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"Nanah can you please make something for me to eat?"Abubakar ask and Nanah look up from what she's doing.

"Abu i thought Fatima prepared something,
I'm busy wlh if you can wait for another 30minutes toh,
If you can't you should go and microwave that same rice you don't want to eat."Nanah say without a care and Abu just stare at her in bewilderment, his Nanah that will cook three square meal for him and even extra meal if he demand for.

"Nanah why are you doing this mana?
I haven't eat anything since morning,
I had a busy long day at work and.......

"Abu stop saying all this please,
There's door in the fridge,
I cooked that rice this morning,
I'm not very strong,
If you don't know i had an accident on my way home, so please all this small chores I'm doing I'm just managing."she say and close the laptop with a sigh.

"Please lock the door if you are leaving i want to turn on my turaren wuta burner."she say and head to the bathroom making Abu to sigh.

"He cannot remember when last he eat a leftover probably since his junior secondary school days and he's certainly not going to eat that rice,
He leave the bedroom and head back downstairs.

The food is still in the dinning table as he left them making him to hiss and enter the kitchen, he's never in his entire life see a kitchen so distorted before, everywhere is just so dirty and It's irritating him to the bone, certainly Fatima isn't good in handling house chores and that's something he's never going to tolerate, he open the fridge and remove the yoghurt with a sigh, he grab the few cup cakes Nanah baked few days ago and leave the kitchen,
He cannot even believe he have two wives yet he's not eaten a decent meal through out today,
He sit in the parlour on the carpeted floor and start drinking the yoghurt muttering to himself.

Sleep is something Fatima enjoy doing, aside sleep she enjoy roaming the street of twitter and other social media pages, laying on her bed that abubakar forcefully make her arrange it she laugh wholeheartedly as she drink the chivita drink,
She glance at the time on her phone and sigh, it's almost time for maghrib and she haven't even pray Asr,
She drop the phone with a sigh.

"Let me rest a little."she say and lay on the pillow that's on the floor next to her,

Her mind wander to earlier and she snort, abubakar shouldn't have spoke to her that way regardless how tasteless the food is, she hiss lowly as she feel her eyes shutting making a yawn escape her mouth.

Nanah's POV

I don't know what to expect coming down the stairs but certainly not my husband sleeping on the couch in the parlour, the empty yoghurt bottle and half eaten cupcake make me shake my head, Abu and his principle of not eating leftover, I glance at the dinning table with a sigh before walking to where Abu he's laying down.

"Abu."I call tapping him by the foot and his eyes flutter open.

"Aren't you going to the mosque?"I ask and he glance at the wall clock before sitting upright with a sigh.

He stand up and head upstairs making me to snort at his attitude, I grab the empty bottle of yoghurt and the cupcake papers and head to the kitchen.

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