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4days, exact four days of agonizing pain since she got here, Nanah still find it hard to believe that she's in this situation, surrounded by the heavy bushes, deep inside the forest, sleeping under a disgusting floor with mosquitoes bites every single second that pass, she do always see people been post on social media that they are been kidnapped, she never thought even for once that she will one day become a victim.

"Eat it."one of the kidnappers say throwing the plate of a dirty looking white rice and Nanah flip it to the dirt.

"I don't want your food, let me go to my family."she yell for the 100th time that day and the man angrily grab her by the hair making her to scream.

"How dare you throw the h
You will die of hunger, pray that your family should get the money by tomorrow or else."he say with a tight grip to her hair as she cry.

"My hair."she say with a sniff a d he let go with a forceful push making her to slamm her to slamm her face to the sand as she breakdown.

Khadija feel tired, she know very well it will take time before her family can come up with such huge amount of money, they are just an average family living a healthy lifestyle where can they get 100mill, she feel so sorry for putting her family in this horrible situation.

"You are going to talk to your family,
Let them know if by tomorrow they don't have the money you will be death."he say gripping her by the hair once again as she cry, sure enough she wasn't the only victim , there are 4other people that she met 2where released 2days ago, one who try to run away was brutally beaten and raped, the boy who's family failed to come with the money was shot and killed yesterday, it's a horrible sight, it terrifies Nanah and she wonder what her own fate would be.

"Hello."her brother voice say the phone is place in her front on loudspeaker.

"Ya khalil....ya...please save me.....they are going to kill me please, help ..........they don't let her complete the sentence he push her to the dirty floor as she land on a sharp broken bottle making her to scream and breakdown as she hear one of the kidnapper threatening her brother if they failed to meet with there demand, she cry and cry wondering what sort of cruel fate lead her into the arm of this horrible, emotionless beings.


"This is the 85million naira,
Do you have the remaining 15million with you?"Abubakar ask impatient as he hand the black duffle bag to khalil.

This is it."he say and the two transfer the money to the duffle bag before abubakar release a satisfying breathe.

He could only come up with 85million do to the duration of the short noticed, it's all his life savings and have to even sold one of his house at a very low price to get the money quickly but he doesn't care all he want is Nanah to be back and ok, when the kidnappers called earlier he was with her brother in the bank and the yelping sound and her cry alone makes him scared, the thought of she going through such horrible situation upset him, he even blame himself for not forcing her to come with him that unfaithful night.

"They said the money will be delivered tomorrow 4am, that's before subhi prayer."khalil say and abubakar glance at his wrist watch that's showing 6pm.

"Just call me before you go."abubakar say and khalil nod, he leave the office with the bag of money as abubakar sit on the chair behind the large desk with a sigh.

His phone ring and his mum name appear on the screen making him to sigh, he stare at the phone for a while before he answer the call and place the phone to his ear with a heavy sigh.

"Ummah."Abubakar say as he massage his forehead with a sigh, he know very well his mum isn't very happy about him giving soo much money even do he told her it's 40million he's giving which is half the money he gave.
He listen to his mum ranting to Him to come back home for his first wedding event which is a cocktail whatsoever, that's least of his problem he want Nanah out of that place, how can they even be comfortable with all the wedding stuff amidst all this.

He drop the phone on the desk with a sigh, he cannot conte this wedding, he doesn't even love ramlat, he knows one can learn to love but he just cannot, he is deeply and lost in love with khadijah. With alot of thoughts in his head he leave the office and head back home.

Abubakar POV

"Baba-na bu.....

"Ummah,"I interrupt scratching the back of my head with a facepalm.

"Mummy i want to call off the wedding."I say and my mum give me a confuse look .

"If i marry ramlat, I will never be happy,
I love someone else,
I know i should have say this earlier but.......... it's quite complicated "shiyasa"I say with a sigh and my mum release a deep breath.

"Sadiqu you know i won't have a problem with all this had it been the wedding isn't near, and you know your dad very well,
What about the guest?
Ramlat family?
You have to think about this,
You can marry ramlat and later marry this girl you are in love with,
It's better rather than calling off a wedding that is just 4days away."my sister say and i shake my head.

"Ummah i can't marry two wives,
I won't do that justice, the burden and all i cannot,
I will speak to dad,
Ramlat...........well, i will speak to her and her parents will understand,
The guest an apology will be fine but I cannot continue like this ummah."I say and she give me a certain look.

"Is this about Nanah?"my mum ask and i release a heavy breathe with a nod.

"It is mum
Nanah is the girl I'm in love with,
I'm sorry all this is.........

It's fine, may the Almighty choose what's best for us,
You will have to meet your dad first with this issue,
I Honestly don't know how i will start this
"Allah shige mana gaba"my mum say and i mutter Ameen.

We talk for a while and I explain to her that tomorrow by the grace of Almighty Nanah will be out of those criminals, it's still odd how the insecurity of the country keeps getting worst everyday and the government have fail to do anything.

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