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"Aren't you going to work today?"Abubakar ask his wife who's still laying on the bed.

As expected she didn't answer making him to blow some air out of his mouth as he put on the Navy blue scrubs.

"Nanah stop doing this to yourself,
I'm sick and tired of this attitude of yours, you haven't say a word to me for the past 5 days and obviously that's alright to you."abubakar say and glance at his wife.

"I want to go home."she say and he give her a confuse look.

"Home?"he ask and she nod.

"I'm not enjoying this marriage,
Abu i passed out five days ago and all you care about is work?"Nanah say and abubakar give her a confuse look.

"You passed out because of dehydration and stress,
Nanah please stop trying to create problems where there is none."abubakar say and sit on the edge of the bed.

"You don't care again Abu,
How can you even go to work comfortably knowing I'm upset with you?"khadijah say and Abu give her a confuse look, he's trying really hard not to laugh because Nanah is just been ridiculous.

"I'm sorry."abubakar say and Nanah stare at him for a while.

"You are not."she say and Abu shake his head tiredly.

"Nanah I'm late for work,
We will talk when I get back."he say and stand up not interested in whatever nagging she wants to start.

6months later

Abubakar POV

"Then tell your mum to stop nagging about babies,
Abu we both have been to the fertility clinic and you heard wjat the doctor said,
Why is your mum so damn adamant and blaming me for not having kids,
I'm sick of all this."my wife say slamming the door shut as i sit on the edge of the bed.

"You are over reacting to all this Nanah,
Come on haba."I say irritated, it's always like this whenever we visit my mum, I understand that my mum want grandchildren but that doesn't still give Nanah the right to say sit about my mum.

That Evening the long quarrel between Nanah and i lasted the whole night, it's been like this for the past six months.

The next morning we both head to work without exchanging a word with each other, Nanah always does that whenever we quarrel we don't speak to each other for like 2weeks
I don't want to say I'm fed up with this marriage but i am, it's draining all my energy and affecting me mentally.


"Nanah don't do it,
Why will you even think about doing something like that?
What if your husband find out?"jidderh say still objecting the suggestions her bestfriend bring up regarding the pregnancy conceiving issue.

"Then what do you want me to do,
Beside Abu won't even find out,
I'm tired of all this jidderh,
The marriage have even tired me already."khadijah say and jidderh sigh.

"Nanah it doesn't matter every marriage you see have it's own problem,
Just be patient please think about what i say,
Abu is a doctor don't forget that."jidderh say and khadijah snort.

The two talk for a while and by noon khadijah leave, regardless the advice jidderh give to her Nanah still go to the hospital downtown, she's been thinking and already made up her mind, she know this will either go well or wrong, the idea of planting another man child inside of her isn't the right thing to do but it's the only thing she could come up with, she have already speak with the doctor for a sperm donor which he called her this morning and let her know everything is ready and the procedure can hold on today, she hate that she's doing this but she's desperate and Abu isn't helping the situation the last time she spoke to him about IVF he decline saying they don't need it and the almighty will bless them when it's the right time.

Nanah spend the next 4hours in the hospital and by the time the procedure is done and she rest for a while it's past 9pm, she head straight home happy and at thesame time worried if she actually did the right thing.

Nanah's POV

3weeks after my IVF procedure and everything seems to be going fine, I'm just guilty and at thesame time scared, I know the probability of Abu finding out about this if 0% but at thesame time i couldn't help.

"Nanah."my husband call coming out from the closet all dress up.

"Aren't you done?"he ask and i sigh.

We are going for one of Abu friends wedding, I'm feeling really sick this evening, I don't want to say I'm not going and Abu will pick offense out of it so I'm sluggishly dressing up.

"I'm done i will just put on my clothes."I say and he nod.

After another 40minutes of running around the room trying to look my best I'm done, Abu already tell me he's waiting in the parlour downstairs so i quickly head there but halfway walking on the stairs i feel really dizzy I hold the rail and gently walk down and the more i try to steady my steps the difficult it seems and i crumble on the stairs.

I wake up sweaty, aside that i feel really tired, I flutter my eyes open and I'm in our bedroom, I glance at the wall clock and isn't suprise to see it's past midnight.

I sigh and sit upright i come down from the bed with a sigh and head to the bathroom, my stomach grumble making me to shake my head, once I'm done with my business in the bathroom I head downstairs, suprise to see Abu awake because i know very well my husband isn't a night Person.

"Abu you are awake?"I ask and he glance at me but turn his gaze back to the television.

I shake my head at him and head to the kitchen, I grab the dinner from yesterday and set it in the microwave as i patiently wait for it.

My mind wander to earlier and i shake my head wondering what makes me to pass out, I grab my food and head back to the parlour, I sit next to my husband but he just shift clearly not interested.

"You are pregnant?"he say and i look at him trying to act suprise.

Really?"I say and he turn his gaze to me.

"Yes you are."he say and i smile.

Isn't that a good news?"I ask looking at him and he stare at me for a while before standing up.

"You should find the father of your child Nanah,
Because I'm not."he say and head upstairs as i feel all my appetite gone at once

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