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15days after her release Nanah still cannot get rid of the disturbing memories from her head,
She was found unconscious miles away from where her brother dropped the moneybag for the kidnappers, she was rushed to the hospital and was admitted for three days, it was an overwhelming moment for the entire family and friends.

"Nanah."Hajiya Halima call entering the bedroom as khadijah stare at her blankly .

She badly want to ask her family how they managed to arranged such huge amount of money within short period of time, but anytime she try to bring up the topic her mum always brush it off saying what matters it's she's now safe, she hoped her family are not indebted of a bank or something because of her, she feel so bad and responsible for putting them in such situation.

"Abubakar is here to see you."her mum say and khadijah didn't say anything she just continue to stare blankly at her mum.

She saw Abubakar at the hospital once, there last conversation that night before she ran into the arm of danger is still as fresh as ever in her head.

"Nanah."her mum call and she humm in response, hajiya halima grab her hands with a smile, if she can she will tell Nanah, abubakar was the one that help them out with the money but they've already make that promised to abubakar that they won't tell Nanah.

"Abubakar care about you,
I don't know what you've been through but please that shouldn't be a reason you will not give him a chance."her mum say and khadijah sigh.

After spending this Few days in the hand of this kidnappers she just loss interest in everything, be it relationship or whatsoever, that feeling and anticipation of wanting to be with someone just vanish,
Besides abubakar doesn't deserve her love because she believe if he had pay attention to her that night all this wouldn't have happened to her, she's the victim in this situation and she doesn't want his empathy.

"I will be out in a jiffy ummah."she say and her mum nod before standing up and exit the bedroom.

Abubakar POV

I do be lieing to myself if i say I'm not nervous, sure i have seen khadijah after her release but it was in the hospital and we didn't even exchange a single word, i have been soo busy lately, from trying to convince my parents and mend my relationship with them especially after calling off the wedding, I feel so bad Ramlat family where upset especially ramlat but i believe us for the best, than faking a relationship it's best if we both go our see ways, I don't even want to think of how ramlat will feel if she find out Nanah is the person I'm in love with, life can be a bit complicated sometimes, the front door open and i look up from where I'm standing, I stay outside because i don't think i will be comfortable speaking with Nanah inside the house knowing her mum is in there, she's wearing a long black hijab, her gaze pinned to the floor making me to release a heavy breathe.

"Good evening."i greet staring at her as she stand 5feets away from me.

"Evening."she say it's almost like a whisper but i still hear, she's staring ahead of me, I don't know if she's trying to avoid eye contact or she's staring at something, we stay quiet for a while before i decide to speak.

How are you doing?"I ask and she grumble fine.

"Mentally?"I say and she release a heavy breathe before turning her gaze to me, she stare at me for a while before shaking her head.

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