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"Mummy wlh I'm late,
This month i have received 2query because of that,
I will take the fabrics when i close from work."khadijah say grabbing the fabric nylon.

Please drop it off before you head to work, they need it this morning,
Yi hakuri."her mum say and khadijah sigh.

"Mummy wlh that estate is far from my work place,
If they give me another query wlh...... khadija mumble and her mum sigh.

"Nobody will give you any query,
Take the fabrics i will give you 20k if they finish the payment."hajiya halima say and khadijah smile goofily at her mum as she exit the parlour.

"Wlh mummy i will collect,
I'm broke.'khadijah say and exit the parlour her mum laughing at her infantile behavior.

Once outside khadijah sigh, she will need a taxi here because the fabrics are much and she can't walk down the road with it, as if luck is on her side the yellow taxi drop a woman two blocks away and start driving towards her Making her to sigh in relief.

"AQ estate."Khadijah say opening the taxi door and drop the fabrics nylon before she hop in.

It's going to be about 30minutes drive to the estate, she glance at the hazy cloud and mutter some prayers for the rain not to fall until she reaches work as she glance at he phone screen,
She's going to be in for it with this late coming thing that's it's becoming a part of her.

"Abu sai yau, wata sabon Gani."A lady probably in her late 20s say as she come inside the parlour.

"It's not like that,
You know how this our work can be,
How man go do,
Where are the children?"he ask looking around the parlour.

"They went out with zakiya,
I think they will be back soon,
This one you are in my house today I'm sure this rain will fall."she say and glance outside through the curtain.

"Mum told me rabiat was sick i come to check on her."Abubakar say as he grab one of the orange on the table.

She's fine now B........ there's a knock on the door and she stand up.

Abubakar sigh and look o at the wedding portrait on the neatly painted wall, Safiya is his first cousin, they grew up together and attended same school right from primary down to university, they have a healthy solid relationship, they always got each other's back.

"Come in please."safiya say gaining his attention and he look up to the door in suprisation.

"Good afternoon."khadijah greet with a smile and look around the modernize parlour.

Thank you soo much,
I have been expecting you,
Have a sit let me get you the money."safiya say and head upstairs.

Khadija scroll through her phone, she cannot even believe she meet abubakar again, he sure have a way of showing up unexpectedly in her life.

"Good afternoon Nanah."Abubakar say with a lopsided smile and khadijah glance at him before turning he gaze back to her phone screen.

"The attitude"

Abubakar mentally thought and release a heavy breathe as a heavy storm echo around the parlour and a heavy rain start to fall making khadijah to sigh in frustration.

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