?
You doing this will rather even make him more suspicious,
Go and spread your legs open for the man, with how impatient he is I'm not very sure he will even know."jidderh say and i sigh.

"What if he found out and he is not happy,
What explanation will i make?"I ask and jidderh shake her head.

"Nanah spread your legs open first let it happened then we will know what to do next."my best friend say and i shake my head.

I feel really terrible for doing what I'm doing, Abu doesn't deserve any of this he's been patient with me, my mother in-law pressure about grandchild doesn't help, the woman thought I'm the one chasing my career and doesn't want to be pregnant, I glance at the wall clock and decide i will head home, I will make sure i try and let Abu have his way with me, the next time he touch me i won't stop him.

2hours after i got home i make dinner and decide to shower before he got back from work, as i humm the music playing in the television from the bedroom i come out of the bathroom and grab my red lingerie, my brow furrow at the dark bedroom and i walk in.

"Abu."I call sitting on the edge of the bed next to the silhouette body laying.

I lift the duvet and turn on the bedside lamp.

"Is everything alright?"I ask and he shake his head, he removed his worked clothes and it's neatly kept on the couch.

"I'm fine it's just my leg again,
I have taken some medication, it's probably the rain that fall today."he say with a heavy sigh and i stare at him, he isn't staring at me which is unlike him,
Abu always stare into my eyes when talking, it's something that makes me uncomfortable but at thesame time i really love it.

"Abu what is it?"I ask again and he look at me with a weak smile.

"Nothing I'm serious,
I just need some sleep and i will be alright."he say and i nod.

"Should i bring you dinner?"I ask and he shake his head.

"I will eat later if i wake up."he say and i nod, I gently path him on the head and put the duvet back on his body i turn off the bed lamp and exit the bedroom to round up with my night chores before I join him on the bed.


For Abubakar he decide it's best if he let Nanah be rather than pressurizing her on the issue of there sexual life, he stop bothering her and try to just focus on other things, even do there are days where he helplessly lay on the bed fighting whatever hormone messing with his emotions, as always he got back from work early and he's laying on the bed.

"Abu."Khadijah call and he look up.

She sit next to him and stare at him with a sigh.

"Abu did i do something wrong?"Nanah ask and abubakar look at her surprisingly.

No, stand up."he say lifting his wife who's about kneeling down.

"Why are you crying?
Nanah you didn't do anything to me i promise."he say worriedly hugging her still trying to comprehend and place a finger on what she's trying to say.

After a while she come out of her husband embrace and he wipe her tears with his hand with a frown.

"Why did you stop trying?"Nanah ask and he look at her confuse.

"Trying what?"he ask as he stare at his wife now puffy eyes.

Nanah stay quiet a for a while not knowing how she will tell Abu what she actually mean.

"Abu I'm sorry for pushing you away,
It's just."she pause and Abu frown already understanding what the conversation is about.

"Nanah it's fine,
Whenever you are ready,
I'm not in a rush to,
I love you and that's all that matters,
I think I was over reacting to everything."abubakar say and Nanah just stare at him.

Abu has been through alot because of her, she has always been the one causing unnecessary problem in there life and the least she can do it's not try to be selfish again, beside what's the worst that can happen,
She lean forward and press her lips with his which caught him off guard and he gently push her away.

"Nanah you don't have to do this if you don't want to."he say but she shake he head.

"I'm ready Abu,
I love you and.......she shake her head and grab him by the face making him to chuckle.

"Okay tigress let's do this like humans."he say and Nanah chuckle.

That night it's the start of a beautiful happily after but as the saying goes, the road to happiness is never easy, for Nanah and abubakar it's just the beginning of there journey

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