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Tears they say speak more eloquently than thousands words, they are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep emotions and of unspeakable love, never in her entire life have she cry like this, even when sadiq did what he did to her she didn't cry this much but with Abubakar it's different,
Nanah couldn't make it home from Abu's house, the taxi driver have to rush her to the hospital because of how out of breathe she was,
She has been having serious asthmatic attack in a role since the incidence,
She still find it hard to believe that Abu would do something like that to her, they've been together for five years and in those five years they've been through alot and she has made mistakes yet Abu overlooked them but then what's so different this time.

"Nanah."jidderh call worriedly looking at her bestfriend who's laying on the bed still crying, it's been 5argonizing days.

"Isn't it obvious to you,
Nanah this man doesn't deserve you or your tears,
I'm assuring you that you will heal and this will come to pass,
Stop crying."jidderh say and Nanah clean her tears but the tears still emerges.

The more she try to stop herself the more the tears erupt from her eyes.

"I....I can't stop myself jidderh,
Wh..at....what..have i done wrong to always go through this type of heartbreak,
I have given all to that relationship,
I did same with sadiq and it didn't stop him from hurting me the way he does and then Abubakar.......
What have done wrong to him,
I have made the necessary sacrifice because of that marriage,
Look at me jidderh i have nothing and i can't even recognize my own self."Nanah lament between sob as jidderh just hug her saying all the soft words she can as tho that will change anything.

"You have to take care of yourself Nanah, re build yourself and become your old self we are all here for you,
If you can leave this town, go somewhere start afresh and leave all this behind,
You aren't the only woman that is the victim of such wickedness but if you dont give up and keep pushing wlh by Allah you will find happiness,
Age doesn't matter you are still looking young, you will find a reasonable someone better than him,
Because the almighty himself say "After sabr beautiful things awaits you" jidderh quote and Nanah just stare at her, she feel guilty for the way she's been mistreating everyone and yet they are all here for her despite that.

"Jidderh thank you and I'm sorry for the way i treated you."Nanah say and jidderh smile.

"We are bestfriend Nanah and we are supposed to be there for each other,
Now wipe those tears and let's go outside so you can receive some fresh air."jidderh say standing up as she sigh.

"It's almost time to pick this girl from school."jidderh say as she help Nanah up.

"I'm sure khairat to will soon be back ,
I already told ummah to stop by the school and pick her."Nanah say as the two ladies exit the house, they both sit in the porch talking like old times, mostly jidderh encouraging Nanah to start something if she finished her iddah and just move on.

The iddah period they say last for 89 days and within this 89 days the man have every right to settle things with his wife after divorcing Nanah that day Abubakar find myself regretting, it's been 79 days and he knows within this 10 days he have to do something to bring back his wife, Fatima is in her last trimester of the pregnancy, he sent her to her parents her so she can deliver there so he won't have to deal with her tantrums, he doesn't know what he was thinking that day he was just so angry at Nanah how can she even say all that to him, he couldn't control his anger and pride they say makes us do things we will end up regretting, he just wanted Nanah to understand that he's the man in the marriage and she will have to respect him for that.

"Dr Should i sent the next patient?"the nurse ask and Abu look up from the desk.

I'm heading home,
Tomorrow please I'm having serious headache."he say and quickly stand up he grab the necessary things he need and leave the hospital home thinking of a way he will bring Nanah back home.

7days pass and Abu knows regardless how he value his ego, at some point he just have to bring down himself to get what he want as the Hausa proverb says "durkusa wa wada ba gajiyawa bane" so just because he bring down himself to get his wife back doesn't mean anything at all,
He decide the next day he will go to nanah's house, he's sure she will be excited and there's no way Nanah will ignore him it's what she's always wanted for him to come after her whenever she leave him, he call in for a small cleaning services and the house was neatly clean and arrange, he turn on the burner and put some of the turaren wuta Nanah left behind and he found himself smiling they bring back nostalgic memories, Nanah is indeed a blessing to him.



For 88days i have been indoor, I use the iddah period to learn alot online and watch all the necessary motivational vidoes that will uplift my self esteem, I just want to concentrate on myself, maybe what sadiq said to me was right "put yourself first because nobody love you more than your own self"
I have learn to say no when I want to say yes because it's the healthy thing for me,
I have learn to let go and be happy with how i am above all,
I have learn to be my own self and do my own thing without thinking of what anyone or the society will say because at the end nobody will love me the way I love my own self,

Abu will certainly not show up,
He's a man with alot of ego and even tho he show up I'm not going anywhere, I have made up my mind and I just want to move on,
My mum suggested i move to her elder sister that stays in Ghana to start afresh which is a good idea I'm looking forward to going there and stay with my aunty Rukayya she's married and is blessed with a single daughter who already married with children i guess,
I'm leaving in a week time with khairat because she's the only thing that Matters to me right now,

I'm currently in my bedroom arranging some of my things, tomorrow is my last day in iddah and after tomorrow I'm ready to go out and see how outside looks like.

"Aunty Nanah,
Mummy is calling you."khairat say entering the bedroom and i sigh.

"Tell her I'm coming."I say and she run out of the room,

I sigh and stand up with a sigh and exit the bedroom but halt by the parlour lobby entrance.

I stare at abubakar,
He's wearing a white kaftan and he's sitting on the one sitter couch looking as regal as always.

Abu is here to.........

"I'm not going any where ummah,
I have already heal and close that chapter."I say with a hiss and head back to my bedroom slamming the bedroom door shut instantly breaking down.

Why now?
Why did he have to show up now?
My bedroom door open and my mum walk inside.

"Nanah."my mum call and i quickly clean my face and turn

"Mummy please don't tell me to go back,
I have work hard on myself,
I know you are worried that I'm in my early 30's and i won't find a better spouse but that's least of my problem now,
Marriage, kids they all come when it's the right time,
Abu made his decision that day and I'm making mine today,
Regardless how difficult this is for me ,
I'm not going back ummah,
Abu should move on and I will do same."I say and my mum stare at me with a sigh.

She sit me on the edge of the bed and grab me by the hand, As she start to talk i instantly breakdown,
Mother's words they say are the coolest and yet the intense,
That afternoon my mum and I had the longest conversation we ever had,
She analyse the positivity of me going back to my husband house but left the decision of wether or not for me to go back in my own hand, and that afternoon I make the most difficult decision in my life, A decision that will either change my life or ruined my life.

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