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Sitted in the parlour watching the television as she cut her nails humming along the music playing Fatima smile at nothing in particular, she wakes up happy and not sick,
The past few days the pregnancy isn't giving her much stress, mostly because she's done with the first trimester, now in her 5th month her bump is very prominent,
Abubakar prevent her from doing anything, Nanah is usually the one that do the chores around the house and even clean up Fatima's bedroom,
Fatima did felt sorry for Nanah but she herself doesn't like chores and she wouldn't trade this for anything.

"Fatima."Nanah call from the kitchen door gaining her attention,
Nanah barely speak to her usually she just do what she have to and ignore her presence which Fatima doesn't mind, beside at the end of the day she's the one carrying the pregnancy And will always be Abu's first priority.

"Na,am."she answer grabbing the remote and reduce the volume.

"Please do check on this food that's on the stove i want to go and pray."Nanah say and Fatima nod before turning her Attention to the television increasing the music volume at once.

Nanah shake her head muttering "young adult"before exiting the kitchen and head upstairs.

There's nothing much going on in her life, Nanah feel as do to give up in this marriage, nothing seems to be working out for her and it's as if the more effort apply the more everything seems to crumble down,
Abu always picking offense on whatever she does, 2days ago jidderh once again paid her a visit after a very long time, she did voice out to her what's going on in her life and jidderh did advice her to to leave before it's to late
"End the relationship and cry once it's better than staying in the relationship and have to cry everyday"jidderh said to her, it did make sense but nanah knows five years is a long time to give up on her marriage they have been through alot with Abu and she isn't any younger, she's in her early 30's with a serious medical condition that wouldn't allow her to have her own child, which man in his right sense will want to marry her,
She feel so trapped and helpless.

Once I'm her bedroom she takes her time to shower, change and then pray,
Once she's done she exit the bedroom and head downstairs, suprise to see Fatima still rooted in same spot she left her, Nanah sigh and enter the kitchen.

The burnt smell is exactly what welcomes her making her to rush to the pit and open the now burnt white rice in the pot, furious is the exact word to explain how she's feeling she storm out of the kitchen with the pot in her hand.

"Fatima what is this fisabillilallah?
Didn't i ask you to look after this food?

"Nanah i forgot and beside my legs are aching me, sorry."Fatima say rudely and Nanah look at the little girl suprisely.

"Don't talk to me like that,
I'm not your mate and if not because of qadr you won't have the privilege to be sitting in this parlour crossing your legs as do you own it and be speaking to me the way you are doing."Nanah say warningly and Fatima snort before grabbing the remote and increase the television volume.

Nanah just stare at the little girl, even her late Junior sister is older than fatima and if not because of circumstances she wouldn't mind beating the girl, Nanah head back to the kitchen and trash the mow brownish looking rice,
She decide to cook a small quantity just for she and Abu,

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